Time Management Flashcards
Consequences and benefits
Consequences : Tasks can pile up, failure to meet targets, working harder when not required, feeling of being out of control, stress.
Benefits : more efficient working, more productivity, less time wasted, more free time, less likely make mistakes, reduction or elimination of stress, better planning, more disciplined, organised and boat moral and confidence
Method 1: 1-2-3 system
1: urgent
2: soon
3: long term
Method 2: a-b-c method
A: must do
B: should do
C: nice to do
Method 3: ABCD analysis
A: urgent + important
B: non-urgent + important
C: urgent + non important
D: non- urgent + non important
Method 4: eisenhower method
Similar to ABCD, 2 kinds of problems
- urgent and important
- decision matrix
- 1: do first
- 2: do later
- 3: delegate
- 4: eliminate
Pomodoro technique
To enhance focus, prevent procrastination, uses timer to breakdown work to intervals
- 25 mins work
- 5 mins break
- repeat 3x
- 15 mins break
- repeat
SMART tasks
S: specific
M: measurable
A: achievable
R: relevant and realistic
T: timely