Topic 1 Intro Flashcards
Civil war
Seemed a distinct possibility unless there was drastic changes in government
The kaiser left and the Weimar Republic was announced by friederich Ebert and philipp schiedmann SPD
The German Reich
Ruled by kaisers since it’s declarations in 1871
Kaiser Wilhelm 11 took Germany to war in 1914 which ended in 1918
The declaration of the new government was made
In the town of Weimar because Berlin was considered unsafe due to riots indicates the regime faced problems from the outset but doesn’t necessarily mean it was doomed from the outset
Difficulties from the start 1
First the govt had to sign an armistice- this came as a great shock to german people so they resented the fact the govt had given in
Signing of t of v
Govt inherited legacy of war which included 2m dead troops and debts and humiliation of defeat
Difficulties from start 2
Germany suffered affects of the allied blockade which lasted until peace arrangements had been completed
Unemployment rising
No experience of democracy
Extreme differences between the right and left in politics- both opposed new govt
Treaty of Versailles
Article 231 war guilt clause- resented by Germans
Took a way about 10% of industry and 15% agricultural and there was doubt they could afford reps
French desire for security-no airforce,100 000 in army,navy-15 000
Was the t of v a serious factor
Reparations caused economic problems but wasn’t the only reasons
Der many still potentially strong as of changing face of Europe eg empires of Turkey and Austria replace by smaller weaker states,USSR viewed with suspicion- loss of territory no significant difference-still potentially strong
Treaty of rapallo with USSR proof they were not diplomatically isolated
Stab in the back
Damaging as it created ammunition for right wing extremists
Govt was based in a federal system
Central govt had powers over finance and foreign affairs everyone over 20 could vote in proportional representation system and for the president
President was very powerful could appoint and dismiss govts and chancellor
Article 48
Ebert aimed to avoid use to encourage democracy but when Hindenburg was president 1925-1934 he used it increasingly undermining reichstag
Germans seemed to ignore
Their harsh treatment of Russia March 1918 in the treaty of Brest litovsk
In some cases cases of self determination like Alsace Lorraine the inhabitants wanted to be returned to France
Constitution problem 1
Vote for all over 20 for the reichstag and president
Declaration of civil rights was very democratic
But the powers of the president especially article 48 which allowed suspension of parliamentary authority and the right to rule by decree in times of emergency
This potentially undermined the New Democratic system
Problem 2
Voting system was problematic because of the use of proportional representation
This allowed smaller parties to be represented and those who did not believe in democracy eg nazis communists who could undermine democracy
Coalition governments resulted which were often weak and unstable