Thromboprophylaxis in gynaecology: a review of current evidence TOG 2022 Flashcards
What proportion of VTE is hospital acquired?
Without prophyalxsis risk of VTE following major abdominal sugery>
After surgery how long does the increased risk of VTE last?
12 weeks
Peak at 6 weeks
What is considered a hospital associated thrombosis
Occurring within or 90 days after hospital admission
Accounts for 50-60% of all VTE events
Explain Virchows triad
Which women should be considered for LMWH from 1st trimest
Previous VTE
Or total score equal/more than 4
Causes of VTE in hyperemesis
How much does
1) IVF
increase VTE risk?
IVF - 5 X
IVF + OHSS 100 x
In severe OHSS when can LMWH be stopped?
In OHSS, LMWH throughout 1st trimester.
Or if no pregnancy until withdrawal bleed.
Should VTE be calculated following treatment of miscarriage or ectopic?
E.g. If surgical treatment in pregnancy & perineum has VTE score 3 and 10 days LMWH should be consider e.g. surgical management of ectopic
What are the risk factors for VTE following gynaecological surgery?
Incidence of VTE
- Pregnancy
- Postpartum
- Outside preg
Quotes as /10,000
- Pregnancy 2-20
- Postpartum 40-65
- COCP 3-14
- Outside preg 1-5
After stopping COCP how long does risk of VTE remain increased? When should stopped & started after surgery
4-6 weeks
Stop 4 weeks before
Restart at least 2 weeks after, could offer POP as altnerativr
Which HRT has highest & lowest risk of VTE
Lower with transdermal estradiol. Higher with oral.
Lowest: Estradiol-medroxyprogesterone
Maximum - conjugated equine estrogen-medroxyprogesterone acetate
Do you need to stop HRT pre-op?
Prevention methods for VTE
- Early ambulation
- Compression stocking -greater pressure at ankle than knee
o CI peripheral vascular disease, arterial bypass grafting, peripheral neuropathy, dermatitis, leg odeama - IPC reduced DVT 60%
o CI odema from HF, cellulitis, DVT, sig arterial insufficiency - LMWH – renally cleared, lower risk HIT, 40% reduced VTE
o Active bleeding, high risk bleeding - Unfractioned Herparin – not renally cleared
o HIT, osteoporosis
VTE risk in early pregnancy flow digram
VTE risk assessment for patients undergoing gynae surgery