Operant conditioning Flashcards
what are the aspects of operant conditioning?
operant response
Learning where and why to carry out response
New responses starting from known response
Importance of direct consequence! not delayed
Consequence is result of response and dependent on behavior of animal
Animal has control of stimulus presentation!
what is Thorndike law of effect?
S-R associations
Association comes to be established between R response and environmental stimuli S.
that was the only thing learned.
Reinforcer O(consequence) will only strengthen the association but is not learned R-O.
What is S-O association operant learning?
R results in reinforcer O within context cues S.
Similar to pavlovian conditioned responses.
> pavlovian associations can be contributing to instrumental conditioning
What is S(R-O) association?
Higher order relation
The R-O relation is only present in context S.
S becomes signal for R-O contingency
Three term contingency
Is analogous to B (A-US) relation Pavlovian conditioning
Whis of R-O, S-R, S-O, S(R-O) operant relationship has been proven?
all have been proven
What is R-O en S-R learning difference?
Both can happen depending on situation…
R-O is action association
S-R is habit association
What is Positive R-O contingency?
> the more you carry out the response > the more the outcome
what is Negative R-O contingency?
> the more you carry out the action > the less the outcome
The less you carry out the response > the more the outcome
if you do not escape , jump away > more shock
what is Positive reward (getting food)?
> more response , more food
> frequency will increase of response
what is Positive punishment
Less response
The more of the response the more of the negative consequence
what is Negative punishment
( take away something positive)
Punishment situation
Less response
Concerns something positive
what is Negative reward ?
(negative reinforcement)
Escape something bad - something bad does not happen, iets negatief
> the more you do a behavior (jump to other side > the less of shock)
negative because concerns a negative stimulus! (shock will not happen)
What is a Discrete trial method ?
Puzzle box
1 or more actions to escape puzzle box with cats
Reward is food
Measured result: how much time does it take?
Experimenter has control over when and how often trial is carried out
What is the free operant method?
Automated experiment
Animal decides amount of trails and inter-trial interval
Operant: micro switch
Mearured result = frequency/rate of response R within certain time
What is Shaping - new responses ?
Possible through : intrinsic variability of response
entirely new behavior
reinforcement of succesive approximations = Systematic increase criterium for response reward within normal response range
Animal does not always press with same strength - only when animal presses hard enough reward
Add more and more components until you create new combinations
= behavior that would not be possible without instrumental training!