Thyroid Glands Flashcards
What are the two most important hormones produced by the thyroid glands?
T3 and T4 are the most important hormones.
What hormone regulates and stimulates the release of T3/T4 hormones?
Thyroid stimulating hormone regulates and stimulates the release of these hormones.
What facilities the incorporation of iodide onto tyrosine residues?
Thyroperoxidase facilities the incorporation of iodide producing T3/T4.
What occurs after the production of T3/T4 and how are they secreted?
The thyroid follicle is endocytosed back into the follicle cell secreted into the plasma of the blood.
What thyroid hormone is found in circulation and what is the turnover rate of this hormone?
The thyroid hormone found in circulation is T4 and has a low turnover rate.
What thyroid hormone is found intracellularly and what is its turnover rate?
T3 is the hormone found intracellularly and has a fast turnover rate.
When thyroid gets within target cells, what does the thyroid cell interact with?
Within target cells thyroid interacts with nuclear receptors to regulate gene transcription.
What effects are caused by thyroid hormones?
Thyroid hormone stimulates metabolism and regulates growth and development.
What is meant by hyperthyroidism?
Hyperthyroidism is used to describe and overactive thyroid leads to increased skin temperature and metabolic rate.
How is radioiodine used to treat hyperthyroidism?
Radioidoine when taken in causes cell damage resulting in hypothyroidism.
When treating hyperthyroidism carbimazole is used. How is this used to treat this and what is used when this treatment is ineffective?
Carbimazole treats hyperthyroidism by decreasing thyroid hormone synthesis by reducing iodine uptake and when ineffective propylthiouracil is used instead.
What molecule dose decreases thyroid vascularity and hormone secretion?
High iodine doses decreases hormone vascularity and secretion.
What is graves disease?
Graves disease is protruding eyes caused by toxic nodular goitre.
What can be given in the treatment of graves disease symptoms?
Beta Blockers can be given in the treatment of graves disease.
What enzyme is used to convert T4 into T3?
The D2 enzyme facilitates the conversion of T4 into T3.