Top 200 Drugs Final P2 (weeks 7-11) Flashcards
Lortab, Norco, Vicodin
Hydrocodone/APAP (CIII)
Labeled for moderate to severe pain
Counseling points: DZ, N, V, Sedation. Pts can develop tolerance. Take with food. No additional tylenol, take ibuprofen.
Percocet, Endocet, Primalev, Magnacet
Oxycodone/APAP (CII)
Labeled for Moderate to severe pain
Counseling points: N, V, C, HA. Take w/ food. No alcohol. Should be taken q4-6h. No additional APAP, take ibuprofen.
Advil, Motrin
Labeled for inflammatory diseases, rheumatoid disorders, alkylosing spondyltitis.
Counseling points: N, Dz, edema, rash. Serious skin events including SJS. Take with food. Monitor vision long term. Cautious use with asthma.
Ultram, Ryzolt
Labeled for moderate to mod-severe pain
Counseling points: Flushing, DZ, HA, Somnolence, C. No alcohol. Can be taken w/ or w/o food, but should be taken at the same way each time. Should not be taken if <75y/o.
Tylenol #3
APAP/Codeine (CIII)
Labeled for mild to moderate pain
Counseling points: DW, DZ, N, V. No additional tylenol. Should be taken at MOST Q4h
Aleve, Anaprox, Naprosyn, Naprelan
Labeled for mild to moderate pain, dysmenorrhea, fever, OA, RA, Gout, Ankylosing, Vursitis, and tendonitis.
Counseling points: Abdominal pain, N, C, DZ, HA. No alcohol. Take with food or milk.
Cataflam, Volteran
Labeled for mild to moderate acute pain, ankulosing, dysmenorrhea, RA, and OA.
Counseling points: DZ, HA, Abdominal pain, N, C. Do not take with alcohol. should be taken with food or milk, and n 8oz glass of water
Labeled for OA, RA, and juvenile RA
Counseling points: HA, Dyspepsia, URTI, N. No alcohol. W/ or W/O food, but taking with food/milk may minimize GI effects
Labeled: OA, Ankylosing, Juvenile RA, acute pain, dysmenorrhea, reducing polyps in FAP
Counseling points: HA, dyspepsia, HTN. Take with food to increase absorption, may be sprinkled on applesauce.
Roxicodone, OxyContin
Oxycodone (CII)
Labeled for moderate to severe pain
Counseling points: Somnolence, C, N, pruritis. Avoid taking with high fat meals, but take with 8oz water. Do not crush or chew
Duramorph, MS Contin, Oramorph SR
morphine sulfate (CII) Labeled for moderate to severe acute and chronic pain, and preanesthetic Counseling points: Dw, xerostomia, C. take consistently w/ or w/o food.
Labeled for adjunct use with anesthesia, acute post-op pain, moderate to severe chronic pain, breakthrough cancer pain
Counseling points: N, V, CNS depression. No grapefruit juice or alcohol. remove old patch, fold in half, and flush q72h.
buprenorphine/naloxone (CIII)
Labeled for naintenance treatment for opioid dependence
Counseling points: HA, pain, C, abdominal pain. do not take with alcohol. Taper off.
Labeled for acute treatment of migraines w/ or w/o auras, and cluster headaches
Counseling points: DZ, N, V, fatigue, warm sensation. May cause photosensitivity, watch for symptoms of heavy chest or difficulty breathing
Fioricet, Esgic
labeled for relief of symptomatic complex of tension or muscle contraction headaches
Counseling points: DW, DZ, N, V. take with a full glass of water. No alcohol. May cause orthostatic hypotension
Rheumatrex, Trexall
Laveled for cancer indications/psoriasis, severe RA, or juvenile RA
Counseling points: stomatitis, N, V, chills, fatigue. no alcohol. photosensitivity. pregnancy risks. do not take with salicylates.
labeled for Malaria, SLE, and RA
Counseling points: DZ, HA, vision changes, D, N. Take with food or milk
Ambien, Ambien CR
Zolpidem (CIV)
Labeled for short term treatment of insomnia
Counseling points: HA, somnolence, DZ. take on an empty stomach, right before bedtime. No alcohol
Eszopiclone (CIV)
labeled for treatment of insomnia
Counseling points: unpleasant taste, headache, xerostomia. Take on an empty stomach. No alcohol. Do not crush or chew. Right before bed or after going to bed, make sure pt gets 7-8hrs of sleep. May cause sleep driving or eating.
