Thyrotoxicosis Flashcards
syndrome resulting from excess circulating free thyroxine(T4) and/or free tri-iodothyronine(T3)
due to either increased thyroid hormone synthesis (hyperthyroidism) or increased thyroid hormone release from an inflamed thyroid (thyroiditis)
subclinical hyperthyroidism - thyroid hormone levels
normal T3/T4
low TSH
graves disease toxic multinodular goitre toxic adenoma thyroiditis (post-partum or de quervains - post-viral) drugs (amiodarone, self-adminstered T4)
how does graves disease cause thyrotoxicosis
plasma IgG to thyroid TSH receptor stimulates thyroid hyperplasia and thyroid hormone hypersecretion
1% of females
0.1% of males
graves disease is the most common cause of hyperthyroidism overall
toxic multinodular goitre is the most common cause of hyperthyroidism in the elderly
heat intolerance, sweating, palpitations, anxiety
weight loss despite good appetite, diarrhoea
exertional dyspnoea
decreased libido
menstrual irregularities in females
impotence in males
history in graves
double or blurred vision
history in de quervains thyroiditis
flu-like illness
tender goitre
1 general -underweight -sweating -restless 2 hands -tremor -warm & moist -palmar erythema 3 BP -WPP 4 Eyes -lid retraction & lid lag 5 thyroid -goitre 6 neurological -proximal muscle weakness -hyper-reflexia
what causes lid lag and lid retraction in hyperthyroidism
increased catacholamine sensitivity of levator palpebrae superioris
examination of hyperthyroidism with graves disease
thyroid acropachy (clubbing) graves opthalmology -exophthalmos -double or blurred vision pretibial myxoedema
examination of thyroid crisis
hyperpyrexia signs of dehydration tachycardia restlessness coma
1 TFTs
-high T4/T3
-low TSH
-high T4/T3
-high or inappropriately normal TSH
2 radioisotope uptake scane
-graves disease has diffuse increased uptake
-toxic multinodular goitre has multiple areas of increased radio-isotope uptake (hot nodules) with suppression of uptake in other areas of the gland
-de quervains has no uptake
3 TSH receptor stimulating antibodies - positive in graves
4 CT/MRI of orbits for graves opthalmology
what is used for a radioisotope uptake scan
99 technetium pertechnetate
management in acute thyroid crisis
propylthiouracil propanolol IV hydrocortisone which inhibits peripheral conversion of T4 to T3 potassium iodide/Lugol's iodine rehydrate and control temperature
treat underlying cause
management for primary hyperthyroidism
1 medical
-anti-thyroid drugs (carbimazole, propylthiouracil, beta-blockers)
2 radioactive iodine
-must avoid pregnancy, pregnant women, young children
3 surgery
-for large goitres causing upper airway obstruction or dysphagia, and cannot take ATDs, and are pregnant or have moderate/severe graves opthalmology
how do carbimazole and propylthiouracil treat hyperthyroidism
inhibit thyroid peroxidase and hormone synthesis
thyrotoxic crisis
complications with chronic subclinical hyperthyroidism
increased long-term risk of atrial fibrillation and decreased bone density
many patients become hypothyroid due to medication etc.