Thorax Clinical Supplement Flashcards
“a depression of the sternum; ““funnel chest”” associated with exercise intolerance, dyspnea, chest pain”
“Pectus Excavatum<div><br></br></div><div><img></img></div>”
“an anterior protrusion of the sternum; ““pigeon chest”” associated with dyspnea, frequent respiratory tract infections; commonly found with scoliosis”
“pectus carinatum<div><br></br></div><div><img></img></div>”
the union of the manubrium and body of the sternum; <br></br>–associated with the sternal end of the 2nd rib<br></br>–arch of the aorta <br></br>–bifurcation of the trachea <br></br>–projects posteriorly to TV4 and approximates the superior border of the middle mediastinum
“sternal angle (of louis)<div><br></br></div><div><img></img></div>”
an important site of red bone marrow, but a biopsy can result in a sternal fracture, pneumonediastinum, pneumothorax, or cardiac tamponade
“sternal biopsy (risks and purpose)<div><br></br></div><div><img></img></div>”
causes: <br></br>–bony issues: cervical rib, hypoplastic first rib; <br></br>–soft tissue changes: hypertrophic/spastic muscles (ant/mid scalene), fibrous CT band; <br></br>–other: trauma, tumors<br></br><br></br>signs and symptoms: compression of C8-T1 roots of brachial plexus, vascular compression of subclavian a. (cold fingers, color changes in hands, claudication, pain)
“thoracic outlet syndrome<div><br></br></div><div><img></img></div>”
rib fractures can lead to:
flail chest, pneumo or hemothorax, spleen/liver injury, lacerations to the aorta/great vessels
intercostal nerve block should be administered where?
between internal and innermost intercostal muscles
whats at risk for iatrogenic injury with intercostal nerve block?
intercostal n.
metastasis of cancer cells from a primary tumor can occur by 3 mechanisms:
local spread, lymphatic channels, blood vessels (usually veins)
the majority of the lymph from the breasts is directed towards the _________ nodes
secondary lymph drainage for the breast is directed to the _______________ nodes (medial quadrants)or ___________ nodes (lower quadrants) (provides a route for spread to the liver)
parasternal, inferior phrenic
60% of malignant breast tumors arise from the ___________ ________ quadrant
superior lateral
“signs and symptoms of _______________:<br></br>-breast mass<br></br>-axillary lump<br></br>-skin dimpling <br></br>-impaired lymphatic drainage (peau d’orange)<br></br>-nipple inversion, retraction, or bloody discharge<br></br>-skin ulceration <br></br>-metastasis”
“breast cancer<div><br></br></div><div><img></img></div>”
metastasis from the breast can get to the brain and intervertebral column through ____________ __________
“batson’s plexus<div><br></br></div><div><img></img></div>”
accumulation of fluid in the pleural sac
pleural effusion
______________________<br></br><b>rupture of visceral pleura</b>, air enters the pleural cavity<br></br> <br></br>risk factors: <b>Marfan or Ehlers-Danlos syndrome</b>, tall, thin stature, young (20-30s), smoking <br></br><br></br>S/S: acute onset chest/shoulder pain (worse with inspiration), shortness of breath<br></br> <br></br>Chest x-rays: line of visceral pleura (collapsed lung), <b>mediastinal shift away from affected lung</b>, reduces size of pulmonary cavity on contralateral side, impaired pulmonary function, venous return, diniminishes atrial filling and <b>reduces CO</b>
spontaneous pneumothorax (Traumatic Pneumothorax would result in (at least) the same S/S and imagining)
_____________ <br></br><b>rupture of visceral pleura</b>, air enters the pleural cavity through a <b>flap like tear</b><br></br>- more air enters with each successive breath<br></br>-increased interpleural pressure can lead to <b>compression of SVC</b><br></br>—-hypotension, hypoxia, jugulovenous distention, tachycardia, anxiety, fatigue<br></br>—-need thoractomy @ 2nd intercostal space and then chest tube
tension pneumothorax
air and fluid in the interplural space
blood in the interplural space
lymph in the interplural space (injury to the thoracic duct)
pus and air in the interplural space
pus <b>without</b> air in the interplural space (from infection, bacterial pneumonia or abscess)
inflammation of the pleura
which ribs does the oblique fissure run along (scapular line, midaxillary line, midclavicular line)?
“4, 5, 6<div><br></br></div><div><img></img></div>”
which ribs does the horizontal fissure run along (midaxillary line, midclavicular line)?
“4, 4<div><br></br></div><div><img></img></div>”
to listen for lung sounds from the superior lobe of the right lung, place the stethescope anteriorly _________?
above 3rd rib
to listen for lung sounds from the superior lobe of the left lung, place the stethescope anteriorly _________?
above the 5th rib
to listen for lung sounds from the middle lobe of the right lung, place the stethescope anteriorly _________?
below 4th rib
to listen for lung sounds from the lower lobe of the right or left lung, place the stethescope posteriorly _________?
below the 5th rib
inferior border of parietal pleura (midclavicular –> scapular)
inferior border of visceral pleura (midclavicular –> scapular)
where is thoracocentesis usually performed?
8th or 9th intercostal space (midaxillary line)
where are chest tubes usually placed?
4th or 5th intercostal space (midaxillary line)
the parietal pleura is GSA duel innervated by _________ n.s for the costal and peripheral diaphragmatic and ________ n.s for the central diaphragmatic and mediastinal
“intercostal, phrenic<div><br></br></div><div><img></img></div>”
the _________ pleura has no pain innervation
most common sites for metastasis of lung cancer (through venous system): (4)
CNS (brainstem & cerebellum), <br></br>bone (vertebrae),<br></br>liver, <br></br>adrenal gland,
inferior left lung lobe lymphatic drainage path: _________ -> __________ ->_________ -> __________
L pulmonary, L bronchiopulmonary, Carinal, R paratracheal