Time aspect of conditioning Flashcards
What is the effect of inter-trial interval?
General rule: longer ITI > higher CR
When amount of pairings CS-US are the same
ITI = time it takes before US is presented after CS is presented
What is the best ratio between ITI and how long CS is presented? I/T
Why is I/T so important?
I = inter trial interval T = time presenting CS
The bigger the ratio
(ITI / CS) the stronger conditioning occurs
CS….US / CS……..
longer CS is better
What is the conditioned response according to HOLLAND?
CR (conditioned response) is linear function of ITI
CS = 20 seconds (longer is better)
If you then present
CS=10 can be just as strong conditioning if ITI becomes 2x as big
40/ 10
20/ 20
What is relative waiting time hypothesis?
Waiting time until US comes after CS is shown = CS waiting time
Waiting time” till US is shown without considering the CS = context-waiting time
CS is only informative if : CS waiting time is shorter < than context waiting time!
small I/T ratio: CS waiting time ≈ context waiting time
CS not very informative in predicting when US will be presented
Big I/T ratio: CS waiting time < contextwachttijd
What is the rate expectancy theory? Gallistel & Gibbon
Goes further than relative waiting time..
organismen hebben notie van “tijdsduur”,
Organisms have a time orientation.
They memorize how long certain events take in the conditioning procedures.
They compare temporal variables > which determine behavior
Look up!
What is the problem with I/T MODELS?
expectation of several acquisition trials…
How about single trial conditioning?:
Fear conditioning > has proven to work on a single trial
Taste aversion as well