Topic 13 Euthanasia Flashcards
What is active euthanasia?
When person is given something eg lethal injection to end life
What is passive euthanasia?
Letting someone die via removal of medical support
What is voluntary euthanasia?
When person has signed document to say they want their life to be ended if become terminally ill
What is non voluntary euthanasia?
When relatives make decision for them or they are in a PVS (can’t move, in coma, no brain activity)
What is involuntary euthanasia?
When someone states they don’t want euthanasia but when they are terminally ill relatives etc decided it’s the best thing for them
What is indirect euthanasia?
Doctrine of double effect, given treatment eg overdose of morphine to treat a symptom which may have side effect of shortening life
What is physician assisted suicide?
Illegal in uk but not in all parts of America
Doctor provides means for patient to end their life, but the patient self administers it
What is the law in the UK?
- Active is illegal
- 1961 suicide act - illegal to assist suicide
- 2006 refused to pass assisted dying bill which would have allowed PAS
- Doctor who deliberately ends life can be charged w manslaughter / murder
- Double effect allowed
What is the tony bland case?
- In PVS after Hillsborough at 18
- Not suffering, as brain had been damaged
- No point in continuing treatment, but illegal to withdraw
- Loophole in law which allowed doctors to not actively administer anything and withdraw feeding tubes etc + he died
- First time passive euthanasia was allowed
What is the law in Switzerland?
- Assisted suicide but not euthanasia is allowed
- Patients take pentobarbital via drink or syringe into a tube, have to be able to move tho
- Dignitas is origination to help non Swiss nationals to travel to Switzerland to commit suicide
Who is Reg Crew?
- Suffered from advanced stages of motor neurone disease, wanted life to be terminated at dignitas
- Travelled there with wife + tv crew
- Drank drug
- Wife interviewed by police on her return home but not charged
What are RCC views on euthanasia?
- Against both active + passive
- Human life = god’s gift, all live valuable even if involves suffering and even if in PVS
- Ecclesiastes 3 ‘he sets the time for birth and for death’ only god gives life so can take it away
- Bible - Ten Commandments ‘do not murder’
- Death has spiritual value, euthanasia might deprive someone of a chance to repent + might be sent to hell
- Duty to care for sick as jesus did
What does the RCC believe that allows euthanasia in some circumstances?
- Doctors shouldn’t go to extraordinary lengths to save life
- Doctrine of double effect- morphine - primary intention is pain control
‘True compassion leads to sharing another’s pain, it dos not kill the person whose suffering we cannot bear’ Evangelium vitae
CofE views on euthanasia
- gift from god etc
- duty to offer care to suffering in society
- doctrine of double effect
- recommend hospice movement as alternative to euthanasia as allows dignified death
Quaker views on euthanasia
- some friends believe it should be allowed so can die w dignity
- some friends believe we should offer proper support via hospices so euthanasia isn’t necessary
- clearness meetings, where ppl can prepare for death in an atmosphere of worship
- respect decision as long as in line w conscience
Liberal christian views on euthanasia
- Jesus did not allow ppl to suffer , love your neighbour - allowing someone to die w dignity is expressing this love
- Ecclesiastes 3 ‘a time to kill and a time to heal’ when euthanasia might be appropriate
What are non religious arguments for euthanasia
- Quality of life more than SOL eg more loving to let them die than prolong suffering (animal s put down, ppl also deserve this kindness)
- Ppl should have autonomy + right to decide when they die -> can die with dignity as have control
- Suicide is legal so why not allow euthanasia, just because someone is not capable of committing suicide doesn’t mean they do not have the right
- No point keeping terminally ill person alive if don’t want to live -> if medical treatment has extended life beyond natural means, doesn’t make financial sense to treat person who cannot be cured/ doesn’t want to live
Non religious arguments against euthanasia
- No need, palliative care available in hospices to die w dignity
- Euthanasia prevents compassion + devalues life (ppl wont know how to deal w suffering)
- How do you police it to prevent abuse of system, pressuring into euthanasia or depression
- Slippery slope argument - once legalised could lead to euthanasia on demand
- Doctor’s role to save lives, patient lack of trust if aware or euthanasia