Anxiety Flashcards
What is the difference between normal & pathological anxiety?
- normal: adaptive -> fear is response to known external threat
- pathological: excessive & impaires function -> fear is in response to unknown internal, vague threat
What are the signs of a panic attack?
intense fear (fear of dying) that develop abruptly & peak within 10 minutes at least 4 of the following symptoms: - palpitations - sweating - shaking - dizziness, lightheadedness or fainting - derealization - depersonalization - numbness & tingling - fear of losing control or going crazy
What is the criteria for diagnosis of panic disorder?
1- recurrent unexpected panic attacks (no obvious precipitant)
2- at least one of the attacks are followed by 1 month of of 1 or more of the following
- continuous concern of having additional attacks
- worry about implication of attack
- behaviors changes due to attack
What is the treatment of panic disorder?
- eliminate caffeine, alcohol, drugs, OTC stimulants
- Acute initial treatment -> benzodiazepines (only for a short period up to 4 weeks)
- SSRIs (escitalopram or setraline) should be taken for 1 year & takes 2 - 4 weeks to be effective
What is the clinical picture of agoraphobia?
marked anxiety or fear about 2 or more of the following situations
- using public transportation
- being in open spaces
- being in enclosed spaces
- standing in line or being in a crowd
- being outside of the home alone
fears & avoids the situations because of thoughts that escape might be difficult or help might not be available
How is agoraphobia treated?
- SSRIs (escitalopram & sertraline)
- behavior therapy
What are the signs of social anxiety?
- individual fears that he or she will act in a way that will be humiliating or embarrassing
- the person recognizes that the fear is excessive or unreasonable
How is social phobia treated?
- SSRIs (escitalopram & setraline)
- beta blockers (propranolol)
- cognitive behavior therapy
What is specific phobia & how is it treated?
- persistent excessive fear of a specific object or situation
- patient recognizes that the fear is excessive
- it interferes with the persons routine or function
treated by systemic desensitization
What is the criteria for generalized anxiety disorder?
excessive anxiety & worry about daily events & activities for at least 6 months associated with 3 or more of the following symptoms: - restlessness - fatigue - difficulty concentrating - irritability - muscle tension - sleep disturbance
How is generalized anxiety disorder treated?
- psychotherapy -> reassurance & education, cognitive behavior therapy, behavior therapy
What are the medical causes of anxiety disorders?
- hyperthyroidism
- Vitamin B12 deficiency
- neurological disorders
- cardiovascular
- hypoglycemia
What are the medication or substance induced causes of anxiety disorders?
- Penicillins
- antidepressants
- amphetamine
- illicit drug withdrawal
- alcohol & sedative withdrawal
- caffeine
What is obsessive compulsive disorders?
- repetitive thoughts, distressing emotions, & compulsive behaviors that are unwanted caused by marked anxiety or stress
- usually follow rigid rules to neutralize the distress & obsessions or to prevent dreaded event from occurring
its a cycle of
1- obsessions
2- anxiety
3- compulsion
4- relief
usual themes include
- fears of illness & contamination ( excessive cleaning)
- other taboo thoughts involving sex or religion
What is the treatment for OCD?
- psycotherapy
What is the clinical presentation of PTSD?
the person has been exposed to a traumatic event
recurrent re experiencing of the traumatic event in dreams or flashbacks
2 or more of the following:
- difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep
- irritability or outburst of anger
- difficulty concentrating
- exaggerated startled response
treat with SSRIs