An Inspector Calls Quotes Flashcards
Mrs birling talking about who is to blame
First the girl herself…secondly I blame the young man who was the father of the child…he should be made an example of
Quote from Eric showing the patriarchy
I wasn’t in love with her or anything,but I liked her-she was pretty and a good sport
Quote from inspector showing responsibility and how we are all together
We are members of one body.We are responsible for each other
Quote from Mrs Birling showing her view on men being away for long times
When your married,you’ll realise that men with important work to do sometimes have to spend all their time and energy on their business
Quote from inspector (final speech)
One Eva Smith has gone but there are millions of Eva Smiths…all intertwined with our lives…if men will not learn that lesson then they will be taught it in fire and blood and anguish
Portrayl of Eric at the beggining of the text
Half shy half assertive
Quote from Eric questioning his father about his workers’ wages
Why shoulden’t they try for higher wages?
Eric’s quotes on responsibility to Mrs Birling
You killed her-and the child,you killed your own grandchild
You don’t understand anything,you never did.You never even tried
Quotes from Eric on Gender inequality
She wasn’t the usual sort
She didn’t know what to do
I hate these fat old tarts
Quotes from Eric on his guilt
I insisted it seems
In that state when a chap easily turns nasty
I threatened to make a row
Eric quotes on Morality - response to Eva’s death
(Involuntarily) My God!
Quote from inspector using gruesome imagery to show how Eva died
Died in misery and Agony-hating life
Significance of the name renton
Euphemism for prostitution as she was forced to change in order to survive in a hostile world
Quote from Gerald showing his thoughts on Eva when he first saw her
Young and fresh and charming and altogether out of place down there
Quotes from Mrs birling showing her prejudiced towards her story
A girl of that sort would (not) ever refuse money
Impertinence (in claiming to be Mrs Birling)
One of the things that prejudiced me against her
Quotes describing Gerald’s appearance
Rather too manly to be a dandy
Easy well bred young man about town
Quotes from Gerald about his desire and lust
She was pretty-soft brown hair and big dark eyes
A pretty girl in her early twenties
Women of the town
I hate those hard eyed dough faced women
Quotes from Gerald about his relationship with eva being with somebody from the lower class
It wasn’t disgusting
Knew it coulden’t last
Quotes from Gerald surrounding responsibility
Sorry well i’ve just suddently realised-taken it in properly that she’s dead
Yes I think you were justified in getting eva sacked
You couldn’t have done anything
He at least had some affection for her and made her happy for a time
Quotes showing Mr Birling’s insecurity in his social position
Provincial in his speech
You ought to like this port Geral,it’s exactly the same port your father gets
There’s a fair chance that I may find myself into the next honours list
Quotes from Mr Birling showing capitalism vs Socialism
As if we were all mixed up together like bees in a hive-community and all that nonsense
Probably a socialist or some sort of crank
It’s my duty to keep labour costs down
We may look foward to a time when crofts and birling…are working together for lower costs and higher prices
Quotes from Mr Birling showing the younger generation vs the older generation
Why you hysterical young fool-get back or i’ll
Now look at the pair of them-the famous younger generation who know it all and they can’t even take a joke
Quotes on responsibility from Mr Birling
I can’t accept any responsibility
I’ve got to cover this up as soon as I can
There’s every excuse for what both your mother and I did
(Jovially) but the whole things different now
(Inspector)Public men Mr Birling have responsibilities as well as priviledges
Quotes from Mr birling showing Dramatic Irony
You’ll hear some people say that war is inevitable and to that I say-fiddlesticks
Unsinkable absolutely unsinkable
Time of steadily increasing prosperity
Quotes from Mr Birling showing him being self absorbed
One of the happiest nights of my life…your engagement to Shelia means a tremendous lot to me
Perhaps I ought to warn you that the Chief is an old friend of mine
I don’t like your tone nor the way you’re handling this enquiry
There’ll be a public scandal and who here will suffer for that more than I will
A heavy looking rather portentous man
Quotes from Mrs Birling showing responsibility
She had only herself to blame
I did nothing I’m ashamed of
I did my duty
He’d be entirely responsible…compelled to confess in public his responsibility
A peice of gross impertinence
Quotes from Mrs Birling showing her pride
Don’t contradict me like that
A trifle impertinent
Prominent member of the Brumley Women’s Charity Organisation
The rude way he spoke…it was quite extraordinary
What business is it of yours?
(With dignity) we’ve done a great deal of useful work helping deserving cases
Quotes from Mrs Birling showing her class
Her husband’s social superior
Arthur you’re not supposed to say such things
Disgusting affair
Girls of that class
Quotes showing Mrs Birling’s empathy
A rather cold woman
You’ll have to get used to that,just as I had
Claiming elaborate fine feelings and scruples
Quotes showing Sheila’s responsibility
Oh-how horrible
I was in a furious temper
It was my own fault
I felt rotten about it at the time
If I could help her now I would
I suppose we’re all nice people now
Quote from Sheila showing older vs younger generation
It’s you two who are being childish,trying not to face the facts
Quotes from Sheila showing her maturity
Pretty girl in her twenties and very pleased with life and rather excited
You and I aren’t the same people
You don’t seem to have learnt anything
No not yet.It’s too soon I must think
Quotes from Sheila showing Capitalism vs Socialism
But these girls aren’t just cheap labour they’re people
Impertinent is such a silly word
Quotes from the Inspector showing Morality/Responsibility
Speaks carefully,weightily
If you’re easy with me,i’m easy with you
Yes but you can’t,it’s too late she’s dead
Public men,Mr Birling,have responsibilities as well as privileges
Each of you helped to kill her,remember that,never forget it
We are members of one body
Quotes showing the Inspector’s omniscience
He knows
I don’t need to know any more,neither do you
Quotes showing the inspector’s physical appearance
Need not be a big man
Impression of massiveness solidity and purposefulness
A plain darkish suit
What does Mrs birling announce after dinner
That its time to “leave you men”
Quote showing Mrs Birlings belief on who’s responsible for the child
Firstly the girl herself,then the young man,he should be made an example of
Quote from Mrs Birling to Sheila commenting on hysteria
Your behaving like a hysterical child
Quote showing irony on Mr Birlings words
Laughs bitterly,I didn’t notice you telling him it’s every man for himself
Quote showing Eric knowing of Gerald’s activities
Quote showing Geralds view on women
She was pretty-soft brown haie and big dark eyes-[breaks off] my God!
Quote showing responsibility from Eric and Mrs Birling
I’m ashamed in you,Well I don’t blame you but don’t forget i’m ashamed in you too