Thoracic Structures Flashcards
Identify this structure:
trapezius cervicis
Identify this structure:
Identify this structure:
Identify this structure:
Identify this structure:
latissimus dorsi
Identify this structure:
trapezius thoracis
Identify this structure:
superficial thoracic vein (spur vein)
Identify this structure:
subclavius muscle
Identify this structure:
deep ascending pectoral
Identify this structure:
superficial (transverse) pectoral
Identify this structure:
Superficial (descending) pectoral
Identify this structure:
serratus ventralis cervicis
Identify this structure:
serratus ventralis thoracis
Identify this structure:
rhomboideus cervicis
Identify this structure:
rhomboideus thoracis
Identify this structure:
Identify this structure:
Identify this structure:
Identify this structure:
costal arch
Identify this structure:
true ribs
Identify this structure:
false ribs
Identify 5:
cranial costal fovea
Identify 6:
caidal costal fovea
Identify 7:
spinous process
Identify 9:
costal fovea of the transverse process
Identify 10:
mamillary process
Identify 11:
cranial articular surfaces
Identify 12:
caudal articular surfaces
Identify 14:
intervertebral foramen
Identify 13:
cranial vertebral notch
Identify 14’:
caudal vertebral notch
Identify 1:
Identify 2:
Identify 3:
Identify 4:
Identify 5:
Identify 6:
costochondral junction
Identify 8:
costal cartilage
Identify this structure:
right crura
Identify this structure:
left crura
Identify this structure:
aortic hiatus
Identify this structure:
esophageal hiatus
Identify this structure:
caval foramen
Identify this structure:
lumbocostal arches
Identify this structure:
costal pleura
Identify this structure:
diaphragmatic pleura
Identify this structure:
mediastinal pleura
Identify this structure:
visceral (pulmonary) pleura
Identify this structure:
pleural cavity
Identify the red:
parietal pleura
Identify the yellow:
pleural cavity
Identify the blue:
parietal peritoneum
Identify this structure:
Identify the red:
pleural cavity
Identify this structure:
plica venae cavae
Identify this structure:
caudal vena cava
Identify this structure:
esophageal hiatus
Identify this structure:
aortic hiatus
Identify b:

cervicothoracic ganglion
Identify c:

middle cervical ganglion
Identify d:

thoracic duct
Identify e:

vagus nerve
Identify f:

intercostal artery and vein
Identify g:

phrenic nerve
Identify h:

