Thorax Findings Flashcards
Pack years=
Predisposes to
Rf for
packs/day X yrs
Emphysema, CB, lung cancer
Pneumococcal/Legionnaire’s dz
Occupational exposures
Strongly consider in
Silica/coal dust, mining, sandblasting, small industry
Old insulation, shipping, auto mechanics
Adult onset asthma
Pleurisy dx finding
Syndromes with pleurisy possible
Pleural rub (listen @ worst spot)
PNA, Pulm infarct (PE) Viral Pleurisy Immunology (SLE, RA) Metabolic cx Pericarditis, esophageal rupture, PTX
Dyspnea causes
Exertion should
Patients will
Disconnect bw expected work of breathing and system output
Worsen (may improve with psych SOB)
Accomodate to chronic, sense acute changes
RD signs
Sensorium Diaphoresis Posture Accessory muscle Paradoximal motion
May be altered at end
High symp toe
Upright if able (dont put in supine unless intubation is available)
PAM- chest out and ab in with inspiration (diaphragmatic fatigue/denervation)
Accessory muscle use
Expiration (obstructive dz)
Scalenes, SCM
Trapezius, intercostals (alae nasai)
Abdominal, ie RA
Chest structure and motion
Normal breathing
Hoover’s sign
AP diameter= 1/2 width\
diaphragmatic, ab rises with chest during inspiration
Inferior chest pulled in with inspiration (severe hyperexpansion)
Severe airflow obstruction
Percussion reveals minimal excursion
Palpation will reveal inward retraction of lower ribs with inspration (Hoovers)
Tactile fremitus
Trasmission enhanced with
Pleural effusion and atalectasis
Sound transmitted to chest wall (requires path for airflow)
Greater density
Enhanced. decreased
Reduced bc no bronchial communication
Dull note
Percussion sounds
Inc density (pleural fluid, consolidation, atalectasis)
Dec density (PTX, hyperexpansion)
Continuous (i and e)
Discontinuous (i)
Ausculatation sounds
wheeze (high) narrowed airways (asthma, bronchiectasis, HF)
Rhonchi (low) fluid in large airways (bronchitis/BPNA)
Fine (velcro) opening of alveolar structures (IF, ILD, Bronchiolitis, HF)
Coarse (louder, wetter) fluid in small airways (PNA, florid HF)
Consolidation (transmitted sounds)
Whispered pectoriloquoy
B- enhanced, louder
E- e sounds like a
WP- louder, clearer sounds
Tracheal shift to dull side
Tracheal shift away from dull side
No tracheal shift (any)
Atalectasis, ptx (Dull is normal)
Pleural effsion (large, acute)
Consolidation (PNA)
Dec breath sounds (atalectasis, pleural effusion)