– process of providing plants the conditions that will make them free of
weeds, pests and diseases.
Crop protection
The _ stage between _ and _ constitutes the longest stay in
the field and the most vulnerable period of the crop.
growing, planting, flowering
Methods of pest control:
– modification of cultural practices such as time of planting and
crop rotation.
Cultural control
Methods of pest control:
change in the environment of the crop and the pest which
favors the survival of the crop such as flooding to kill insects and weeds
Ecological control
Methods of pest control:
introduction of certain insects which feed on pests,
application of chemosterilants to render the male sterile, or planting of certain
plants whose odor drive pests away.
Biological control
Methods of pest control:
breeding and planting of pest resistant varieties
Physiological control
Methods of pest control:
application of chemicals to control weeds, pests and diseases.
Chemical control
Methods of pest control:
use of flame for the selective burning of weeds in crops whose
stem is not injured by a short exposure to intense heat.
Flame control
Methods of pest control:
use of tools, implements and machines to reduce or
eliminate weeds and insects such as in land preparation, cultivation and weeding
Mechanical control
Classification of weeders:
A. By design of soil working part:
B. By power source:
rectangular, triangular and trapezoidal shapes with cutting
edges sharpened and hardened for soil cutting and weed uprooting.
Blade type
straight or curved, round or square cross-section steel rods
sharply pointed and hardened at the soil working end.
Tine type
curved spikes or paddles attached radially to a common
axle which rotate when pushed forward to uproot and bury weeds.
Rotary type
hand-held or push-type weeders for upland or
Manual weeders
utilize the blade and tine type of soil
working parts with short (< 0.5 m), medium (< 1 m) and long
(> 1 m) handles.
Hand-held weeders
utilize any of the three types of soil
working parts for upland (wheel hoe) and lowland (rotary
weeder) weeding.
Push-type weeders
soil working parts are mounted on a frame or
tool bar pulled by an animal for upland weeding.
Animal-drawn weeders
soil working parts are mounted on a frame or
tool bar pulled by a two-wheel or four-wheel tractor for upland weeding.
Tractor-drawn weeders