Threats to the Weimar republic - Kapp Putsch Flashcards
When were the Freikorps disbanded
Why did the Freikorps disband
Gov. had no need for them as communist groups had been defeated
What was the Kapp Putch
About 5000 members of the Freikorps marched into Berlin which forced Gov. to flee.
Later, after gov.’s return, organised the people to show that Gov. not in control, carried out strikes Eg. cut of electricity, gas, water, telephone lines
Who did the Freikorps nominate to be the next leader of Germany after the Gov. fled?
Wolfgang Kapp
Why did the Kapp Putch happen?
The Freikorps were annoyed as they served the Gov. a lot
How serious was the threat of the Kapp Putch?
German army refused to help Gov. as they would not shoot other German soldiers
However not extremely threatening as they were not supported by the people
?How did the republic survive?
Kapp and Freikorps did not receive much support so he could not become next leader
Kapp fled and Gov. could return
When was the Kapp Putch?
March 1920