Allodynia Flashcards
Allodynia (Ancient Greek άλλος állos “other” and οδύνη odúnē “pain”) refers to central pain sensitization (increased response of neurons) following normally non-painful, often repetitive, stimulation. Allodynia can lead to the triggering of a pain response from stimuli which do not normally provoke pain.[1] Temperature or physical stimuli can provoke allodynia, which may feel like a burning sensation,[2] and it often occurs after injury to a site. Allodynia is different from hyperalgesia, an extreme, exaggerated reaction to a stimulus which is normally painful.
Autoscopic hallucination
Related disorders. Heautoscopy is a term used in psychiatry and neurology for the reduplicative hallucination of “seeing one’s own body at a distance”. It can occur as a symptom in schizophrenia and epilepsy. Heautoscopy is considered a possible explanation for doppelgänger phenomena.
Brobdingbagian hallucination
A hallucination or visual disorder in which objects appear larger or nearer than they are; macropsia.
A condition in which the perceptual size of objects is abnormal. Objects may appear larger (macropsia) or smaller (micropsia).
Peduncular hallucination
Peduncular hallucinosis (PH), or Lhermitte’s peduncular hallucinosis, is a rare neurological disorder that causes vivid visual hallucinations that typically occur in dark environments, and last for several minutes.