Tools Flashcards
What are embedded commands/suggestions ?
They tell a listener to think in a certain way. Commands that engage a train of thought use words like imagine, picture, realize and think.
Commands can also tell a listener to take some action: “act on this”, “do this”. Keep it vague, don’t give a command that tells the specific action. This is best for creating a suggestible State.
Or commands can guide a listener to feel something.
The words get, want, and feel are your 3 key words, in terms of embedded commands regarding feeling
What is a blinder command?
It’s any kind of command that takes a train of thought that you’ve installed and gives the suggestion to keep looping it.
Blinder command last ensure that that little flash of thinking sexually doesn’t fall away. It’s not temporary vapor that disappears
This is good because women ruminate on thoughts anyway, so we should have her ruminating over and over in thoughts of wanting to jump our bones
“Let those feelings get stronger”
“Let those thoughts get really strong”
“Become obsessed with those thoughts”
“Allow those thoughts to flow”
Blinded command take the form of “let” or “allow”
Example of command suggestions that guide her to take action + a few sentence longer example
“It’s time to take this opportunity”. Say this instead of “its time to go home with me.” Remember don’t be to direct, and your not telling what the opportunity is
“It’s time to realize it’s on”
So u use these commands to take action at the end of a chain of suggestions, when she’s feeling turned on and connected. So last example:
“Let it happen”
“It’s really interesting that when you feel that connection building, a person can reach the conclusion that it’s time to take this opportunity to go for it, because you realize it’s on”
You can also give compliance commands like “give me your hands” “come here” “turn around”
Example of a few sentence command suggestion that engage a train of thought(connection one)
“When you think about what it’s like to meet someone you really want to be with and you begin to wonder, really wonder, what is it about you that would make this person come back for more”
Examples of commands used to direct someone to feel something
“When you get that feeling of connection”
“When you really feel that connection with someone” (make sure to do the hand motion subtly pointing at her and I)
“When you want to have something really hot”
Anything With “feel aroused” or “get aroused” in the sentence is great
“That’s when you feel right about this” this is good at the end of a sentence for lMR or buyers remorse avoidance.
Examples of blinder commands
“When you imagine what it would be like to really be connected with someone, you kinda picture it and allow those thoughts to continue to flow”
The last sentence is me telling them to take the imagery and thinking that they’d been doing and let it keep looping around
“Let those thoughts arise”
“Let those feelings get stronger”
“Become obsessed with those thoughts”
“Allow those thoughts to flow “
Details on Embedded commands being stealth
They’re a way of sneaking hidden commands inside an ordinary or blasé seeming sentence. They’re not direct.
What are weasel Phrases
Tools by which u take a command and embed it. The command by itself isn’t an embedded command until you put a weasel phrase in front of it.
The word “to” is EXTREMELY important for weasel phrases.
Examples of weasel phrases
“It’s not important to”
“You don’t need to”
“If you were to”
“You can”
“If you were to”
“You shouldn’t”
What are quotes?
When you use quotes it lets u say some outrageous things because you’re not saying it directly to the woman.
Examples of quotes
The discovery channel routine
“‘My friend said”
“I read in this magazine”
Examples of a command, quotes, blinder command, and weasel phrase tied together(magazine)
“I read in this magazine, I think it was cosmopolitan in a doctor’s office or something(QUOTE):
that when a person begins to feel horny(FEEL COMMAND)
And think about where it leads (THOUGHT COMMAND)
You don’t have to let those thoughts get really strong (WEASEL PHRASE AND BLINDER COMMAND)
And imagine what’s on your mind(FEEL COMMAND)
Instead when you just go for it and let it happen naturally, that’s when you feel right about this (ACTION AND FEEL COMMAND)
How to deliver embedded commands?
Pause just a little bit before delivering the command
Very slightly lower your volume.
When practicing just slightly pause between the weasel phrase and the command and slightly lower your volume
Don’t give commands with downward tonality because that sometimes begins to raise the unconscious resistance response.
Downward tonality and being commanding , however, is used if u want general compliance or are telling them to take a specific action- “give me your hand “. We’re not going to say, “will you give me your hands”.
Basically, a HUGE beginner mistake is to lean on these too much. Don’t. Don’t look at yourself as a wrestler slamming their opponent to the ground, but more so an aikido or tai chi master who uses just a little bit of his own force and flows effortlessly.
Their own neurological momentum will create the seduction. They fill in blanks and supply everything. Just be subtle, don’t worry and relax
What are embedded suggestions?
They offer a way for people to interpret what’s happening. “Just because you feel that doesn’t mean it’s on tonight.” It’s on tonight is the embedded suggestion.
Embedded suggestions happen at the end of embedded commands
Do a slight head nod right after u deliver the suggestion
What are trance words
They engage the more hypnotic and visual mechanisms in the mind. They engage the childlike right brain, and those mechanism that imply something is happening outside of their control.
They engage fantasy aspects, and bypass the critical thinking left brain
Examples of trance words
Wonder, really wonder
What are Trance phrases
They imply a lack of conscious, willful acting. The main one is “find yourself”
Another very good example about adventures
When you PICTURE what it would be like to have a wild adventure, you don’t need to see it clearly and IMAGINE it’s good. What’s important is you can WONDER, REALLY WONDER how you can find the courage to get that it’s on and take action now
Think of the kinda of actions, feelings and thoughts u want a woman to have and do in regards to u.
For each of these write out a command, and the weasel phrase used to embed them. Then write out two or 3 sentences putting it all together
Then go out and use this 5x in the real world
Another very good example about oral
My friend said the guy looked at her and said, “I’d like up eat your pussy all night long and then fuck your brains out at dawn.” Did he really expect her to picture that she want to act on it now? Some girls would like that forwardness and others wouldn’t
Phoenic ambiguity
Suck-seed instead of succeed
Nude direction instead of new direction.
These only work if she’s already horny, it’s best at the end of a chain of suggestions or patterns
“You’ll get a taste of what to come”
“Feel your opening”
“You can’t even put a finger on your source of excitement”