Perioperative management of women on oral anticoagulants and antiplatelet agents undergoing gynaecological procedures TOG 2020 Flashcards
Most common DOAC used?
Rivaroxaban, then apixaban
What proportion of patients with AF will require temporary interruption of anticoagulation therapy for elective surgery?
When should warfarin be stopped before surgery? Is this respective of their risk of bleeding?
At least 5 days before, irrespective of their risk of bleeding
For which patients should bridging be considered who are taking warfarin?
VTE within 3 months
Very high risk who’s target INR of 3.5
- patients who have had TIA within last 3 months
- previous TIA/stroke with 3+ - congestive cardiac failure, HTN >140/90, >75, DM
Mechanical heart valve
If having bridging treatment dose LMWH - when should the last dose be given?
24 hours pre-op
When should bridging tinz be started post-op?
At least 48 hours after procedure if high risk of bleeding (consider prophylactic dose)
If haemostasis achieved - can restart warfarin on day of morning after surgery. Takes at least 24 hours for desired INR. Bridging during this time dependant on VTE risk
Which gynae procedures are considered no bleeding risk
Pelvic examination
Smear test
Genital swabs
Which gynae procedures are considered minor bleeding risk
Cervical biopsy
Diagnostic hysteroscopy
Hysteroscopy and resection of polyp
Labial/Bartholin’s abscess
Large loop excision of transformation zone
MyoSure polypectomy
NovaSure ablation
Pipelle biopsy
Transcervical resection of endometrium
Vulval biopsy
Which gynae procedures are considered major bleeding risk
All day case and inpatient surgery
How to manage patients taking antiplatelts medication before gynaecological procedures
Aspirin alone can be continues
If dual therapy - aspirin and clopidogrel due to ACS/stenting - advise where possible to delay surgery
What local haeomstatic agents can be used to control bleeding at minor procedures
Monsel’s olution
Cauterisation with silver nitrate
If ensure - vaginal packing
Batholins - electrocautery or oxidised cellulose
What is mechanism of action warfarin
Inhibits vit K reductase prevention activation of Vit K clotting factors
Warfarin + low risk of bleeding, when should it be stopped & restarted
5 days prior to elective surgery with INR check ideally the day before surgery (if INR >1.5 phytomenadione should be given) and on the day of surgery.
Start warfarin when adequate haemostasis is achieved approximately 12–24 hours after completion of surgery.10 LMWH can be restarted 24 hours after surgery until INR in therapeutic range.
Warfarin + high risk of bleeding - when stop/restart
5 days prior to elective surgery with INR check ideally the day before surgery (if INR >1.5 phytomenadione should be given) and on the day of surgery.
Bridging with treatment dose LMWH should be considered in those with high VTE risk.
LMWH should not be given until 48 hours after surgery. Restart warfarin when bleeding risk minimised. LMWH should be continued until INR is in therapeutic range.
Mechanical thromboprophylaxis should be considered in all cases until INR in therapeutic range.
For apixiban, rivaroxaban, edoxaban + low risk of bleeding when to stop and restart
Low bleeding risk:
Creatinine clearance ≥30 ml/min: stop 24 hours prior.
Creatinine clearance <30 ml/min: stop 48 hours prior.
Recommence 6–12 hours postprocedure.
For apixiban, rivaroxaban, edoxaban + high risk of bleeding when to stop and restart
High risk bleeding
Creatinine clearance ≥30 ml/min: stop 48 hours prior.
Creatinine clearance <30 ml/min: stop 72 hours prior.
Wait 48 hours before re-introducing at the full dose. If high VTE risk, consider prophylactic dose of anticoagulation before restarting at full therapeutic dose.
In emergency surgery how can reverse warfarin?
If can wait 6-8hrs - 5mg IV phytomenadione
Cannot delay 25-50u/kg prothrombin complex concentrate
If patient on DOAC and requires emergency gynae surgert
Delay if possible to allow drug to fall
Can give TXA to reduce bleeding
Aviods NSAIDs
If dabigatran - can given idarucizumab
Any reversal agents for antiplatelet medication? How long is the platelet inhibition following clopidogrel
No reversible agent
7-9 days
Can offer TXA, if excessive bleeding - 2 pools donor platelets
How long before neuraxial anaesthesia should clopidogrel be stopped?
7 Days