Thorax Flashcards
How many thoracic vertebrae are there?
what are the three major branches of the aortic arch?
brachiocephalic artery
left common carotid artery
left subclavian artery
What does the brachiocephalic artery supply?
right side of the neck and head
right side of upper limb
What does the left common carotid artery supply?
left side of head and neck
What does the left subclavian artery supply?
left upper limb
What is the branching structure of the bracheocephalic artery?
bracheocephalic branches off the arch and then further divides into the right common carotid and right subclavian
How is the mediastinum divided?
superior and inferior
line between the sternal angle and T4 vertebrae
What is the sternal angle?
transverse ridge of bone on the anterior aspect of the sternum
angle formed by the junction of the sternal body and the manubrium
Where is the sternum?
flat bone located at the anterior aspect of the thorax in the midline of the chest
What is the purpose of the sternum?
part of the bony thoracic wall
protect internal thoracic viscera
What are the three parts of the sternum?
xiphoid process
What is the jugular notch and where is it located?
superior aspect of the manubrium that is concave
What forms the sternoclavicular joints?
large fossae lined with cartilage on either side of the jugular notch that articulate with the medial ends of the clavicle
What does the sternal angle mark the location of?
the level of the 2nd costal cartilage
What four parts can the aorta be divided into?
ascending aorta
aortic arch
thoracic/descending aorta
abdominal aorta
Where is the aortic orifice?
left ventricle
What are floating ribs?
have no direct articulation to the sternum
articulate to the sternum via another costal ribs cartilage
External intercostal muscles
attach at the spine and run in between the ribs
help with forced inspiration and have a tonal role by crating a pressure barrel
Superior mediastinum
between the lungs and extends all the way to the thoracic vertebrae
contains the aortic arch, sternal angle, trachea, rib II
Inferior mediastinum
split into anterior, middle and posterior which are the areas in front of the heart, the heart itself and the area behind the heart
Where is the transthoracic plane?
border between inferior and superior mediastinum
where the trachea splits into two bronchi
Where are the semilunar valves?
between the ventricles
Where does the superior and inferior vena cava enter the heart?
right atrium
Where do the pulmonary veins enter the heart?
left atria
Chordi tendinae
lie within the ventricles and are cartilaginous, fibrous structures that are linked to papillary muscles
important role in regulating the pressure within the heart by preventing the flipping of the valves
Papillary muscles
subset of trabeculae carnae
three in right ventricle, two in left
Trabeculae carnae
ridges in the ventricles which help with conduction of the heart and stroke volume
What determines whether a heart is right or left dominant?
supply of the intraventricular artery
Left coronary artery branching
branches off into left anterior interventricular artery which goes down the front, when then curves around to become the circumflex artery
Right coronary artery branching
marginal branch which loops around the posterior
What is the fossa ovalis?
embryological remnant of the foramen ovale which is a hole in the septum of the heart from not using our lungs
closes when we take our first breath
What mediastinal structures lie in close proximity to to the left lung?
arch of aorta
thoracic aorta
What mediastinal structures lie in close proximity with the right lung?
inferior and superior vena cava
azygous vein
What lung is slightly smaller? Why is this?
left lung, due to the presence of the heart
What two fissures divide the lobes of the right lung?
Oblique fissure- runs from inferior border of the lung in a superposterior direction
Horizontal fissure- runs horizontally from the sternum at the level of the 4th rib
What is the lung hilum?
Where structures enter and leave the lung- the lung root
wedge shaped area on the mediastinal surface
What structures does each lung root contain?
pulmonary artery
two pulmonary veins
bronchial vessels
pulmonary plexus of nerves
lymphatic vessels