Topic 10 Sunshine and fresh air to cheese Flashcards
Energy enters the dairy production system as sunlight, how does it leave?
Energy from sunlight is captured by photosynthesis and stored as chemical energy is then used by all the organisms in the system (plants, animals, fungi, and microbes) to fuel their life processes and leaves the system via respiration as heat. A small amount is retained in the end product, cheese, which will ultimately be lost as heat via human respiration, having been eaten.
Nitrogen enters the dairy production system via a number of routes, which routes are these?
- Atmospheric deposition
- Nitrogen fixing bacteria
- Fertiliser
In what form does nitrogen leave the dairy production system?
A proportion ends up in the end product, cheese, in which is is a component of protein. Some nitrogen is lost at each stage of the process: litter from plants, urine and faeces from cows and whey from cheese making.
In what form does nitrogen leave the dairy production system?
A proportion ends up in the end product, cheese, in which is is a component of protein. Some nitrogen is lost at each stage of the process: litter from plants, urine and faeces from cows and whey from cheese making.
Recall the names of the three photosynthetic pathways that capture and store the energy from sunlight by converting carbon dioxide into organic compounds?
- C3 - relies on Rubisco to fix CO2 directly
- C4 - Initially fixes CO2 using a more efficient enzyme, PEP carboxylase; but to complete the transformation of energy from sunlight to chemical energy, it still requires the C3 cycle, so it re-releases CO2 to produce a high concentration within specialised cells where Rubisco can work efficiently.
- CAM - many similarities to C4 in terms of process, but has become specialised to maximise the efficiency of water use by opening stomata only at night.
What photosynthetic pathway is most common in grass species?
C3 pathway, whilst a few use C4 (mainly in the tropics)
What does the term ‘grass’ refer to?
Members of the Poaceae family, but is sometimes used to describe any plant that has a similar structure to the Poaceae
What is the key attribute of a graminoid?
It’s growing point is kept level with the ground for most of its life and is therefore out of reach to most herbivores, and safe from fires that pass across quickly above.
Describe the structure of a grass plant.
The individual flowers are known as florets, several of which are clustered into a typically small, green spikelet which rely on wind pollination. Spikelets are grouped together into a larger inflorescence - either a spike (no branching), or a feathery panicle with many branches.
What is ‘net primary production’ (NPP)?
The total amount of carbon fixed by a strand of vegetation (known as gross primary production, GPP) minus the fraction used by plants for their own respiration (R). Can be expressed mathematically as: NPP=GPP-R
What is the total amount of carbon fixed by a stand of vegitation known as?
Gross primary production (GPP)
What is the quantity of light energy arriving at the Earth’s suface a function of?
- The position of the sun in the sky (Depends on time of day and season of the year)
- Weather conditions, particularly the amount of water vapour (cloud, mist, fog) in the atmosphere
What is light energy / irradiance measured in terms of?
Watts per metre-square, where a watt is defined as a joule per second.
What is photosynthetically active respiration (PSR)?
The portion of the electromagnetic spectrum in which the wavelength is appropriate to excite chlorophyll and therefore drive photosyntheses. Corresponds closely to the visible spectrum for humans and therefore the terms ‘PAR’ and ‘light’ can often be used interchangeably.
What is the amount of energy captured by plants measured by?
The amount of carbon they fix (GPP) which can be expressed in a variety of units:
* 1 g carbon is equivalent to 39 kJ stored chemical energy
* 1 g dry plant tissue contains 0.46 g carbon
* 1 g dry plant tissue is equivalent to 18 kJ stored chemical energy
At their most efficient, what percentage of PAR can plants convert into chemical energy?
What percentage of the total energy in sunlight is photosynthetically active (Can be absorbed and used by chlorophyll to drive chemical reactions)?
Why do many plants become less efficient at converting energy in strong sunshine?
Because when light energy begins to saturate the cell’s photosynthetic apparatus, the C2 cycle (photorespiration) starts to release some of the fixed carbon back to CO2 in order to protect it.
What do plants need to achieve maximum efficiency of energy conversion?
- Optimal temperatures (15C - 30C)
- Unlimited water supply
- Unlimited access to nutrients (primarly nitrogen) and CO2
- Freedom from competition
What are the three life startegies seen in plants (CSR classification)?
- Competitor
- Stress-tolerator
Describe competitors in terms of life strategy in plants
Survive in environmental with relatively opimal growth conditions. The main threat to survival is competition with neighbouring plants. They have rapid growth rates, large canopies, and extensive root systems. They are effective at gathering resources from the environment before their neighbours can capture them. The traits that are well developed are height and delayed reproduction.
Why is a there n advantage for using the competitor life strategy?
Tall plants are able to capture more sunlight and to shade their neighbours.
Why do competitor species of plant tend to delay their reproduction?
Because they initially devote all their energy and materials to rapid growth of leaves and roots in order to maximise resource capture.
Give one example of a competitor plant.
Stinging nettle (Urtica dioica) - can grow over a meter high in just a few weeks
Describe the Stress-tolerator life stategy in plants.
Slow growth rates. Strategy is to cope with stresses, such as low nutrient availability by using resources efficiently and avoiding waste. Slow tissue turn over and tend to live for a long time.
