Topic 1 - The importance and short history of botany Flashcards
Why we study about plants?
- Forage
- poisoning
- Medicine
Interdisciplinary botanical principles
Agronomic/forestry botany Medicinal botany Phytochemistry Medical botany Veterinary botany
Main subjects of vet. botany
Taxonomy (which species, groups?)
Morphology (how can I recognize?)
Phytochemistry (what are the compounds?)
Cytology, histology (where do they store these compounds?)
Physiology (how are the compounds synthesized?)
Veterinary medicine (what’s the effect on animals?)
o Crop plants
o Poisonous plants
o Medicinal plants
Importance of botany
Food industry, spice, forage Pharmaceutical industry, medicine Food safety Textile industry Forestry, furnitures Horticulture Archeology Climate change research Arts, instruments – the Stradivari mystery Forensic science
How can we describe plants?
Photosynthetic apparatus → autotrophy Stationary livings Only a few organs with high surface area Continuous growth, but growth is limited for certain areas of the body (meristematic tissues) Non-living cells are also part of the body No certain organs to receive stimuli Cell wall of cellulose BUT secondary function loss
History of botany (overview)
Theoprastus of Eresos Pedanius Dioscorides Robert Hooke John Ray Stephen Hales Carl von Linne Joseph priestly XIX. and XX century
Theophrastus of Eresos
Historia plantarum (350-287 BC)
The father of botany
Volum IX: plants used as medicine
Poisonous plants
Pedanius Dioscorides
Historia plantarum (50-90 AD)
5 volumes
Medicinal plants, drugs
“Medicine sometimes grants health, sometimes destroys it, showing which plants are helpful, which do harm”
Robert Hooke
discovered cells —> monastery cells
Founder of microscope
John Ray
Historia plantarum (1686) Basics of modern taxonomy
Stephen Hales
Vegetable statics (1727)
The basics of plant physiology
Nutrient metabolism, respiration
Carl von Linne
Species planetarium (1753) "The father of taxonomy"
Binominal nomenclature
The whole latin name must be typed in italic
The first part is always written with an initial capital letter
The second part is never written with an initial capital
The author abbreviation is written with initial capital letter, but not in italic
Sometimes the year of description is also mentioned
Basic unit: species
Joseph priestly
Observations on different kinds of air
“The plants fix air and releases gases
XIX and XX century
Description of photosynthesis
Julius Robert Mayer (1845) - the photosynthesis produce energy
The exact mechanism described only in 1982
CO2 + H2O + light green plants O2 + organic material + energy
More detailed mechanisms, plant ecology
Teaching of veterinary botany
Formerly task of chem. lectures
1857 —> botany separate course
Kálmán Czakó: botanical hay analysis
Gyula Mahyary-kossa: pharmacology and botany
Department of botany
Founded in 1953
Study materials fit more to vet. science
Vidor Motor - dangerous plants for animals
Ede Haraszti - grasslands, herbal poisonings
János Vetter - poisonings, mycology