Abdomen Clinical Supplement Flashcards
“5 F’s for abdominal protrusions:”
Fat, Feces, fetus, flatus, fluid
“What’s located at the interesection of the right semilunar line and the 9th costal cartilage?”
“Gallbladder (G)<div><br></br></div><div><img></img></div>”
What is located under the 9-11th ribs on the left side at the midaxillary line?
“Spleen (B)<div><br></br></div><div><img></img></div>”
What is located along the scapular line? left is more superior then right. Superior poles are situated at the level of the 11th ribs
Where is the semilunar line located?
Lateral to the rectus abdominis
Superior middle section of the abdomen is also referred to as the _____________ region
The lateral regions of the abdomen encompassing the lateral anterior rib cage are referred to as the left and right _____________ region
Dermatome of the xiphoid process?
Dermatome of the umbilicus?
Dermatome of the inguinal ligament?
The cremaster reflex is elicited by stroking the medial aspect of the upper thigh (stimulation of the ______________ n)<br></br>-results in the contraction of the cremaster muscle (__________________________ n) and retraction of the testes
Ilioinguinal, genital branch of the genitofemoral
The cremaster reflex tests what spinal cord levels?
Abdominal Reflex<br></br>Stroke the skin of the abdominal wall at the umbilicus from lateral to medial. This should cause contraction of the ipsilateral abdominal wall muscles. This reflex tests the ___________ spinal cord levels
What artery is responsible for a hematoma within the rectus sheath?
“Inferior epigastric artery (comes off the external iliac artery)<div><br></br></div><div><img></img></div>”
What structures are in danger of iatrogenic injury with a vertical midline incision in the abdominal wall?
Linea alba
What structures are in danger of iatrogenic injury with a vertical paramidline incision in the abdominal wall?
Thoracoabdominal a., illiohypogastric n., illionguinal n.
What structures are in danger of iatrogenic injury with a pfannenstiel incision in the abdominal wall?
“pirimidalis muscle, rectus sheath, inferior epigastric vessels, iliohypogastric n. and ilioinguinal n.<div><br></br></div><div><img></img></div>”
When suturing together a midline abdomen incision, what layers should be sown together?
“skin, scarpa’s fascia, investing fascia, and muscle layers”
During liposuction, fat is removed from the _______________
“Subcutaneous campers fascia<div><br></br></div><div><img></img></div>”
Direct inguinal hernias are most common in _____________ (population)
Older men
“What is hesselbach’s triangle bound by?”
“Inguinal ligament, rectus abdominus, inferior epigastric vessels<div><br></br></div><div><img></img></div>”
Where do direct inguinal hernias exit the abdominal cavity?
“<b>Medial</b> to the inferior epigastric vessels through hesselbach’s triangle<div><br></br></div><div><img></img></div>”
What covers a direct inguinal hernia?
“Parietal peritoneum and transversalis fascia<div><br></br></div><div><img></img></div>”
____________ hernia<br></br><br></br>-does not traverse the entire inguinal canal<br></br>-acquires a covering of external spermatic fascia<br></br>-repair can include suturing together the inguinal ligament and conjoin tendon
“Direct inguinal<div><br></br></div><div><img></img></div>”
Most common type of abdominal hernias?
“Indirect inguinal hernia (congenital) (Inguinal hernia = above inguinal ligament)<div><br></br></div><div><img></img></div>”
____________________ hernia <br></br>- leaves the abdominal cavity <b>lateral</b> to the inferior epigastric vessels via deep inguinal ring<br></br>- traverses the entire inguinal canal and has same coverings as the spermatic cord <br></br>- commonly enters the scrotum
“Indirect inguinal<div><br></br></div><div><img></img></div>”
_____________ an inguinal hernia that includes the appendix; may mimic appendicitis
Amyands hernia
What nerves are in the triangle of pain and what are its borders?
“Femoral branch of the genitofemoral n., femoral n., Lateral femoral cutaneous n., <br></br><br></br>inguinal ligament and testicular vessels<div><br></br></div><div><img></img></div>”
What boarders make up the triangle of doom?
“Vas defrens and testicular vessels<div><br></br></div><div><img></img></div>”
“What’s in the triangle of doom?”
