Any physical soil manipulation which changes the structure of the soil, kills
weeds, and rearranges dead plant materials.
Objectives of tillage:
To develop a desirable soil structure for a seedbed.
To control weeds, cut roots and bury green materials.
To incorporate manure and chemical fertilizer.
a. higher water infiltration rate.
b. decreased water surface runoff.
c. greater water holding capacity.
d. promote root penetration.
Tillage or objectives of tillage
For wetland conditions:
4. To turn the soil into a soft “puddle”.
5. To form a hard layer which reduces water leaching.
3 classifications of tillage
Primary tillage
Secondary tillage
General-purpose tillage
initial cutting, breaking and usually inversion of the soil
Primary tillage
Implements used are moldboard, disc and chisel plows and subsoilers cutting the
soil to a depth of 6” to 36”
Primary tillage
Often referred to as plowing.
Primary tillage
subsequent breaking, pulverization and leveling of the soil
making it ready for planting.
Secondary tillage
Implements used are disc, spike-tooth and spring-tooth harrows preparing the soil to a depth of 3” to 6”.
Secondary tillage
Often referred to as
Secondary tillage
Combined primary and secondary tillage in one
General-purpose tillage
Implements used are the rotavators and floating tillers cutting the soil
to a depth of up to 6”.
General-purpose tillage
Often referred to as rotavating.
General-purpose tillage
Terms used in plowing:
unplowed soil.
Terms used in plowing:
soil cut, lifted, inverted and thrown to one side of the plow bottom.
Terms used in plowing:
trench or canal left by the furrowslice.
Terms used in plowing :
raised ridged when two furrowslices overlap each other
Terms used in plowing:
trench left equal to two furrows when furrowslices are thrown on
opposite sides.
Terms used in plowing:
unbroken side of the furrow.
Furrow wall
Primary Tillage Equipment are classified into two:
Moldboard plow and Disc plow
one of the oldest and most important agricultural equipment
for land preparation.
Moldboard plow
It cuts the soil to a depth of 6” to 18 “.
Moldboard plow
Basic parts of moldboard plow bottom: provides the cutting edge of the plow bottom.
Basic parts of moldboard plow bottom: receives the furrowslice from the share; lifts,
inverts and throws it to one side of the plow bottom.
Basic parts of moldboard plow bottom: counteracts the side pressure exerted by the
furrowslice on the plow bottom.
Clearances of the moldboard plow bottom: bend downward of the point of the share to
make the plow penetrate the soil to the proper depth.
Vertical clearance
Clearances of the moldboard plow bottom: bend outward or sideward of the point of
the share towards the unplowed land to make the plow cut the
proper width.
Horizontal clearance
perpendicular distance between
the wing and the point of the share. This also expresses the width of cut
of the plow bottom.
Size of the moldboard plow bottom