Thyroid Flashcards
What are the physiological effects of thyroid hormones?
- increase O2 consumption & glucose absorption
- increase HR, excitability & conductivity
- increase skeletal & sexual maturation
- decreases serum cholesterol level
What affects total T3 & T4 measurements
Thyroxin binding globulin (TBG)
- total T4 = 4 - 12
- total T3 = 80 - 120
increase TBG -> pregnancy, estrogen, congenital
decrease TBG -> liver cell failure, nephrotic syndrome, malnutrition, congenital, androgens
Radio-active iodine uptake (RAIU) is useful in diagnosis of?
except in cases of -> thyrotoxicosis factitia
-> thyroiditis
-> ectopic thyroid tissue (struma ovarii)
What is the most sensitive test for differentiation between primary & secondary thyroid dysfunction?
Serum TSH
hyperthyroidism -> increase T3 & T4 + decreased TSH
hypothyroidism -> decreased T3 & T4 + increased TSH
hyperthyroidism -> increased T3 & T4 & TSH
hypothyroidism -> decreased T3 & T4 & TSH
What are the anti-thyroid antibodies that could be found?
- Thyroid stimulating immunoglobulin (TSI or LATS) -> Graves’ disease
- Anti-microsomal & antithyroglobulin -> Hashimoto’s thyroiditis
- TSH binding inhibitory immunoglobulin (TBII) -> primary hypothyroidism
- serum thyroglobulin -> increases in differentiated cancer thyroid
What is the significance of thyroid scanning using 99mTC?
- defines areas of hot nodules or cold nodules
- retrosternal goiter
- ectopic thyroid tissue
- functioning metastasis of thyroid carcinoma
What are the causes of thyrotoxicosis?
- Graves disease (Basedow disease)
- toxic nodule
- toxic adenoma
- iodine induced hyperthyroidism
- TSH-secreting pituitary tumor
- choriocarcinoma
- subacute thyroiditis
- chronic thyroiditis with transient thyrotoxicosis (Hashitoxicosis)
- Hamburger thyroiditis
- Thyrotoxicosis factitia
- ectopic thyroid tissue -> Struma ovarii or functioning metastatic follicular carcinoma
What is the cause of Grave’s disease?
- auto-antibody belonging to IGg class -> TSI or LATS (thyroid stimulating immunoglobulin)
- can lead to transient neonatal thyroiditis because antibodies can cross the placenta
What are the general manifestations of Grave’s disease?
- progressive weight loss + increasing appetite -> hyperdefecation due to increase GIT motility
- heat intolerance
- increased sweating
- nervousness, emotional liability
- irritable, agitated
- exaggerated reflexes
- fine tremors
What are the cardiovascular manifestations of Graves disease?
- all types of arrhythmias EXCEPT heart block
- high cardiac output failure -> water-hammer pulse
- flow murmur -> hyper dynamic circulation
- increase systolic hypertension -> increase pulse pressure
What are the musculoskeletal manifestations of Grave’s disease?
- Myopathy, Myasthenia Graves
- bone resorption -> hypercalcuria & hypercalcemia + osteoporosis
What are the skin manifestations of Graves disease?
- warm with excessive sweating
- onycholysis -> Plumer nail
- orange peel thickening of pretibial area
- clubbing of fingers & toes -> thyroid acropachy
What are the reproductive manifestations of Graves disease?
- women -> oligomenorrhea & deceased fertility
- men -> impotence, decreased sperm count & gynecomastia
What are the ocular manifestations of Graves disease?
- Roenbach’s sign -> tremors of closed eyelids
- Stellwag sign -> infrequent blinking
- Dalrymple sign -> starring look
- Von Graefe’s sign -> lid lag
- Joffroy’s sign -> absence of forehead wrinkling
MECHANICAL (infiltrative opthalmopathy)
- proptosis & ophthalmoplegia (diplopia)
- Mobius sign -> lack of convergence
- Conjunctivitis, chemosis, peri-orbital swelling
- corneal ulceration, optic neuritis & optic atrophy
What are the causes of thyroid storm (thyrotoxicosis crises)?
- excessive manipulation of thyroid during thyroidectomy
- neglected severe hyperthyroidism + intercurrent illness
Clinical picture -> severeeee
- tachycardia
- fever
- irritability
- diarrhea
- psychosis
What are the indications of medical treatment of hyperthyroidism?
- thyrotoxicosis in pregnancy
- cases complicated by Heart Failure
- young patients < 25 yo
- pre medication before surgery
What are the contra-indications of medical treatment of hyperthyroidism?
- huge goiter
- retrosternal goiter
- suspicion of malignancy
What are the medications used in hyperthyroidism treatment?
THIONAMIDE -> inhibit thyroid peroxidase
- propyl thiouracil -> in pregnancy -> 300 - 600mg -> decrease peripheral production of T3 from T4
- methimazol -> 30 - 60mg
- carbimazol -> 30 - 60mg -> decreases the production of TSI
give for 6 weeks then follow up -> continue for 1 - 2 years
BETA BLOCKERS -> propranolol (inderal)
- decreases excessive adrenergic activity
- decreases converge of T4 to T3
Na Ipodate -> decreases T4 to T3 convergence
K. iodine -> decrease vascularity of gland
- used to prepare patient for surgery 10 days prior (5 drops)
Dexamethasone -> decreases secretion of thyroid hormone & T4
What are the side effects of thionamide drugs?
- agranulocytosis
- arthralgia
- skin rash
- serum sickness