Tissue Flashcards
Opening of Tissue
Paper that lets the light shine through,this is what could alter things
Gentle loving verbs in tissue,syndetic list
Pages smoothed and stroked and turned
Transparent with attention
Quote in tissue showing temporary nature of us
If buildings were paper…
Fall away on a sigh
Alliterative ‘l’ sounds in tissue and show of paper’s importance
Place layer over layer,luminous
Script over numbers over line
Plosives used to reinforce power of man and buildings but then being overpowered by nature
Never wish to build again with brick
Or block,but let the daylight break
Through capitals and monoliths
Quote showing huburistic nature of man in tissue
Shapes that pride can make
Quote showing God making humans in tissue
Living tissue,raise a structure never meant to last,of paper smoothed and stroked.
Last quote of tissue showing her belief in God and faith in humans
Turned into your skin
Quote showing power of nature and alliterative r sounds in tissue
Maps too.The sun shines through
Their borderlines,the marks
That rivers make,roads,
Form and structure of tissue
Poetic voice is ambiguous.Lack of irregular rhythm and enjambent across lines and stanzas reflects desire for freedok clarity and shows transient nature of life.Last single line stanza reflects main message of poem