TOPIC 1 | Ancient, Middle, and Modern Technologies Flashcards
People from ancient civilizations used animals as means
of transportation.
Ancient Wheel
Around 3000 B.C., the ancient Egyptians began
writing on a papyrus.
It is made up of a pith of plant called Cyperus
A tool used and invented by ancient Egyptians to irrigate land.
Discovered in 1902 and retrieved from the
waters of Antikythera, Greece.
It is a mechanism similar to a clock for it has a
circular face and rotating hands.
Antikythera Mechanism
It is also known as the Hero’s engine.
It is a steam-powered turbine which spins as the water container at its center is heated.
In this period, trade and commerce among nations increased, which resulted in greater demands for transportation technology. The major advances in scientific and technological development.
Middle Ages
Who invented the printing press?
Johann Gutenberg
Johann Gutenberg managed to invent this after the Chinese invented woodblock printing, a more efficient method of printing using a cast type.
Printing Press
Invented by Galileo Galilei it can magnify 20 times larger than regular glass.
Invented by a Dutch Zacharias Janssen in the 1590’s.
Compound Microscope
“This turned the European agriculture and economy on its head. The fields with heavy, fatty soil became those that gave the greatest yields.” - Prof. Thomas Andersen
Heavy plough
Around 850 A.D., Chinese alchemists accidentally
invented this.
Gun powder
This was first used by the Chinese in the 17th
Before the introduction of this, merchants
and traders used precious metals such as gold
and silver.
Paper Money
The development of this helped the
people in accurately keeping track of time.
Mechanical Clock
This is the period where the booming world population during the nineteenth century onwards demanded that more goods be produced at a faster rate.
Modern Ages
Through this process, milk could be stored and consumed for a longer period.
Who the French biologist that invented the process of Pasteurization?
Louis Pasteur
Who invented TELEPHONE?
Alexander Graham Bell
This is a way to keep these links securely and communicate with each other in real time.
Who invented Engine powdered airplane?
Orville Wright and Wilbur Wright
Invented by Scottish engineer John Logie
Baird in 1920s.
Invented by William Grey Walter.
and programmed commands.
Evolved from the field of mechanization.
Automated Machine
Invented by Thomas Newcomen in 1712.
is used of steam powder to do mechanical work by utilizing heat energy and
pump water out of mines.
Steam Engines
Discovered by Scottish physician Alexander
Fleming in 1928.
heralded the dawn of the antibiotic age.
He invented the first commercially used steam
powered device, a steam pump which isoften
Thomas Savery
Heinvented the STETHOSCOPE because he was not comfortable placing his ear directly onto a woman’s chest to listen to her heart.
René Laennec
Discover electricity
Michael Faraday