TMT Flashcards
Dictation techniques (Characteristics)
- Traditionally (spelling measurement)
- Now (listening and writing ability measurement)
- Direct measurement of language ability
- Beginner = Fill in the blanks dictation
Why is it important to specify texts with many details?
- Representativeness (texts candidates should be able to read)
- Authenticity (texts nativelike-or-not in test depending on text items intended to measure)
Non-Manifestation of Receptive Skills (problems)
- Reading and Listening (skills involved uncertain)
- Difficult to know if items succeeded measuring skills
Receptive Skills (Problems)
- Exercise of Recept. Sk. doesn’t mannifest itself in overt behaviour
- Challenge to make tests that demand the use of skills and result in behaviour that demonstratre Successful use of Sk.
What are 3 Direct Test Techniques?
1 - Oral interview (everything)
2 - Composition Writing (writing, voc, gram. etc)
3 - Summarizing - valid and direct (oral + reading comp, writing)
How to Improve Positive Washback
- abilities wanted to develop
- widely and unpredicably sample
- criterionreferenced/ direct
- measure course objectives
- Provide Support for Teacher
- Weigh impact against practicability
7 Specification of Test developpement when stating the Testing Problem
- Type
- Purpose
- Test-Takers
- Context
- Abilities to be tested (part of purpose)
- Test score consequences
- Limitations (of context)
Validity of a test determined
in relation to the purpose of the test
- What the test should measure)
What are Test Specifications?
- Blueprint of a test
- Details and information that enable to Develop a test
- Pre-test development Stage
Who needs test specification?
- Teachers and tests developers
- Items Writers
- Test Validators
- Test Users (e.g. Schools)
What is Interactiveness?
- Quality of the test itself
- Task interactive if it corresponds to test takers language ability
- If task not interactive = Not Valid
What is the purpose of Construct Definition in Test Specification?
- Specify Abilities to be Assessed
- Determines What we have to ask learners to do
Construct Definition (Example)
For a test of reading
The macro-construct is reading.
- Reading Comprehension
- Skim
– Scan
– Speed
Most Information Content in test specs?
+ information on content =
- arbitrary decisions in what to include in any versions
What Are the 7 Test specifications
- Content
- Structure
- Timing
- Medium Channel
- Techniques
- Criterial Levels of Performance
- Scoring Procedures
What is Reliability?
- Quality of test score
- Consistency of measurement across different characteristics of testing situations
What are the 7 Reliability Factors
- Make Longer Tests
- Choose Items that Dicriminate
- Provide Clear Instructions
- Write Clear Items
- Do Not give Much Choice
- Make Objective Tests
- Make Laid out and Legible Tests
Authenticity and Interactiveness in Direct Testing
Authenticity - Using Construct Definition
Interactiveness - Avoiding under-over repres. of construct (measure nothing more-less)
Discrete-Point vs. Integrative Items
DP - Items that measure One thing at a time
II - Items that measure Many things at Once
Items that measure Many things at Once
Items that measure One thing at a time
Norm-Referenced vs. Criterion-Referenced
N-R - Not Meaningful - Compared to other test takers (estimate grade)
C-R - Meaningful - gives What students know in which lang. ability
High test Usefulness (3 Principles)
- Overall Usefulness Important (not only 1 quality)
- Evaluate Combined effect of test qualities to get overall test usefulness
- Test Usefulness and Qualities Balance must be adapted to each testing situation