Thorax Flashcards
How many vertebral bodies are there in the thorax region
Whats in the rib cage besides ribs
Manubrium, Sternum, Clavicla, Scapuli, Xyphoid
What are the major muscles in thorax region
Diaphragm, Intercostal muscle, pectoris major & minor
name the different parts of the vertebral bodies
Spinous process, Lamina, Pedicle, Transverse proces, body, spinal cord
What is in the Mediastinum area
Heart, Great vessels, Trechea, Bronchi, Esophagus, Lymph nodes & thoracic duct
Describe the flow threw the heart, assume IVC
The blood comes from the IVC to the right artium, then it goes into the right Ventricle and gets pumped to the lungs threw the right & left pylmonary arteries where the blood pics up oxygen and leaves CO2 and then are transported back to the heart threw the R/L pulmonary veins to the left atrium and then from the left ventricle pumped out to the body threw the Aorta.
Approximate where is the heart placed related to what ribs?
Placed just behind the sternum around the third to the seventh rib a little bit to the left.
Whats the name of the artery and veins on the heart?
Coronary A/V
Whats the name of the first splitting of the airways just before the lungs
Describe the Airflow into the lungs assume already in oropharynx
Larynx->Trachea ->Carina-> Bronchi ->Bronchioles->Alveolar duct->Alveoli
Whats the major difference between the left and right lung?
The left lung is divided between two lobes, and the right is in three lobes
What does the esophagus do?
Transports the chewed food to the stomach
Describe the structure of the Esophagus
Its a hollow muscular tube.
Why is the margins so large for the esophagus when treating for cancer
because the outer structure is not well defined and does not encapsulate the tumor. i.e. it lacks serosa
Where does the esophagus start?
It begins in the lower neck around C6
Whats the relationship between the esophagus and the thrachea and the Aorta?
It is situated posterior from the Trachea and on the right side of the descending Aorta and in front of the vertebral column.
what is the crossing between the esophagus and the stomach called
GEJ/EGJ Gastro Esophageal junction:)
Name three different imaging methods for esophagus
EGD (Esophago Gastro Duodenoscopu), Barium contrast Flouroscopy & Ultrasound
Whats the name for the large collection of nerves inferior of sternum
Celiac Plexus