TOPIC 1 - ENERGY Flashcards
Name the energy stores.
Thermal Kinetic Gravitational potential Elastic potential Chemical Magnetic Electrostatic Nuclear
How can energy be transferred?
Mechanically - force, doing work
Electrically - work done by moving charges
Heating or radiation - light or sounds
What is a system?
A single object eg the air in a piston or a group of objects eg two colliding vehicles that you’re interested in.
What happens when a system changes?
Energy is transferred. It can be transferred into or away from the system, between different objects in the system, or between different types of energy stores.
What is a closed system?
Are systems where neither matter nor energy can enter or leave. The net change in the total energy of a closed system is always zero.
What is work done?
Another way of saying the energy transferred. Work can be done when current flows or by a force moving an object.
Explain the kinetic energy store.
Anything that is moving has energy in its kinetic energy store. Energy is transferred to this store when an object speeds up and is transferred away from this store when an object slows down. The energy in the kinetic energy store depends on its mass and speed. The greater it’s mass and the faster it’s going, the more energy there will be in the kinetic energy store.
What is the equation for kinetic energy?
Kinetic energy = 1/2 mass x speed (v) squared
Talk about the gravitational potential energy store.
Raised objects store energy in the gravitational potential energy store. Lifting an object in a gravitational field requires work. This causes a transfer of energy to the gravitational potential energy store of the raised object. The higher the object is lifted, the more energy is transferred to this store. The amount of energy is a gpe store depends on the objects mass, height and the strength of the gf the object is in.
What is the equation to find the change in energy in an object’s gravitational potential energy store?
Gravitational potential energy = mass x gravitational field strength x height.
Talk about elastic potential energy stores.
Stretching or squashing can transfer energy to elastic potential energy stores. This is as long as the limit of proportionality has not been extended.
What is the equation to find the energy in the elastic potential energy store?
Elastic potential energy = 1/2 spring constant x extension squared
What is the specific heat capacity?
Means how hard it is to heat something up. More energy needs to be transferred to the thermal energy store of some materials to increase their temperature than others.
Materials that need to gain lots of energy in their thermal energy stores to warm up also transfer loads of energy when they cool down again. They can ‘store’ a lot of energy.
What is the equation for specific heat capacity?
Change in thermal energy = mass x specific heat capacity x temperature change.
What is the practical to investigate specific heat capacity?
To investigate a solid material (eg copper) you will need a black of the material with two holes in it (for the thermometer and heater to go into)
Measure the mass of the block, the wrap it in an insulating layer (eg a think layer of newspaper) to reduce energy transferred form the block to the surroundings. Measure the initial temperature of the block and the the potential difference (V) of the power supply to be 10V. Turn on the power supply and start a stop watch. The current does work on the heater, transferring energy electrically from the power supply to the heater’s thermal energy store. This is the transferred to the material’s thermal energy store by heating, causing the materials temperature to increase.
Take readings of temperature and current every ten minutes. (The current shouldn’t change as the block heated up). Once you have collected enough readings turn off the power supply. You can calculate the power supplied to the heater using the equation power = potential difference x current. You can use this to calculate how much energy has been supplied to the heater using E = Pt. you can the plot a graph of energy transferred to the thermal energy store against temperature. Find the gradient of the straight part of the graph. The specific heat capacity is
1/(gradient x mass of the block).