Thorax-Lecture Flashcards
What are the 3 serous membranes of the body?
Pleura- lines the thoracic cavity (surrounds lungs)
Pericardium- lines the pericardial cavity (surrounds heart)
Peritoneum- lines abdominal cavity (surrounds abdominal viscera)
the pleura on the surface of the lungs
pulmonary pleura (visceral pleura)
Your lungs are located in the :
a. thoracic cavity
b. mediastinum
c. pleural cavity
d. all of the above
a. thoracic cavity
Are the lungs in the pleural cavity?
No, the only thing in there is serous fluid and it surrounds the lungs
What are the 3 types of parietal pleura?
costal parietal pleura, medistinal parietal pleura, and diaphragmatic parietal pleura
What does the mediastinum contain?
it includes the two mediastinal pleura and the space between them which includes the thymus, heart, trachea, esophagus, vagus nerves etc
What is the plica vena cava? What does plica mean?
an extension of pleura from the mediastinum, out and around the vena cava. ‘plika’ is Latin for ‘plait’ or ‘fold’
a thin, connective tissue layer lining the thoracic cavity
endothoracic fascia
What are some cases when the pleural cavities’ potential spaces become filled and turn into real spaces? (how dr. holiday phrased it not me)
Pneumothorax: air -> collapsing lung
hydrothorax: serous fluid (can be from heartworms)
chylothorax: lymph fluid (from thoracic duct)
pyothorax: inflammatory fluid
hemothorax: blood
In what space would you perform a thoracocentesis in a dog and cat?
The costodiaphragmatic recess is the space formed within each pleural cavity, between the diaphragm and the thoracic wall.
Dog: 7-8th intercostal space
Cat: 8th intercostal space
what is the fluid within the thoracic duct called?
What are the ‘passageways’ through the diaphragm?
aortic hiatus, esophageal hiatus, caval foramen, lumbocostal arch
Where is the aortic hiatus and what does it contain?
The aortic hiatus is located dorsally, between the crura of the diaphragm. Contains the aorta, azygous, and thoracic duct
Where is the esophageal hiatus and what does it contain?
The esophageal hiatus is located in the right crus and contains the esophagus and the vagal nerve trunk
Where is the caval foramen and what does it contain?
The caval foramen is located in the central tendon and contains the caudal vena cava
What is the carina?
Carina is the division in the trachea resulting in the left and right bronchus. Carina means keel (like a canoe).
Name the lobes of the right and left lung
Left: cranial and caudal lobes
Right: cranial, middle, caudal, accesory lobes
Where is the cardiac notch?
The right 4th-5th intercostal space. The cardiac notch is where the heart is not covered by the lung. The location that is typically utilized for IC euthanizations.
how does cat lung lobation compare to the dog?
it’s the same!
What are the landmarks of the auscultation triangle?
- caudal angle of scapula to olecranon of ulna (triceps)
- olecranon of the ulna to dorsal next-to-last intercostal space (also called ‘basal border’ of the lung
- caudal angle of scapula to tuber coxae of the pelvis (dorsal tip of pelvic bone)
What is the primary muscle of inspiration?
the diaphragm
muscles of inspiration
diaphragm, scalenus, serratus dorsalis cranialis, intercostals
muscles of expiration
serratus dorsalis caudalis, abdominal muscles
What portion of the heart are you most likely to find heartworms?
right ventricle
What is one way to orient which side you are on the heart?
find the auricles! you can see both auricle surfaces from the left side. Left ventricle has a caudal tip of the heart. The heart is a cuadalventral orientation.
blood flow through the heart
right atrium -> right ventricle-> pulmonary arteries-> lungs-> pulmonary veins-> left atrium-> left ventricle-> aorta-> body.
what does azygous mean?
azygous means unpaired
What are the boundaries of the thoracic inlet?
first thoracic vertebrae, first rib, and manubrium
The thoracic duct is unilateral, true or false?
What does the ventral root contain?
Contains exclusively efferent fibers from both autonomic and somatic nervous systems
What type of nerve is the phrenic nerve?
a bilateral somatic nerve, meaning it is comprised of only motor and sensory fibers and is under voluntary control
-What type of muscle is the diaphragm?
skeletal muscle