Identify this structure:
cranial mediastinal lymph node
Identify this structure:
middle mediastinal lymph node
Identify this structure:
caudal mediastinal lymph node
Identify this structure:
cranial cranial left lung lobe
Identify this structure:
caudal cranial left lung lobe
Identify this structure:
caudal left lung lobe
Identify this structure:
cranial right lung lobe
Identify this structure:
middle right lung lobe
Identify this structure:
caudal right lung lobe
Identify this structure:
accessory right lung lobe
Identify this structure:
left tracheobronchial lymph node
Identify this structure:
middle tracheobronchial lymph node
Identify this structure:
right tracheobronchial lymph node
Identify this structure:
cardiac notch
Identify this structure:
cranial cranial left lung lobe
Identify this structure:
caudal cranial left lung lobe
Identify this structure:
caudal left lung lobe
Identify this structure:
cranial right lung lobe
Identify this structure:
tracheal bronchus
Identify this structure:
middle right lung lobe
Identify this structure:
caudal right lung lobe
Identify this structure:
accessory right lung lobe
Identify this structure:
left tracheobronchial lymph node
Identify this structure:
middle tracheobronchial lymph node
Identify this structure:
right tracheobronchial lymph node
Identify this structure:
cranial tracheobronchial lymph node
Identify this structure:
cardiac notch
Identify this structure:
cranial cranial left lung lobe
Identify this structure:
caudal cranial left lung lobe
Identify this structure:
caudal left lung lobe
Identify this structure:
cranial cranial right lung lobe
Identify this structure:
tracheal bronchus
Identify this structure:
caudal cranial right lung lobe
Identify this structure:
middle right lung lobe
Identify this structure:
caudal right lung lobe
Identify this structure:
accessory right lung lobe
Identify this structure:
left tracheobronchial lymph node
Identify this structure:
middle tracheobronchial lymph node
Identify this structure:
right tracheobronchial lymph node
Identify this structure:
cranial tracheobronchial lymph node
Identify this structure:
cardiac notch
Identify this structure:
cranial left lung lobe
Identify this structure:
caudal left lung lobe
Identify this structure:
cranial right lung lobe
Identify this structure:
caudal right lung lobe
Identify this structure:
accessory right lung lobe
Identify this structure:
left tracheobronchial lymph node
Identify this structure:
middle tracheobronchial lymph node
Identify this structure:
right tracheobronchial lymph node
Identify this structure:
cardiac notch
What structure would be right here?
What structure would be right here?
Identify this structure:
principle bronchus
Identify this structure:
trachealis muscle
Identify this structure:
trachealis muscle
Identify this structure:
mediastinal (pericardial) pleura
Identify the red:
fibrous layer of the pericardium
Identify number 5:
parietal pericardium
Identify the yellow:
pericardial cavity
Identify number 3:
visceral pericardium (epicardium)
Identify this structure:
pulmonary veins
Identify this structure:
Identify this structure:
right auricle
Identify this structure:
left article
Identify this structure (the indentation not the vessels):
coronary groove
Identify this structure (the indentation not the vessels):
paraconal interventricular groove
Identify this structure:
paraconal interventricular branch
Identify this structure:
cranial vena cava
Identify this structure:
caudal vena cava
Identify this structure (the indentation not the vessels):
subsinusoidal interventricular groove
Identify this structure:
subsinusoidal interventricular branch
Identify this structure(the indentation not the vessels):
coronary groove
Identify this structure:
cranial vena cava
Identify this structure:
caudal vena cava
Identify this structure:
intervenous tubercle
Identify this structure:
fossa ovalis
Identify this structure:
coronary sinus
Identify this structure:
right atrium
Identify this structure:
left atrium
Identify this structure:
pectinate muscles
Identify this structure:
papillary muscles
Identify this structure:
chordae tendinae
Identify this structure:
trabeculae septomarginalis
Identify this structure:
trabeculae carnae
Identify this structure:
aortic arch
Identify this structure:
aortic semilunar valves
Identify this structure:
pulmonic semilunar valves
Identify this structure:
bicuspid valve
Identify this structure:
tricuspid valve
Identify this structure:
right circumflex branch
Identify this structure:
left circumflex branch
Identify this structure:
subsinusoidal interventricular branch
In older cattle, what would this region be made out of?
Identify this structure:
Identify this structure:
pulmonary trunk
Identify 1:
aortic arch
Identify 2:
brachiocephalic trunk
Identify 3’:
right subclavian
Identify 3:
left subclavian
Identify 5:
left common carotid
Identify 5’:
right common carotid
Identify 6:
left costocervical trunk
Identify 6’:
right costocervical trunk
Identify 7:
left dorsal scapular
Identify 7’:
right dorsal scapular
Identify 10’:
right deep cervical
Identify 10:
left deep cervical
Identify 11’:
right vertebral
Identify 11:
left vertebral
Identify 12’:
right superficial cervical
Identify 12:
left superficial cervical
Identify 13’:
right internal thoracic
Identify 13:
left internal thoracic
Identify 15’:
right axillary
Identify 15:
left axillary
Identify 1:
aortic arch
Identify 2:
brachiocephalic trunk
Identify 3:
left subclavian
Identify 3’:
right subclavian
Identify 4:
bicarotid trunk
Identify 5 and 5’:
left and right carotid arteries
Identify 3’:
right subclavian
Identify 6’:
right costocervical trunk
Identify 6:
left costocervical trunk
Identify 7’:
right dorsal scapular
Identify 7:
left dorsal scapular
Identify 9’:
right supreme intercostal
Identify 9:
left supreme intercostal
Identify 10’:
right deep cervical
Identify 10:
left deep cervical
Identify 11’:
right vertebral
Identify 11:
left vertebral:
Identify 12’:
right superficial cervical
Identify 12:
left superficial cervical
Identify 13’:
right internal thoracic
Identify 13:
left internal thoracic
Identify 2:
brachiocephalic trunk
Identify 3’:
right subclavian
Identify 3:
left subclavian
Identify 4:
bicarotid trunk
Identify 5 and 5’:
right and left common carotid
Identify 6’:
right costocervical trunk
Identify 6:
left costocervical trunk
Identify 7’:
right dorsal scapular
Identify 7:
left dorsal scapular
Identify 9’:
right supreme intercostal
Identify 9:
left supreme intercostal
Identify 10’:
right deep cervical
Identify 10:
left deep cervical
Identify 11’:
right vertebral
Identify 11:
left vertebral
Identify 12’:
right superficial cervical
Identify 12:
left superficial cervical
Identify 13’:
right internal thoracic
Identify 13:
left internal thoracic
Identify 2:
brachiocephalic trunk
Identify 3’:
right subclavian
Identify 3:
left subclavian
Identify 4:
bicarotid trunk
Identify 5 and 5’:
right and left common carotid
Identify 6’:
right costocervical trunk
Identify 6:
left costocervical trunk
Identify 7’:
right dorsal scapular
Identify 7:
left dorsal scapular
Identify 9’:
right supreme intercostal
Identify 9:
left supreme intercostal
Identify 10’:
right deep cervical
Identify 10:
left deep cervical
Identify 11’:
right vertebral
Identify 11:
left vertebral
Identify 12’:
right superficial cervical
Identify 12:
left superficial cervical
Identify 13’:
right internal thoracic
Identify 13:
left internal thoracic
Identify 3:
left subclavian
Identify 8:
costocervical trunk
Identify 9:
supreme intercostal
Identify 10:
dorsal scapular
Identify 11:
deep cervical
Identify 12:
Identify 15:
superficial cervical
Identify 13:
internal thoracic
Identify 3’:
Identify 4:
left subclavian
Identify 5:
costocervical trunk
Identify 7:
supreme intercostal
Identify 6:
dorsal scapular
Identify 8:
deep cervical
Identify 9:
Identify 10:
superficial cervical
Identify 13:
internal thoracic
Identify 18:
Identify j:
right azygous
Identify k:
trachea and tracheal bronchus
Identify g:
caudal vena cava
Identify i:
right phrenic nerve
Identify h:
plica venae cavae
Identify n:
recurrent laryngeal
Identify this structure:
vagosympathetic trunk
Identify this structure:
middle cervical ganglion
Identify this structure:
ansa subclavia
Identify this structure:
cervicothoracic ganglion
Identify this structure:
vagus nerve
Identify this structure:
cardiac plexus
Identify this structure:
ventral vagal trunk
Identify this structure:
dorsal vagal trunk