Topic 18: Organic Chemistry III Flashcards
What is the formula of benzene?
- C6H6
Describe the Kekulé model and why it is not completely accurate
- it was proposed that benzene was made of a planar ring of carbon atoms with alternating single and double bonds between them (basically cyclohex-1, 3, 5-triene)
- each carbon also bonded to one H atom
- we would expect benzene to have three bonds with the length of a C-C bond (154pm) and three with C=C bonod length (134pm)
- but X-ray diffraction show that all benzene carbon-carbon bonds have the same length of 140pm
Describe the delocalised model
- each carbon atom forms three σ-bonds (one to H atom, one to each neighbouring carbon atom)
- these bonds form due to head-on overlap of their atomic orbitals
- each carbon atom has one remaining p-orbital, containing one elctron, which sticks out above and below the plane of the ring
- these p-orbitals one each of the carbon atoms overlap sideway to form a ring of π-bonds that are delocalised around the carbon ring
- the delocalised π-bonds are made up of two ring-shaped clouds of electrons, one above, one below
- all bonds are the same, so have the same length
How does the enthalpy changes of hydrogenation of benzene give evidence of the delocalised structure?
- when an alkene reacts with H gas, two H atoms add across the double bonds
- cyclohexene has one double bone and when hydrogenated, the enthalpy change is -120kJ/mol
- so you’d expect benzene to be -360kJ/mol using Kekule’s structure
- but experimentally, hydrogenation of benzene is -208kJ/mol, far less exothermic
- this means more energy is needed to break bonds in benzene because more energy had to be put in to break the bonds and than the energy released when bonds are made
- the extra stability to though to be due to the delocalised ring of electrons
Does benzene undergo addition reactions under room temp like other alkenes?
- alkenes react easily with bromine water, decolourising it
- but benzene needs to be hot and have UV light for it to occur
- this is due to the delocalised π-bonds in benzene
- they spread out the negative charge and made the benzene ring very stable
- this supports the delocalised model
- furthermore, alkenes strongly attracts electrophiles due to the π-bond in C=C double bond being an area of localised high electron density
- in benzene, this attraction is reduced to the negative charge being spread out
How does benzene burn?
- you get a very smoky flame
- there is too little oxygen to combust the benzene completely
What happens when arenes undergo electrophilic substitutions?
- two of the delocalised electrons are donated to the electrophile, forming a new covalent bond
- very unstable intermediate is formed
- C-H bond breaks heterolytically
- two electrons are returned to delocalised ring
- very unstable intermediate is formed
- H+ ion is formed as a byproduct
Why is a halogen carrier needed for electrophilic substitution reactions?
- the delocalised π-bonds in benzene means that charge density is spread out across the ring, requiring a strong positive charge to be able to attack the benzene ring
- but most compounds aren’t polarised enough so a hydrogen carrier is needed
- a halogen carrier accepts a lone pair of electrons from a halogen atom on an electrophle
- as a lone pair of electrons in pulled away, the polarisation in the molecule increases, making the electrophile stronger
Describe halogenation of benzene
Describe the nitration of benzene to create nitrobenzene
Describe Friedel-Crafts Alkylation
- uses halogenoalkanes
- also uses other electrophiles containing AlCl3 to create alcohols
Describe Friedel-Crafts Acylation
- substitutes an acyl group for an H atom on benzene
- reflux benzene with an acyl chloride to produce phenylketones
- reactants are heated under reflux in a non-aqueous solvent
Describe the addition reaction of benzene of hydrogen
- Benzene + 3H2 → cyclohexane
- raney nickel catalyst
- 200C
Reaction of benzene and acid anhydride
What is the formula of phenol
- C6H5OH
What is the structure of phenol?
- one of the lone pairs of electrons in the p-orbital of the oxygen atom overlaps with the delocalised π-bonds iin the benzene ring
- so the lone pair of electrons from the oxygen aotm is partially delocalised
- high electron density in the ring