TMAAT Flashcards
General Response Rules
- Boring and non-conversational is OK
- 2 ½ - 3 min answers, get to the point
- Solve problems keeping in mind the following priorities: Safety, Customer Service, Efficiency/Mission Accomplishment
Situation - Action - Result - Reaction
- Don’t give them a reason to question your decision making, airmanship, safety, or flight discipline
- Customer Service
- CRM/Leadership
- Stress / Crisis and how to resolve it
- Conflict: Above, Below, Intervene (between to other individuals)
- Mentorship
- Criticism / Feedback
Time you showed good customer service
- Extending vul times in Afghanistan. Always looking for additional tasking prior to RTB.
- 2016 VMR-1 flight into Guam, delayed for weather in Wake Is. Got into Guam at 11 PM.
Time you used good CRM in the jet
- FRS Instructor 2014
- Doing 1st student pilot flight
- Started in the brief
- Goal was to T/O and land safely
- Set expectations in the brief
- Don’t let stud get behind
- Communicate
How do you use CRM in daily flying?
- Fly with new stud daily
- Set expectations
- Adhere to SOP
- Clearly comm intentions in flight
- Ask probing questions
- Give them room the make mistakes, but don’t allow those mistakes to result in SOF
Time you were stressed in the cockpit
- Going to the boat for the first time, April 2010
-Flying with 1st pilot at QT-1
Time you were stressed outside the cockpit
Jenni got pregnant with Colston while I was in advanced
How did you resolve a conflict between a coworker and customer?
- GySgt Knapp and Brian Program Manager with KA
- Arguing about needing a QA department in the middle of the hangar in front of everyone.
- Chip Site manager called me to come out and intervene
- Pulled each aside later
- Developed a rift between KA and DCMA and VMR-1
- Must take disagreement behind closed doors
You saw someone break a rule
- SWOT T/O out of HSA into SIGMET
- Flew into clouds at 11K”
- Told him to descent to 9K’
- Inexperienced instructor don’t allow students to get you into trouble, was very receptive to our feedback
Went above and beyond to mentor someone
- Everyday as an instructor and Marine officer
- NSI work-up for Sebek
- Dewey in the FRS
Time you broke a rule or SOP
- Wore boots in Afghanistan that weren’t flight boots
- Wanted to be able to move quickly if I ever ejected
Time you had to give tough feedback
Kruegel with ECS issue
Time you made a snap decision you immediately regretted
- Not landing after 1st section approach with Puker
- Circling mins 600’
- Broke out at 800’ on 1st
- 350’ on the second
Flew with someone you knew shouldn’t be flying
- Stoecker in Afghanistan at night
- Known as a bad sleeper
- We had to complete the mission so we moved him to the backseat
- Talked to the OPSO and ASO after the flight to move him to days
Did you ever have to recommend that someone not fly?
- Student in the FRS
- 0600 brief told me he was up late talking to his Mom, because his Grandma died the day before
- Insisted he was good to fly
- Perception not safety can be the biggest driver for students sometimes.
-Stoecker in Afghanistan
Tell me about flying with a mediocre pilot/NFO
- MCUT with Farva in Japan
- He would argue during planning and his work was sub-par
- Put him in the front seat, so if he made a mistake/missed something I could fix it.
Proudest flight
- Qualing at the boat / Day I got winged
- Flying a flag in Afghanistan on Memorial Day 2012
- B-17 tailgunner in WWII, passed away a few weeks before deployment so I couldn’t make the funeral
Most challenging flight
MCUT final in Japan
- Multiple radios to manage and direct two aircraft for support
- Clearly define responsibilities and practice together before flying the event
Time you got criticized/counseled, disagreed at the time but saw the value later
- Short-term planning MCUT, not a realistic scenario
- How to handle stress, stay flexible, reach a 70% solution and execute.