Give an example of a stress-tolerator plant.
Bilbery (Vaccinium myrtillus) - long lived low growing shrub of heaths and woodlands
Describe the ruderal life strategy in plants.
Short life-span, all plant’s resources devoted to producing seeds quickly. Inhabit habitats that experience regular disturbance and/or periods that are very hostile to survival.
Give an example of a ruderal plant
Groundsel (Senecio vulgaris) - a garden weed
Why might natural selection have favoured plants that produce seed rapidly in environments that experience regular disturbance?
Seeds are able to survive periods of disturbance, so being able to produce seeds before the next disturbance event increases fitness.
In a plant community ,what do the proprtion of plant species assigned to each three life strategies giev indication of?
The resource availability and the frequency of disturbance.
What type of life strategy plants do low input dairy systems usually have and why?
Low input systems have limited nutrients and negular low-level disturbance (Cutting and grazing), allowing species with all three strategies to coexist.
What type of life strategy plants do high input dairy systems usually have and why?
High input systems have nutrients in excess and therefore they favour competitors even though the low level disturbance is maintained.
Convert 1 ha to m2
1 hectare is 10 000 metre-squared
Why are low-input systems still sustained?
- A desire for wildlife-friendly or organic farming
- Production of traditional of novel products
- Because financial capital is not available to use more intensive techniques
What do ‘traditional’ farms use to feed animals in winter and replenish soil nutrients each year?
Rely on hay to feed animals through the winter
Rely on farmyard manure produced from housing the animals in winter to replenish soil nutrients each year.
What is the Haber-Bosch process? What is the equation for the reaction?
Allowed fresh air, in the form of atmospheric nitrogen (N2) to be fixed as ammonia (NH3), which could then be used to produce agricultural fertilisers.
N2 +3H2 –> 2NH3
Name an example of cattle breed for low-input and high-input dairy systems.
Low-input: Red poll
High-input: Holstein-Friesian
What is the diversity of grass species in low input and high input dairy systems?
Low input: High
High input: Low
What are the sources of nitrogen in low input and high input dairy systems?
low input: N-fixation by legume, atmospheric deposition
High input: Artificial fertiliser from Haber-Bosch process, slurry, atmospheric deposition
What is the main source of nutrition for cattle in winter in low input and high input dairy systems?
low input: hay
high input: silage
What is the annual yield of grass crop for winter storage (dry weight) in low input and high input dairy systems?
low input: 5.5 tonnes ha-1 y-1
High input: 9 tonnes ha-1 y-1
What mechanism is used to preserve stored grass in low input and high input dairy systems?
low input: drying to stop bacterial breakdown
high input: exclusion of oxygen to limit bacterial respiration, whic leads to pickling by the acids produced.
What are the dates of cutting of plants and grass in low input and high input dairy systems?
low input: single cut in late june/early july
high input: multiple cuts through may, june, and july.
What limits annial grass yield in the low-input system?
A lack of available nitrogen.
If soil resources are limiting, would a grass allocate more to root or shoot production?
The roots, because if water or nitrogen availability is limiting growth, plants with larger root systems that cover more soil area and capture more of the resource would be an advantage.
If a plant is stressed through lack of water, which hormone (growth regulator) is likely to be produced in its tissues?
Abscisic acid (ABA)
How might the production of ABA affect the root:shoot ratio of a grass plant?
A plant under water stress might direct resource to roots (abosrb water) and away from shoots (lose moisture), increasing its root:shoot ratio.
What is consumption efficiency?
The proportion of the food produced at the lower trophic level that is ingested by the organism at the higher trophic level, expressed as a percentage
What is assimilation efficiency?
THe proportion of consumed food that has been digested and absorbed, expressed as a percentage.
What is production efficiency?
The proportion of energy assimilated by an organism that is then used in the creation of a new body tissue of products, expressed as a percentage.
How do you calculate the conversion efficiency?
Conversion efficiency = consumption efficiency x assimilation efficiency x production efficiency
What are the major components of milk?
- Water
- Lipids
- Protein (casein)
- Sugar (lactose)
- Small proportion of other components (minerals, hormones etc.)
What is likely to be an important energetic constraint to cows meeting their milk production potential?
The amount of food available that they can consume to meet requirements.
What physiological strategies might take place within the dairy cow if they cannot obtain sufficient nutrition to support milk production?
Mobilisation of energy stores; and/or reduced milk synthesis; perhaps reduced fertility
What is standard production measures of a dairy cow quoted in?
kg per dayl or litres per 305d lactation.
Outline the reproductive life cycle of a Holstein-Friesian (high-input), managed for a yearly calving interval.
The calf is weaned at about 5 weeks and reaches puberty between 10 and 12 months of age; the reproductively mature cow then conceives at 15 months and gives birth for the first time at 24 months. The cow then enters the yearly calving cycle. Following her firt parturition, at the end of year 2, she has a period of 82 days before conceiving again and gives birth 283 days later. DUring each yearly cycle, the cow is lactating from the time of conception until 60 days before partuition - a period of 305 days.
