Pericardial disease Flashcards
What are the layers of the pericardium?
- serous pericardium: increases fluid production in response to injury (contains fibrin & inflammatory cells)
- fibrous pericardium: attached to diaphragm
What is the difference between acute & chronic pericarditis?
inflammation of the pericardium
acute: < 3 months
chronic: > 3 months (constrictive & effusion-constriction)
What are the causes of pericarditis?
1- post-VIRAL 2- idiopathic 3- acute MI 4- uremia 5- autoimmune connective tissue diseases (SLE) 6- Hodgkin's lymphoma 7- after cardiac surgery 8- radiation 9- trauma
What are the clinical features of acute pericarditis?
- positional chest pain (worse when lying down & relieved by leaning forward)
- pleuritic chest pain
- pericardial friction rub
- low grade fever
- dyspnea, tachypnea, cough
- pericardial effusion
What are the clinical features of chronic constrictive pericarditis?
- jugular vein distention
- hepatic vein congestion
- peripheral edema & ascites
- fatigue
- dyspnea on exertion
- tachycardia
- pericardial knock
- pulsus paradoxus (more common in tamponade)
What’s the difference between chronic constrictive & effusive-constrictive pericarditis?
same features but pericardial effusion in effusive-constrictive pericarditis
What is the criteria for the diagnosis of acute pericarditis?
at least 2 of the following should be present
- characteristic chest pain (sharp, pleuritic, worsened by lying down & improved by leaning forward)
- pericardial friction rub
- typical ECG changes (widespread ST elevation & PR depression) & (reciprocal ST depression & PR elevation in aVR & V1) & (sinus tachycardia)
- new or worsening pericardial effusion
What are the ECG changes that will occur in pericarditis?
- STAGE 1: diffuse ST elevations, PR depression, & ST depression in aVR & V1
- STAGE 2: ST segment normalizes in 1 week
- STAGE 3: inverted T waves
- STAGE 4: ECG returns to normal baseline in weeks to months (UNLIKE STEMI)
What is the first line of diagnosis of pericarditis?
What are the lab tests done for pericarditis diagnosis?
- leukocytosis
- increase in troponin (minimal)
- increase in ESR
- increase in CRP
- increase in creatinine kinase
What are the indications for pericardiocentesis?
- large effusions
- tamponade
- suspected malignant or purulent pericarditis
do fluid analysis to know what the cause is
What are diagnostic findings of effusive-constrictive pericarditis?
- pericardial effusion
- pericardial thickening
What will be seen on ECHO in chronic constrictive pericarditis?
- increase pericardial thickness
- abnormal ventricular filling with sudden halt during early diastole
- variation in ventricular filling with inspiration
- moderate biatrial enlargement
What findings will be seen on CT & MRI & chest x-ray?
pericardial thickening & calcifications
What are the findings of cardiac catheterization in chronic pericarditis?
- elevation of diastolic pressure in ventricles
- equalization of diastolic pressure in ventricles
- dip & plateau pressure patterns (SQUARE ROOT SIGN)