Thought Disorder Flashcards
Thought disorder includes
Disturbances in the flow of thoughts
Over inclusive thinking
Concrete and abstract thinking
Disorders of control of thinking
Disorders of the flow of thoughts include:-
Change in speed, circumstantiality, perseveration, Interruptions to the flow of thoughts, crowding of thought
Interruptions to the flow of thoughts
Interruptions to the flow of thought
These include thought block which is a sudden cessation in the flow of thoughts and loosening of association, which refers to a deviation towards unrelated thoughts. Loosening of association includes tangentiality, fusion, and derailment. In tangentiality the thoughts shift to vaguely related themes whereas in derailment there is no apparent connection between themes.
Crowding of thought
This occurs in schizophrenia. Thoughts are described as being passively concentrated and compressed in the patient’s head. The associations are experienced as being excessive in amount, too fast, and outside the person’s control.
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Features of depersonalisation:
Emotional numbness
Changes in sensory experience
Distorted sense of time
Heightened self observation
involuntary, rapid, recurrent, non-rhythmic motor movement, or vocal production, that is of sudden onset and serves no apparent purpose.
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Risk of dystonia
young males
- neuroleptic-naive
- high potency drugs (e.g. haloperidol)
Risk of pseudoparkinsonism
- elderly females
- those with pre-existing neuro damage (e.g. stroke)
Risk of tardive dyskinesia
elderly women
- those with affective illness
- those who have had EPSE early on in treatment
Different types of dystonia
Torticollis - cervical muscles spasms, resulting in a twisted posturing of the neck.
Trismus - contraction of the jaw musculature and can result in lockjaw.
Opisthotonus - arched posturing of the head, trunk, and extremities.
Laryngeal dystonia - difficulty in breathing
Oculogyric crises - involuntary contraction of one or more of the extraocular muscles, which may result in a fixed gaze with diplopia
A lack of an adequate connection between two consecutive thoughts is called asyndesis
Overinclusive thinking
Overinclusive thinking is a conceptual disorder where the boundaries of concepts become over extensive
Paraphasia occurs when one word is substituted for another e.g. orange instead of banana. Asyndesis refers to a loss of conceptual boundaries.
is the inability to form grammatically correct sentences.
an established word that denotes one thing but refers to a related thing, e.g. the word china can be used as the place or to refer to the crockery.
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Thought echo
Prolixity refers to a marginal variety of flight of ideas seen in hypomania where clang and verbal associations are less frequent, there is a general direction of thought and it is not as rapid.
Flight of ideas
In flight of ideas the speech is usually (but not always) fast. There is no general direction of thinking and the content of the speech makes as much sense if read backwards as it does forwards. Successive thoughts appear to be connected due to chance leading to clang associations, proverbs, maxims, and clich�s.
It is usually seen in mania but also occurs in schizophrenia and organic states such as those involving lesions of the hypothalamus (hence it is not pathognomic of mania).
Prolixity refers to a marginal variety of flight of ideas seen in hypomania where clang and verbal associations are less frequent, there is a general direction of thought and it is not as rapid.
Cluttering (also called tachyphemia or tachyphrasia) is a speech and communication disorder characterized by a rapid rate of speech, erratic rhythm, and poor syntax or grammar, making speech difficult to understand.
Which of the following terms describes a lack of connection between two consecutive thoughts?
Prolixity refers to a marginal variety of flight of ideas seen in hypomania where clang and verbal associations are less frequent, there is a general direction of thought and it is not as rapid.
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