Labeled for treatment of major depressive disorders
Counseling points: sedation, HA, DZ, Xerostomia. No alcohol. Taking with food will decrease light-headedness and hypotension. Not approved for children or treatment of bipolar disorder
Labeled to reduce rate of atherothrombotic events
Counseling points: Rash, bleeding, or bruising may occur. Take w/ or w/o food.
Coumadin, Jantoven
Labeled for prophylaxis and treatment of thromboembolic disorders
Counseling points: hemorrhage, D, rash. Do not change diet once on drug (vit K), take at same time each day. Take w/ or w/o food.
Monoket, Imdur, Ismo
isosorbide mononitrate
labeled for prophylactic treatment of angina pectoris
Counseling points: HA, DZ, N, V. Do not crush or chew. Take with a half glass of water. Take IR form 7h apart
labeled for mild to moderate heart failure and Afib
Counseling points: D, N, DZ, mental changes. Maintain vit K levels. Take on an empty stomach. Do not take with bran or pectin (will decrease absorption)
Labeled for BPH
Counseling points: HA, DZ, rhinitis. Take 30 min after a meal. May cause orthostatic hypotension
Viagra, Revatio
Labeled for ED (viagra) or PAH (Revatio)
Counseling points: HA, flushing, dyspepsia. Take 30 min to 4h prior to sexual activity. No grapefruit juice or high fat meals.
Cialis, Adcirca
Labeled for ED (cialis) or PAH (adcirca)
Counseling points: HA, flushing, URTI. take w/ or w/o food 30 min prior to sexual activity. No grapefruit juice
Proscar, Propecia
labeled for BPH and male pattern hairloss
Counseling points: may cause impotence, postural hypotension, weakness, or DZ. W/ or w/o food. Women and children should not touch with bare hands
labeled for BPH and hypertension
Counseling points: DZ, HA, fatigue. take with morning meal. may cause orthostatic hypotension
labeled for mild/moderate/severe Alzheimer’s type dementia
Counseling points: insomnia, N, D, infections possible. Take at bedtime, w/ or w/o food
labeled for moderate to severe Alzheimer’s type dementia
Counseling points: DZ, HTN, C, infections. take w/ or w/o food
labeled to treat idiopathic Parkinsons and RLS
Counseling points: DZ, somnolence, N, infections. Take w/ or w/o food, but food may decrease N
Zestril, Prinivil
Labeled for HTN, either alone of in combo with other antiHTN agents. Adjunct treatment in HF, and treatment of acute MI or LVD
Counseling points: DZ, HA, D, cough. Take 2 hours before or after antacids. W/ or w/o food.
Labeled for HTN, treat symptomatic HF and asymptomatic LVD
Counseling points: DZ, HA, hypotension, and fatigue. Watch K in diet. No salt substitutes
Labeled for treatment of HTN and HF
Counseling points: DZ, HA, D, cough. Watch K in diet. No salt substitutes
Labeled for treatment of HTN, alone or with thiazide diuretics, treat LVD after MI, reduce risk of MI, stroke, and death
Counseling points: Cough, hypotension, HA, DZ. capsule may be mixed in water or applesauce
labeled for HTN w/ or w/o concurrent use of antihypertensive agents
Counseling points: HA, DZ, somnolence. take 2 hours apart from antacids. w/ or w/o food
HydroDIURIL, Hydro-Par, Ezide
labeled for mild to moderate HTN, treatment of edema in heart failure and nephrotic syndrome
Counseling points: anorexia, photosensitivity, and hypotension. take early in the day, w/ food or milk