What are some notable diffences between the early and lifestome performance indicators between Red Polls and Holstein-Friesian cows?
Earlier age at first conception in the Holstein-Friesians, and their reduced life expectancy compared with the Red Polls.
What do Red Poll and Holstein-Friesian cows have that are of interest to modern dairy farmers?
Red poll: dual-purpose: allocation of protein towards milk and muscle (meat)
Holstein-Friesian: Milk quantity
In low input and high input dairy systems, what aspect of milk production are the farmers most interested in?
Low input: milk quality (high protein, high fat) to maximise cheese yields
High input: Milk volume to sell more milk
What priorities do both low input and high input dairy systems share?
Ensuring one calf per cow per year, maintaing hygeine in the dairy, providing sufficient feed to cows at reasonable cost
What and how are the cows fed in low-input and high-input dairy systems?
Low inpit: primarily grass (mixed species), some haylage, a small amount of cake fed in parloud (largely residue from flour milling, sugarbeet proccessing etc.)
High input: grass (mainly monoculture) and silage supplemented (high energy concentrates, based on soya meal, cereals, and byproducts from food processing, fed in parlour)
How long is a cow ovarian cycle?
21 days
Describe the ovarian hormone cycle of a cow.
Cyclical hormone changes. Progesterone and oestradiol are released from the ovary and the FSH and LH from the pituitary gland. These hormones influence small ovarian follicles (Containing ova) are recruited and stimulated to grow. At least one of these follicles will become dominant and grow larger than the others. Two or three waves of follicle selection and growth will take place within the 21 day cycle, during which time one dominant follicle will rupture to release the ova and ovulation will occur. If insemination takes place at the time conception may occur and may result in pregnancy.
How might ovarian function be monitored in a cow?
Ultrasound scanning of the ovaries to observe follicle growth, or measuring hormones in blood or other samples. In a research setting, this can be monitored by determining progesterone concentrations in milk.
What may prolonged periods of negative energy balance lead to?
Disruption of the ovarian cycle and failure to resume cyclicity (Delayed ovulation)
How many stomach compartments do ruminants have?
Describe the digestion of ruminants.
Chewed food enters the forestomachs and is mixed with saliva, forming cuds. The cuds are regurgitated back into the mouth where they are chewed again thoroughly mixed with saliva, before swallowing for the final time. Microbes in the forestomachs ferment otherwise indigestible fibres and other nutrients nto short chain volatile fatty acids before they move into the later stomachs and ultimately to the intestines where absorption takes place.
Why is maximising the feed or energy intake of high-producing animals requires?
To minimise the negative energy deficits that they experience during the early post-partum period.
Why is the amount of fat in milk per 305 d yield lower in lower-input animals?
The amounts produced by the low-input animals are lower as their total production yield (volume) is lower than the high-input animals.
What is the body condition score (BCS) for dairy cows?
0 - very poor condition, tight skin over obvious bone
1 - poor condition, supple skin over obvious bone, concave muscles
2 - moderate condition, bones can be felt under thin adipose layer
3 - good condition, bones felt under layer of adipose tissue
4 - fat, only pelvis bones felt under thick adipose layer
5 - grossly fat, convex deposits of adipose tissue, no bones felt
How do body mass and BCS changes differ between red polls and holstein-friesians?
Holstein-Friesian cows have larger body mass and BCS decreases post calving, that remain lower for longer durations than red polls throughout lactation.
Suggest a few reasons why pregnancy rates are decreased and insemination attempts are increased in Holstein-Friesian cows, compared with red polls.
Holstein Friesians have a slower resumption of ovarian cycles and a much greater incidence of delayed oculation, both of which could detrimentally affect fertility.
What to anorexigenic mean?
Internal signals indicating an organism is full
What are some factors that influence foraging efficiency in animals?
Food characteristics (e.g., rumen ‘fill’ effects, sensory properties).
What does orexigenic mean?
Internal signals compelling an orgaism to eat
Where, when, and why is ghrelin produced? What does it do?
Ghrelin is produced by the stomach in anticipation of feeding and is the only known appetite-stimulating (orexigenic) gut hormone. It stimulates the secretion of the growth hormone.
Name two gut peptides that are appetite-inhibiting in cows.
peptite YY; glucagon-like peptide-1 - both from the colon
What is leptin, by which cells is it secreted, and what does it do?
Leptin is a hormone secreted from white adipose tissue (WAT) cells in proportion to their lipid content. Leptin is a longer-term signal to the hypothalamus in relation to whole body energy homeostasis and is also appetite-inhibiting.
What characteristics of forage might positively influence energy balance in dairy cows?
If the energy density of the forage is high (i.e. allows high assimilation efficiency) and/or its availibility is abundant; if the cow experiences reduced fill/satiation effects from a particular feed, this will lead to stimulated appetite and intake. All of these could lead to a greater energy intake with a positive effect on energy balance status.
Which aspects of appetite control could be selected for to support higher milk production?
Increases in orexigenic hormones (e.g. ghrelin) and/or decreases in satiety hormones (PYY, GLP-1), both of which may act to increase food intake. Ghrelin also stimulates growth hormone, which drives milk production.