Topic 1-3 Major Quiz (Science) Flashcards
How are plants used for Food?
Plants produce fruits and vegetables that humans consume as a source of nutrients. About 75% of the world’s food supply is based on 7 major crops.
How are plants used for Fiber?
The fiber that we get from plants are used for a variety of items such as, paper, clothes, and rope!
How are plants used for Medicine?
More than 7,000 plants are used to create medicine, such as heart drugs, cancer medication, antibiotics, and pain medications. These are called Herbal remedies.
What are the names of the 7 Major Crops.
Barley, Wheat, Corn, Rice, Sorghum, Potatoes, and Cassava
Describe 3 ways a cactus has adapted to live in its environment.
- A cactus’s roots can spread out for meters and absorb water almost instantly to prevent it from evaporating. 2. A cactus has spiky leaves to help deter/scare away any predators. 3. A cactus has a waxy cuticle to help prevent water loss. 4. A cactus has a woody tissue to promote height growth.
What are the main functions for the leaves, roots, stem, and flower of a plant.
Leaves: Use carbon dioxide, water, and sunlight to photosynthesize and produce glucose.
Roots: Absorb water and nutrients from the soil, and support the plant structure by holding it firmly into the ground.
Stem: Sends nutrients and water from the roots to the leaves of a plant. Supports leaves by exposing them to more sunlight. Stores food.
Flower: Produce/collect pollen for reproduction.
Name at least 2 ways that plants reproduce asexually.
Budding: When an organism develops from a bud of an existing organism.
Fragmentation: When an organism divides into smaller parts that slowly develop into organisms.
Spore Formation: When a plant produces many spores, later the spore sacks burst, dispersing all the spores into the air, where they land and germinate.
Vegetative Propagation: When plants reproduce from stems, roots, or leaves.
Grafting: When humans cut off parts of different plants and combine them together.
Layering: When a newly formed organism is partially attached to its respective parent plant during its sprouting/growing stage.
What is the equation for Photosynthesis?
Water + Carbon Dioxide + Light = Glucose and Oxygen
What does the Xylem and Phloem Do?
Xylem: Tubes that move around water and dissolved minerals that came from the soil.
Phloem: Tubs that transport the sugary sap that is made in the leaves. This sugary sap is the plant’s food.
-Xylem and Phloem are both found in vascular bundles.
What are the differences between Pollination and Fertilization? Which one occurs first?
Pollination: When pollen from the male part of a flower travels to the female part of another plant.
Fertilization: When the sperm from the pollen joins the female egg to make an embryo.
Pollination leads to fertilization, so pollination occurs first.
What are the function of the parts of a flower?
Pistil: The female part of a flower that uses sperm from the stamen to create an egg/ovule. This egg will become a seed after fertilization. The male part of a flower that produces pollen to fertilize the egg/ovule.
What is the order of the reproduction cycle?
Pollination - Fertilization - Seed Formation - Germination - Fruit Formation.
What is the main way plants can conserve water?
By closing the stomata holes/pores.
What is sexual reproduction?
A type of reproduction that requires 2 parent plants to produce a seed.
What is the Embryo?
A tiny living plant found inside a seed.
What is genetic engineering?
When scientists make changes to a plant by going inside its individual plant cells and making modifications.
What is selective breeding?
When humans choose plants with the best traits and encourage them to reproduce together.
What is transpirtaion?
The process in which water evaporates from a plant through tiny holes in the leaves called stomata.
What is Osmsosis and Diffusion?
Osmosis: The movement of water from an area where there is a lot to and area where there is not much water. Osmosis is a type of diffusion.
Diffusion: When particles evenly spread out by moving from an area of higher concentration to and area of lower concentration.
What is Respiration?
When oxygen is used to release the energy stored. This is the oppositeof photosynthesis.
What is chlorophyll and what does chlorophyll do?
Chlorophyll is a special pigment that helps leaves absorb the right type of sunlight. In result of this, the leaves appear to be green.
What are the 4 main things plant do in an ecosystem?
-Make oxygen
-Remove carbon dioxide
-Provide food and shelter
-Prevent soil erosion with their roots
What are the 2 main types of roots?
Taproots and Fibrous roots.
What is a taproot?
A taproot has one main thick root that goes deep into the ground, it also has thin tiny branches called root hairs.
What are the qualities of the smaller and larger roots in a Taproot.
Main taproot: Large and fleshy, grows deep into the ground, stores food.
Root hairs: Absorb water and minerals from the soil.
What is a Fibrous root?
A fibrous root has many thin roots that spread out over a vast area.
What are the qualities of a fibrous root?
-Spread out over a large area
-Close to the surface of the soil
-Can collect rain before it sinks deep into the soil
How does osmosis move water up a plant?
Water that is drawn into the root hair by osmosis pushes thin columns of water from the roots through the xylem.
How does transpiration help move water up a plant?
When water is lost during transpiration, this creates a partial suction that that pulls water up the tubes in the stem.
What is cross pollination?
When a plant is pollinated by a different plant.
What is Self-Pollination?
When a plant is pollinated by its own pollen.
What is seed disperal?
The spread of seeds after they have fully formed.
What is germination?
When a seed begins to grow.