Thorax, Mediastinum, Heart Flashcards
Articulation of the head of the rib
Sup art facet: above thoracic vert
Inf art facet: same thoracic vert
what are typical ribs
ribs 3 to 9
Surface landmark of the lung and parietal pleura
Midclavicular/ midaxillary/ midscapular
Lung: 6-8-10
Parietal pleura: 8-10-12
motion of the transverse diameter of the thorax during inspiration
Bucket handle inspiratory movement
motion of the AP diameter of the thorax during inspiration
pump handle inspiratory movement
sternum UP: insp: inc AP diameter
sternum DOWN: exp: dec AP diameter
3 thoracic muscles that DEPRESS the ribs
serratis post inf
int intercostal
transversus thoracis
Origin of the posterior intercostal arteries
first 2: sup intercostal of the costocervical trunk
remaining branches: descending aorta
Origin of the anterior intercostal arteries
upper 6: int thoracic artery
remaining: musculophrenic
superior mediastinum contents
Brachiocephalic art
Arch of aorta
Nerves (vagus and phrenic)
Thoracic duct
posterior mediastinum contents
Descending aorta Azygos vein Thoracic duct Esophagus Sympathetic trunk/ ganglia Hemiazygos Vein Accessory hemiazygos vein Vagus nerve
improper dev of 3rd and 4th PP; absent thyroid and parathyroid glands
DiGeorge Syndrome
Embryonic origin of EAM
1st pharyngeal groove (ectoderm)
Embryonic origin of middle ear cavity
1st pharyngeal pouch
Embryonic origin of palatine tonsil
2nd pharyngeal pouch
Embryonic origin of thymus and inferior parathyroid gland
3rd pharyngeal pouch
Embryonic origin of C cells of thyroid gland, and sup parathyroid gland
4th pharyngeal pouch
sternocostal surface of the heart is formed by what chamber
right ventricle
Mnemonics: Tributaries of coronary sinus
great cardiac veins
small cardiac veins
middle cardiac veins
vein accompanied by post interventricular artery
middle cardiac vein
Arterial supply of L atrium and ventricle
circumflex branch of the LCA
Arterial supply of interventricular septum and apex
ant interventricular branch of left coronary
Arterial supply of RV
ant interventricular art
marginal branch of RCA