Topic 1.12- 1.17- Energy resources Flashcards
List non renewable energy sources
- fossil fuels: coal, natural gas, oil,
- Nuclear
List renewable energy sources
- wind
- solar
- hydroelectric
- geothermal
- biofuels
- tidal
What is a fossil fuel
hydrocarbon-containing material formed naturally in the earth’s crust from the remains of dead plants and animals.
What are the three main types of fossil fuels
coal, crude oil, natural gas
What are the main uses of fossil fuels
- burned to provide heat
- to power engines
- to generate electricity
What are the pros of fossil fuels
- relatively cheap
- used in any conditions
- infrastructure designed to run on it
What are the cons of fossil fuels
- limited resource
- produce CO2 when burned
- produce toxic gases when burned
What is nuclear energy
energy obtained via nuclear reactions, such as nuclear fission reactions in nuclear power stations
Uses of nuclear energy
- generates electricity
What are the pros of nuclear energy
- Do not produce any pollutants
- Can be used in any conditions
- Very unlikely to run out
What are the cons of nuclear energy
- relatively expensive
- Technically a finite resource
- produce radioactive waste which remains harmful for thousands of years
- small chance of a nuclear meltdown which could release large amounts of radioactive material into the environment
How do wind turbines work
Blades spin in wind causing a generator to turn, which converts kinetic energy into electrical energy
How do solar Panels work
Solar cells generate electric currents directly from sunlight
What are the pros of wind and solar energy
- low cost to run
- doesn’t produce any pollutants
- dont damage environment
- getting cheaper each year
What are the cons of wind and solar energy
- high cost to build
- produces pollutants whilst being made
- weather dependent
- cant increase production in high demand
- take up a lot of space, unappealing to the eye