When you made a controversial decision on deck or in the air
- Decided to stop flying at VMR-1
- Noticed the usual system for catching mistakes wasn’t working
- Had to recommend the squadron stop flying (not popular with DCMA and HQMC)
- Learned when working in an environment with competing interests you must present your argument without emotion, be matter of fact.
Had a student disagree with you
- Moors didn’t agree with the marginal I gave her for RADALT usage
Showed some leadership
Volunteered for duty after NAS Pensacola attack
Proudest accomplishment
Having kids
Getting married
Getting wings
Flew with someone that was hard to fly with
- T-bone in Afghanistan
- Farva in Japan MCUT
Time you had to cancel
Wx, Jets, human factors
Most serious emergency
Stab shift cable with Edwards
Lost the confidence of your peers
- Doing the VR-043 instead of the VR-084
- Wx was questionable on the 43 but great on the 84
- Told the stud in the debrief I was professionally embarrassed
- Saw him years later and he reminded me of that story
Made an unpopular decision
- Asked for more tasking while in Afghanistan
- Not popular at month 4, 4 hours into a flight
- We could just head home and no one would question us
- Policy was once tasking was complete ask for any more before RTB
- Dedicated to providing the service
Failed as a leader
- Allowed the squadron to separate F/E Marine
- Could have handled it at my level sooner, but didn’t review the NCO counseling
- Learning point, must deal with issue at my level, trust but verify
Had to motivate people to do something they didn’t want to do
- Marine to do annual training
Uncertain how an airborne event would end
- 1st flight with student pilot at QT-1
Were a professional role model
- Always
- Look and act professional
- Be prepared and honest about my mistakes
- Met weekly with NCOs and SNCOs in QT-1
How you deal with stress
- Over-prepare
- Chair fly
- Sleep
- Eat/Hydrate
- Delegate responsibilities
- Manage time well
- workout
- meditate
How do you know fatigue / deal with it
- Slow response time
- Comm issues / mistakes with simple tasks
- Delegate tasks
How do you see signs of stress in you or coworkers
- Lack of concentration
- Irritability
- Frazzled / sloppy appearance
Did community service
- Raising Hope
- Sabrehearts for tots
- Pilots N Paws
- Gulf Breeze Wrestling Club
What are your strengths/weaknesses
- Solid Aviator.
- Professional
- Hard worker
- Leadership
- Interpersonal Skills
- Communicate well
- Loyal
- Good Employee
- Genuine
- I’m working on…
- Being more patient
- Procrastination - Set internal deadlines
- Not trying to do too much
Failed or underperformed
- Low grades in landing pattern in intermediate
- No failures, but low enough that they gave me 2 ETs to help my landing pattern
- Result, top hook at the boat
Any regrets or things you would change about your career
- Timing of separation
- Do a FAC tour
Showed empathy
- LCpl Medina
How did you benefit community
- Made an impact on Marines daily
- LCpl Medina and Command Financial Specialist
- Got quals and formed future aviators
Showed good communication skills
- Schmidt during final MCUT
- 1st student pilot at QT-1
Showed good interpersonal skills
- Stifler, no one really liked flying with him and he knew it
- Sometimes you just have to let people talk without judgement
Showed Initiative
- Command Financial Specialist
Never would do again in an airplane
- Fly when I was unable to clear my ears/sick
What is something you are not good at or need to improve?
- Procrastination - set internal deadlines
- Patience - hate to be late
- Don’t try to do too much
My leadership mattered
- LCpl Medina
You improved safety
- Sgt Lopez
Superior questioned your decision
- Separating a FE Marine
Policy/procedure you disagreed with and what you did about it
- Seat arming procedure in VT-86
Received an unreasonable request from a customer
JTAC in Afghanistan
Had to divert
- Divert to Jack Edwards because of Blue Angels
You lied
- Don’t make a habit of lying
- Questioned about the Prowler by a photographer in Japan
- lied about my political opinion to avoid conflict in the cockpit