TLS Flashcards
Laboratory feature of TLS?
> / 2 of following:
-hyperuricemia- uric acid > upper limit rang of normal
-hyperkalemia- K >/ 6.0
-hyperphosphatemia PO4 >2.2
-hypocalcemia </1.75
timing of lab finding for TLS in order to make a dx?
> /2 of labs findings within same 24 hour period, 3 days before chemo or 7 days after starting chemo
Clinical dx of TLS includes?
> /2 lab findings PLUS >/1 of following:
-creatinine >/1.5 upper limit normal for age
-Cardiac arrhythmia or sudden death
-neuromusc instability
overview of patho of TLS
-malignant cells lyse spontaneously or result of chemo
-release intracellular phos, K, nucleic acids–>metabolized into uric acid)
What is the worry re: hyperkalemia in TLS?
-cardiac arrhythmia and sudden death
What is worry re: hyperphosphatemia in TLS?
-results in intravascular calcium phosphate formation leading crystallization in various organs, mainly kidney, leading to AKI
Why does hypocalcemia occur in TLS?
-excess phosphate binds calcium
Consequences of hypocalcemia?
-cardiac dysrhythmia (increased issue when hyperkalemia present)
-deposition of calcium phosphate in cardiac conduction system
hyperuricemia is a result of what process in TLS?
-release of cellular DNA nucleic acids
How is uric acid normally excreted from body?
-via kidney and relies on normal GFR and urine PH because uric acid is an insoluble metabolite
consequence of elevated uric acid from TLS?
-urine crystallization in renal collecting system and AKI
In addition to uric acid, what other metabolite is released as a consequence of nucleic acid breakdown?
Excess Xanthine from TLS causes?
Xanthine precipitation in the renal collection system and AKI?
What are 3 the mechanisms causing renal collecting system issues and AKI in TLS?
-calcium phosphate crystallization
-uric acid crystallization
-Xanthine precipitation
2 mechanism of How does Allopurinol work to lower uric acid levels?
-inhibits xanthine oxidase which converts Xanthine into uric acid
-converts uric acid into soluble allanton, which is easily excreted in urine
TLS more likely to occur in tumors that have______and______?
-high proliferation rate
-great tumor MASS
Examples of pediatric cancers at highest risk for TLS?
-DLBC lymphoma
-Burkitts leukemia/lymphoma
-first Burkitts and ALL highest risk; then DLBC
Why TLS in Burkitts leukemia and lymphoma?
-tumor with high proliferation rate that outgrows metabolic needs resulting in spontaneous TLS on presentation
What 3 markers determine risk of TLS?
-tumor stage
-LDH level as a marker of cellular proliferation and turnover
what are the WBC parameters for marker for risk for TLS in LEUKEMIAS?
->/100 in ALL is high risk
-<100 in ALL is intermediate
->/100 in AML is high
->/25-99 in AML is intermediate risk
-<25 in AML is low risk
-Burkitt leukemia always high risk