A Christmas Carol Quotes Flashcards
Quote describing Scrooge’s role with Marley
Scrooge was his sole executor,his sole administrator,his sole assign,his sole residuary legatee,his sole friend and sole mourner
Quote describing Scrooge’s personality
He carried his own low temperature around with him always…and didn’t thaw it one degree at christmas
Quote describing scrooge’s lonliness
Solitary as an oyster
Quote from Fred about Christmas
Though it has never put a scrap of silver or gold in my pocket I believe it has done me good and I say God bless It!
Quote from Scrooge on social duty using violent imagery
If they would rather die they had better do it and decrease the surplus population
Quote from Marley about what men should do
It is required of every man,that the spirit within him should walk abroad among his fellow men and travel far and wide
Marley’s warning of what happened to him
I wear the chain i forged in life
Quote from Ghost of christmas past about community
Fezziwig has spent but a few pounds of your mortal money…is that so much that he deserves this praise
Quote from Belle at the end of the relationship
Another idol has displaced me,biblical imagery
Quote from when Scrooge first meets the Ghost of Christmas Present and what he’s sutting on
Heaped up on the floow,to form a kind of throne were turkeys…,sausages…,puddings.Shows sheer abundance that could be shared,Scrooge could share this
Quote from ghost of christmas present about what will happen to tiny tim
I see a vacant seat,in the poor chimney corner and a crutch without an owner…if these shadows remain unfaltered by the future,the child will die.Shows Scrooge that tim will die if he doesn’t change
Quote from Scrooge when shown stuff in future
“Am I that man that lay upon the bed”, realises if he doesn’t change this is his future
What’s a quote on redemption by scrooge
And it was always said of him that he knew how to keep christmas well if any man alive possesed the knowledge.Means he has fully changed
Quote describing Scrooge at the start of the book as angry
Hard and sharp as flint
Vivid description of scrooge at the start of the text
Oh! But he was a tight-fisted hand at the grindstone scrooge,a squeezing,wrenching,grasping,scraping,clutching,covetous old sinner!
What is a quote about Scrooge controlling Christmas spirit
“The clerk’s fire was so small that it looked like one coal”
Quote from Scrooge at the end in contrast to the start
“I am as happy as an angel,I am as merry as a school boy”
Quote from Scrooge talking about his new beggining and in contrast to Stave 2 when talking to belle
I’m quite a baby (Jesus Christ was a baby,shows new birth in christ)
Quote from Scrooge talking about the only thing he values and how Christmas isn’t important
“A time for paying bills without money;a time for finding yourself a year older,and not an hour richer,a time for balancing your books
Funny quote from Scrooge in Stave one
Every idiot who goes around with ‘Merry Christmas’ on their lips should be boiled with his own pudding and buried with a Stake of Holly through his heart
Quote from Fred in contrast to Scrooge
Although it has never put a scrap of gold or silver in my pocket,I believe that it has done me good and will do me good and I say,God bless it
Quote showing the Clerk as poorer than Scrooge but richer in Christmas spirit
Who,cold as he was,was warmer than Scrooge for he returned them Cordially (talking about Christmas blessings,Clerk is cold from the small fire however is warm in spirit)
Quote showing view of Rich on poor from Scrooge
I can’t afford to make idle people merry
Quote showing a personification of God but it can’t see Scrooge due to the darkness that surrounds him
The ancient tower of a church…was always peeping down slyly at him
2 Quotes showing how the poor bring Christmas spirit
The fog and darkness thickened so that people ran about with flaring links
Labourers were repairing the gas pipes and had lighted a great fire in a Brazier
Quote about Scrooge’s house and how he has no Christmas spirit
Darkness was cheap and Scrooge liked it
Quote from the book about Scrooge trying to push down Christmas Spirit however it’s already gotten in
Though Scrooge pushed with all his might he could not hide the light
What was the 1834 poor law and how does it relate to ACC
It was a law passed that said if you were unemployed you should work in a workhouse otherwise you would be jailed,Dickens was heavily against this and hinted at it in the quote “are there no prisons,are there no workhouses”
Oxymoron showing the poverty of the cratchits however also the hapiness of them being together
“A small pudding for a large family”
Quote from Tiny Tim with religious imagery showing how he is still grateful even through his illness,also last line in book,significant
“God bless us everyone”
Quote about Ignorance and Want and their description
Yellow,meagre,ragged,scowling,wolfish…where graceful youth should’ve filled their features out…a stale and shrivveled hand like that of age had pinched and twisted them and pulled them into shreds
Quote from fezziwig showing his personality
Yo ho my boys,no more work tonight.Christmas eve
Quote showing Scrooge being scared of the ghost of christmas yet to come
Scrooge feared the silent shape so much that his legs trembled beneath him
Promise from Scrooge about christmas at the end
I will honour Christmas in my heart and try to keep it all the year,I will live in the past present and future
Positive non-sensical language at the end of the story
Hallo here whoop Hallo!
Quote from marley about the treatment of him in the afterlife
Incessant torture