Macbeth Quotes Later On In Play Flashcards
Quote showing Macbeth’s jealousy of Duncan
“He sleeps well”
Quote showing how Macbeth sleeps
Restless ecstacy
Quote showing how Macbeth’s mind is
O Full of scorpions is my mind dear wife
Quote showing how Macbeth knows more killing must take place against Duncans family
We have scorch’d the snake not killed it
Quote similar to look like the innocent flower
Make our faces visards to our hearts
Quote showing disrespect to Banquo
Safe in a ditch he lies
Quote from witches about macbeth
Something wicked this way comes
Macbeth quote describing witches on second time he meets them
How now you secret black and midnight hags
Quote from macbeth against witches
And an eternal curse fall on you
Quote from macbeth saying what he will do to Macduff’s family
Give to the edge of the sword,his wife,his babes and all unfortunate souls that trace him in his line
Different ways Macbeth is described near the end of the play
“Devlish” “hell-hound” “tyrant” “dead butcher” “whose sole name blisters our tounges”
Last important quote from Macbeth perhaps redeeming him
“I will not yield”
Macduff quote showing his plan for macbeth
Macbeth is ripe for shaking and the powers above put on their instruments
Quote from macduff showing his views on macbeth
Fit to govern,no not to live
Quote from macduff showing his view on duncan’s murder
Most sacreligious murder
Quote from agnus showing his view on macbeth’s title
Like a giants robe upon a dwarfish theif