“External illiac vessels, deep circumflex illiac and genital branch of genitofemoral n.<div><br></br></div><div><img></img></div>”
____________ hernia is in the midline between the xiphoid and umbilicus
____________ hernia is a herniation of the fundus of the stomach through the esophageal hiatus
esophageal (hiatal)
____________ hernia is herniation through the left vertebrocostal trigone into the pulmonary cavity which can involve gut (stomach), spleen, or retroperitoneal structures (kidney, fat)
congenital diaphragmatic aka bochdaleck
“____________ hernia is a protrusion of the gut loops through the femoral ring into femoral canal<br></br>-lateral to the pubic tubercle, lacunar ligament, anterior and lateral to the pectineal ligament and medial to the femoral vein<br></br>-mass shows up in femoral triangle <br></br>-3x more common in females<br></br>-repair can include reducing the femoral canal by suturing to pectineal ligament (Cooper’s ligament)”
____________ hernia is a femoral hernia that includes the appendix
“de garengeot’s”
____________ hernia is a hernia through a surgical wound
____________ hernia is a herniation at superior lumbar triangle (12th rib, quadrates lumborum, internal oblique)
____________ hernia is a herniation at inferior lumbar triangle (latissimus dorsi, external oblique and iliac crest)
____________ hernia is a herniation of viscera through the obturator canal
____________ hernia is a herniation through an opening in the supravesical fossa between the urachnus (median umbilical ligament) and the remnants of the umbilical artery.<br></br>-typically results in intestinal obstruction <br></br>-<b>iliohypogastric nerve</b> is at risk during repair
____________ hernia is a herniation through the umbilicas
what nerves need to be anesthetized during a vasectomy?
genital branch of the genitofemoral nerve, ilioinguinal nerve
3 fascial layers that need to be transversed to reach the ductus defrens:
(skin)<br></br>-external spermatic fascia (arising from the external oblique aponeurosis)<br></br><br></br>-cremaster fascia (which contains the cremaster muscle. arising from the internal oblique muscle and aponeurosis)<br></br><br></br>-internal spermatic fascia (arising from the transversalis fascia)
what neurovascular structures are at risk of iatrogenic damage during a vasectomy?
(<b>contents of spermatic cord</b>)<br></br>genital branch of the genitofemoral nerve, ilioinguinal nerve, panpiniform plexus, testicular artery
what usually anchors the testicle and when its injured can lead to torsion of the testicle?
___________ is excessive accumulation of fluid in the cavity of the tunica vaginalis; a congenital one will have direct communication with the peritoneal sac via a persistent processus vaginalis
“hydrocele (of the testis)<div><br></br></div><div><img></img></div>”
___________ is excessive accumulation of blood in the cavity of the tunica vaginalis due to trauma to testicular veins
“hematocele (of the testis)<div><br></br></div><div><img></img></div>”
enlargement of the veins of the spermatic cord (pampiniform plexus) which results due to vertical entry of the left testicular vein
S/S of L renal vein entrapment?
hematuria (blood in urine), flank pain, varicocele
The testes drain their lymph to ______________ nodes; the scrotum drains lymph to ______________ nodes.
lumbar (aka para-aortic), superficial inguinal
inflammation of the testis
which ligament tethers the splenic flexure (Left side) of the colon to the body wall, restricts the flow of ascites (accumulation of fluid) in the abdominal cavity
“phrenicocolic ligament (yellow box)<div><br></br></div><div><img></img></div>”
_____________ - inflammation of the peritoneum<br></br>-painful when it involves parietal peritoneuma.<br></br>-Can arise from infections, perforated ulcers, appendicitis, diverticulitis, cancer, cirrhosis
______________ - fluid can accumulate here in the supine position and can reach the R subphrenicspace (would lead to irritation of diaphragm -shoulder pain) and the lesser sac (aka omental bursa) through the epiploic foramen.
“morrison’s pouch (hepatorenal recess)<div><br></br></div><div><img></img></div>”
fusion of parietal and visceral layers; results from inflammation or trauma (surgery)
Peritoneal adhesions
pain from appendicitis, ulcers, tumor or ectopic pregnancies (i.e. acute abdominal pain) can result in ______________ = reflexive contraction of the abdominal wall musculature to protect inflamed organs
A twisting of the organ that can block flow of intestinal contents (obstruction), resulting in reduced blood flow and ischemia
Accumulation of serous fluid within the peritoneal sac = ___________<br></br>Usually treated by _______________
Ascites, paracentesis
Removal of fluid from the recto-uterine pouch; done by entering the peritoneal cavity via the posterior vaginal fornix
What layers are traversed in paracentesis ?
Skin, campers fascia, scarpas fascia, transversalis fascia, extraparatoneal connective tissue, parietal peritoneum
where are the illiohypogastric and illioinguinal nerves located? between what layers?
internal oblique and transversus abdominus
what arteries are in danger during paracentesis?
(<b>epigastric</b>) <br></br>subcostal or intercostal
removal of fluid from the recto-uterine pouch; done by entering the peritoneal cavity via the posterior vaginal fornix
peritoneal cavity can be clinically used for ________ and ________
drug administration, dialysis
uses a catheter, excessive cerebrospinal fluid can be absorbed through the peritoneum… this is called _____________ shunts
-gas induced into the abdominal cavity for the purpose of laparoscopic procedures<br></br>-gas can also arise from pathological causes, such as perforation of the bowel
“Regurgitation of gastric contents, characterized by ““heartburn””, dysphagia and/or sore throat”
“Gastro-esophageal reflux (GERD)<div><br></br></div><div><img></img></div>”
What nerves provide sensory innervation for pyrosis (aka heartburn)?
GVA (from T5-T8)