Radioactivity Flashcards
What is alpha decay?
The atom releases an alpha particle which has a mass of 4. It does this to become more stable.
What is an alpha particle?
What does the alpha particle do to the mass of the atom?
It decreases it by 4.
What happens to the proton/atomic number of the atom when it loses an alpha particle?
It decreases by 2.
What happens in Beta Decay?
It turns a neutron into a proton. When this happens an electron is also emitted. A beta particle is an electron created and emitted by a nucleus that has too many neutrons compared to protons.
What does Beta decay occur?
When a nucleus has too many protons or too many neutrons. One of the protons/neutrons is transferred into the other.
What happens in Beta Minus Decay?
A neutron decays into a proton, releasing an electron.
What is the relative mass and charge of a beta particle (electron)?
The relative mass is 0
The relative charge is -1
What happens when an unstable nucleus emits a beta particle?
The atomic number of the nucleus goes up by 1. The mass number is unchanged.
What is a gamma ray?
It is electromagnetic radiation from the nucleus of an atom. It is uncharged and has no mass. Therefore, it’s emission does not change the number of protons or neutrons in a nucleus. So the mass and charge of the nucleus is both unchanged.
What is neutron emission?
Sometimes neutrons are emitted by some radioactive substances as a result of an alpha particle colliding with an unstable nuclei in the substance. If this collision happens it causes the unstable nuclei to become even more unstable and emit a neutron. As the emitted are uncharged they can pass through substances more easily than an alpha or beta particle can.
What does a Geiger counter do?
It measures the count rate (the number of counts per second)
To take account of background radiation you must:
Measure the count rate without the radioactive source present. This is the background count rate.
Then measure the count rate with the source in place. Subtracting the background count rate from this gives you the count rate from the source alone.
How do you calculate a radioactive substance penetrative power?
Add absorber materials between the Geiger counter and the substance. Then measure the count rate and continue to add layers of material until the count rate is zero. This means that the radiation from the source has been stopped by the absorber material.
To test the range that each type of radiation travels through air you need to move the tube away from the source. When the tube is beyond the range of the radiation, the count rate from the source is zero.
What is ionisation?
The radiation from a radioactive substance can knock electrons out of atoms. The atoms become charged because they lose electrons. This process is caused ionisation.
When an object is exposed to ionising radiation it is said to be irradiated. However, it does not become radioactive.
What is radioactive contamination?
Radioactive substances can contaminate other materials that they come into contact with. Radioactive contamination is the unwanted presence of materials containing radioactive atoms on other materials. This is a hazard due to the decay of the nuclei of the contaminating atoms.