TMJ Classification/Diagnoses Flashcards
ADD Definition
- Articular Disc Displacement
- alteration in normal mechanics due to hypermobility can lead to internal derangement of the disc (4 phases)
ADD: Phase 1
- Lateral and medial ligs slightly elongated from repeated microtrauma
- Disc slides medially during opening and reduces laterally when condyle moves back during closing
- No joint sounds; pain free
ADD: Phase 2
- Lateral and medial lig elongation progressis and bilaminar tissues lengthen
- disc migrates medially and anteriorly (stays there at rest when mouth is closed or when the freeway space is maintained)
- During opening: condyle rides over post disc producing EARLY OPENING CLICK and reducing the condyle onto the disc
- During Closing: condyle will luxate off the disc and LATE CLOSING CLICK will occur
ADD: Phase 3
- Significant overstretching of post and lat lig
- disc deformed (more convex) and no longer sits on top of condyle
- condyle rests on post, sup, lat position which retracts the lat and med capsules (causes shortening of capsule)
- Lateral pterygoid shortens and becomes inactive
ADD: Phase 4
- No joint sounds
- post lig completely stretched
- condyle no longer on disc
- mandibular head deformed from bone on bone
- condyle rests in most sup, post position of mandibular fossa
- Entrapment neuropathy (post lig can perforate)
Systemic Inflammatory conditions
- RA, gout, psoriatic arthritis, SLE, ankylosing spondylitis
- chronic inflam of capsule can–>adhesions & fibrosis–>limited/painful opening and lat deviation and facial deformity
Capsular Fibrosis
- unresolved local inflamm due to micro/macro trauma
- chronic inflam–>shortening and fibrosis of capsule
- limited opening and reduced lateral deviation to opposite side
Potential Sources of TMJ Pain
UCS, C3, neuralgia, Arteritis, Dental problems, Sinusitis, Tumor
Referred, Non-radicular Pain
UCS, Teeth, Muscles (temporalis, masseter, pterygoids
Neurogenic Pain (referred radicular)
- Trigeminal N
- Geniculate N
- Glossopharyngeal N
- Tumor compressing cord, meninges, spinal nerve, nerve root, peripheral entrapment, neuritis
Viscerogenic Referral
- venous congestion or arterial deprivation to MS areas
- Arteritis (carotidynia, temporal arteritis)
S/Sx Associated with TMJ
- Chronic HA
- Teeth clenching/grinding
- Ringing/throbing/swishing ears/earaches
- clicking/popping jaw while eating/talk/sing/yawn
- pain/difficulty opening mouth very wide
- shoulder pn/stiffness
- face/neck pain
- tooth pain with no apparent cause
- Jaws lock in open or closed
- sensitive hearing/hearing loss
Body Chart:
- Joint noises in early phases progressing to difficulty opening and pain by phase 3 (crepitus at phase 4)
- Phase 1: no sounds
- Phase 2: early opening/late closing click
- Phase 3: late opening/early closing click
- Phase 4: no joint sounds (or crepitus)
Body Chart:
Systemic Inflammatory Conditions
- Pn in periauricular area
- increased or decreased with functional or parafunctional activities
- better with rest
Parafunctional Activities
thumb sucking, lip chewing, nail biting, chewing ice/hard candy, gum chewing, bruxing, abnormal tongue pressure, clenching, resting jaw in hand
Body Chart:
Capsular Fibrosis
Stiffness (may have pain)
Body Chart:
Joint Hypermobility
Feeling of jaw going out of place
Body Chart:
- Inability to close mouth
- may or may not have pain
Body Chart:
Degenerative conditions
- primary complaint is joint noises
- Joint noise/crepitus at same points in ROM
- initial trauma
- gradual onset that progresses to noises or intermittent locking
Systemic Inflammatory Conditions
Gradual/acute exacerbation of chronic condition
Capsular Fibrosis
follows history of prolonged capsulitis, prolonged immobilization or mandibular restriction, trauma, repetitive microtrauma or arthritis
Joint Hypermobility
may report catching when mouth opened making closing difficult
may report catching or feeling jaw is going out of place due to trauma or over opening
Degenerative Conditions
End result of OA
9 Points of Hypermobility
1/2: pinky extension >90* 3/4: Thumb to forearm 5/6: elbow hyperextension >10* 7/8: Knee hyperextension 9: palms flat on floor with knees extended
Objective Tests:
- Clicking over lateral poles with opening/closing
- Limited depression with deviation to ipsilateral side
- protrusion limited with deviation to ipsilateral side
- Lateral deviation limited to contralateral side
- Palpable crepitus
Stage 1: non/min pn with #1, 2, &3 synovials
Stage 2: pn with #1, 2, 3 synovials
Stage 3: pn with #3, 5, 6 synovials (#4 variable), stiff inferior glide
Stage 4: pn with #3, 5, 6 synovials; pn with #7, 8 provocation tests (#4 variable); stiff inferior glide
Objective Tests:
Systemic Inflammatory Conditions
- Unable to fully open or fully close (due to pn)
- pn with TMJ palpation with mouth closed and opened
- (+) forced biting
- (+) retrusive overpressure
Objective Tests:
Capsular Fibrosis
- decreased mandibular mobility and deflection from midline
- decreased translation
- restricted inferior and lateral glides
Objective Tests:
Joint Hypermobility
- large indentation palpable post to condyle when mouth opened
- deviation of mandible to contralateral side at end opening
- Depression >40mm
- Provocation test #4 increase movement
Objective Test:
- mouth locked in opening and deviated to contralat side with unilat dislocations
- no deviations with bilateral deviations
Objective Test:
Degenerative Conditions
- global limitations in movement but not function
- close to functional depression and protrusion with slight deviation toward involved side at end range
- close to functional lateral deviation to opposite side
- X-ray (+) for structural changes