Top 200 Week 7 (P2) Flashcards
Lortab, Norco, Vicodin
hydrocodone/APAP, pain, C Store at room temp tab/cap/sol/elix 2.5,5,7.5,10 with 325,500,650,660,750 Labeled: moderate to severe pain Unlabeled: none SE: DZ, N,V,Sedation Other: CIII, Tolerance can develop, take with food, no additional acetaminophen (may take ibu)
Percocet, Endocet, Primalev, Magnacet
oxycodone/APAP, pain, C Store at room temp tab/cap/sol 2.5,5,7.5,10 with 325, 500, 650 Labeled: moderate to severe pain Unlabeled: none SE: N,C,V,HA Other, CII, take w/ food, no alcohol, should be every 4 to 6 hours, dose based on Oxy component. No additional APAP, may take ibu
Advil, Motrin
ibuprofen, pain, C/D
Store at room temp
100mg/5ml, 200,400,600,800
Labeled: inflammatory diseases, rheumatoid disorders, ankylosing spondyltitis
Unlabeled: CF, Acute migraine, gout
SE: **bbw: cardiotrombic events, perioperative pain in CABG patients, GI irritation, inflammation, ulceration, bleeding, and perforation; N,DZ, edema, rash
Other: serious skin events including SJS, take w/ food, monitor vision long term, caution with asthma
Ultram, Ryzolt
tramadol, pain, C Store at room temp tab 50, ER 100,200,300 Labeled: moderate to mod-severe pain Unlabeled: none SE: Flushing, DZ, HA, Somnolence, C Other: taper off, no alcohol, can be taken w/ or w/out food- same way each time, < 75 yrs
Tylenol #3
APAP/codeine, pain, C Store at room temp tab/sol 120/12/5ml, 300/15,300/30,300/60 Labeled: mild to moderate pain Unlabeled: none SE: DW, DZ, N, V Other: CIII, no additional acetaminophen, q4h shortest interval
Aleve, Anaprox, Naprosyn, Naprelan
naproxen, pain, C Store at room temp tab/cap/susp 220,250,375,500,550,412.5,825 Labeled: mild to mod pain, dysmenorrhea, fever, OA,RA, gout, ankylosing, bursitis, tendonitis Unlabeled: none SE: **bbw (cardiotrombic events, perioperative pain in CABG patients, GI irritation, inflammation, ulceration,bleeding, perforation) Ab pain, N, C, DZ, HA Other: no alcohol, w food or milk,
Cataflam, Volteran
diclofenac, pain, C/D
store at room temp
25,50,75 DR 75
Labeled: mild to mod acute pain, ankulosing, dysmenorrhea, RA, OA
Unlabeled: juv RA
SE: **bbw (cardiotrombic events, perioperative pain in CABG patients, GI irritation, inflammation, ulceration,bleeding, perforation) DZ, HA, Ab pain, N, C
Other: no alcohol, w food or milk, 8oz water
meloxicam, pain, C/D Store at room temp tab/susp 7.5, 15 Labeled: OA, RA, juv RA Unlabeled: none SE: HA, Dyspepsia, URTI, N Other: no alcohol, w or w out food food or milk may minimize gi effects
celecoxib, pain, C/D
store at room temp
50 , 100, 200, 400
Labeled: OA, Ankylosing, juv RA, RA, acute pain, dysmenorrhea, reduc polyps in FAP
Unlabeled: none
SE: **bbw (cardiotrombic events, perioperative pain in CABG patients, GI irritation, inflammation, ulceration,bleeding, perforation) HA, dyspepsia, hypertension
Other: with food to Increase absorption, may be sprinkled on applesauce
Roxicodone, OxyContin
oxycodone, pain, B
store at room temp
5,15,30, ER 10,15,20,30,40,60,80 5/5mL or 20/5ml
Labeled: mod to severe pain
Unlabeled: none
SE:***bbw (used with CYP3A4 inhibitors may result in increased effects and potentially fatal respiratory depression, alert for abuse, misuse and diversion, ER is not prn medicarion or immediately post op, do not crush ER tabs), Somnolence, C,N, pruritus
Other: CII, avoid high fat meals, take with 8 oz water, do not crush or chew
Duramorph, MS Contin, Oramorph SR
morphine sulfate, pain, C
store at room temp
15,30,60,100,200 sol 10/5, 20/5 inj 0.5/1ml, 1/1ml
Labeled: mod to severe acute and chronic pain, preanesthetic
Unlabeled: none
SE: **bbw (used with CYP3A4 inhibitors may result in increased effects and potentially fatal respiratory depression, alert for abuse, misuse and diversion, ER is not prn medicarion or immediately post op, do not crush ER tabs), DW, xerostomia, C
Other: CII, consistent w/ or w/ out food, Duramorph by anest with resp support only
fentanyl, pain, C
Store at room temp
patch: 12.5,25,50,75,100, inj: 0.05mg/ml loz: 200-1600mcg
Labeled: adjunct to anesth, acute postop pain, mod to severe chronic pain, breakthrough cancer pain
Unlabeled: none
SE: **bbw (used with CYP3A4 inhibitors may result in increased effects and potentially fatal respiratory depression, alert to problems of abuse, misuse, and diversion, patchnot < 18, specific programs for various dosage forms TRIF, FOCUS), N,V,CNS depression
Other: CII, no grapefruit juice, no alcohol, remove old patch- flush, use conversion guidelines from morphine, patch q 72 hours
buprenorphine/naloxone, pain, C store at room temp tab/film 2/0.5 , 8/2 Labeled: maintenance treatment for opiod dependence Unlabeled: none SE: HA, pain, C, abdom pain Other: CIII, taper off doses, no alcohol
sumatriptan, HA, C
Store at room temp
25,50,100 nas 5/0.1, 20/0.1 inj4/0.5, 6/0.5
Labeled: acute treatment of migraine w or wout aura, cluster HA
Unlabeled: none
SE: DZ, warm sensation, N, V, fatigue
Other: may cause photosensitivity, watch for symptoms of heavy chest, diff breathing
Fioricet, Esgic
butalbital/APAP/caffeine, HA, C store at room temp tab/cap/liquid 50-325-40, 50-500-40 Labeled: relief of symptomatic comlex of tension or muscle contaction headache Unlabeled: none SE: DW, DZ, N, V Other: Take with full glass of water, no alcohol, ortho hypotension may occur