Abdominal structures Flashcards
Identify this structure:
Identify this structure:
aortic hiatus
Identify this structure:
esophageal hiatus
Identify this structure:
caval foramen
Identify this structure:
pelvic inlet
Identify this structure:
spinous process
Identify this structure:
mamillary process
Identify this structure:
articular process
Identify this structure:
vertebral foramen
Identify this structure:
Identify this structure:
transverse process
Identify this structure:
ventral spine
Identify this structure:
Identify 1:
external abdominal oblique
Identify 5:
internal abdominal oblique
Identify 7:
transversus abdominis
Identify 8:
rectus abdominis
Identify the dark orange:
external abdominal oblique
Identify the red:
internal abdominal oblique
Identify the yellow:
rectus abdominis
Identify the light orange:
transversus abdominis
Identify this structure:
external inguinal ring
Identify this structure:
internal inguinal ring
Identify this structure:
accessory ligament
Identify 5:
costoabdominal nerve
Identify 6:
iliohypogastric nerve
Identify 7:
ilioinguinal nerve
Identify 8:
genitogemoral nerve
Identify 6:
lesser omentum
Identify 13:
deep leaf of the greater omentum
Identify 14:
superficial leaf of the greater omentum
Identify 11:
omental bursa
Identify this structure:
dorsal sac of the rumen
Identify this structure:
ventral sac of the rumen
Identify this structure:
deep leaf of the greater omentum
Identify this structure:
superficial leaf of the greater omentum
Identify this structure:
descending duodenum
Identify this structure:
omental bursa
Identify this structure:
Identify this structure:
dorsal sac of the rumen
Identify this structure:
ventral sac of the rumen
Identify this structure:
caudodorsal blind sac
Identify this structure:
caudoventral blind sac
Identify this structure:
left ruminoreticular groove
Identify this structure:
left cranial groove
Identify this structure:
left caudal groove
Identify this structure:
left longitudinal groove
Identify this structure:
left dorsal coronary groove
Identify this structure:
left ventral coronary groove
What structure would be right here?
Identify this structure:
Identify this structure:
Identify this structure:
Identify this structure:
Identify this structure:
right cranial groove
Identify this structure:
right caudal groove
Identify this structure:
right accessory groove
Identify this structure:
right longitudinal groove
Identify this structure:
right dorsal coronary groove
Identify this structure:
right ventral coronary groove
Identify this structure:
ruminal island
Identify this structure:
right cranial pillar
Identify this structure:
cranial sac
Identify this structure:
reticular fold
Identify this structure:
reticular groove
Identify this structure:
Identify this structure:
ventral sac of the rumen
Identify this structure:
dorsal sac of the rumen
Identify this structure:
right longitudinal pillar
Identify this structure:
right accessory pillar
Identify this structure:
ruminal island
Identify this structure:
right dorsal coronary pillar
Identify this structure:
left ventral coronary pillar
Identify this structure:
caudodorsal blind sac
Identify this structure:
caudoventral blind sac
Identify this structure:
right caudal pillar
Identify this structure:
Identify this structure:
reticular groove
Identify this structure:
Identify this structure:
Identify this structure:
Identify this structure:
reticulo-omasal opening
Identify this structure:
omaso-abomasal opening
Identify this structure:
pyloric torus
Identify this structure:
spiral folds
Identify this structure:
Identify this structure:
Identify this structure:
Identify this structure:
Identify this structure:
Identify this structure:
Identify this structure:
proximal loop of the ascending colon
Identify this structure:
centripetal turn of the ascending colon
Identify this structure:
centrifugal turn of the ascending colon
Identify this structure:
central flexure of the ascending colon
Identify this structure:
distal loop of the ascending colon
Identify this structure:
caudal flexure of the duodenum
Identify this structure:
Identify this structure:
cecocolic junction
Identify this structure:
transverse colon
Identify this structure:
descending colon
Identify this structure:
descending duodenum
Identify this structure:
lesser omentum
Identify this structure:
greater omentum
Identify this structure:
Identify this structure:
proximal loop of the ascending colon
Identify this structure:
distal loop of the ascending colon
Identify this structure:
descending duodenum
Identify this structure:
Identify this structure:
Identify this structure:
margo plicatus
Identify this structure:
pyloric portion
Identify this structure:
Identify this structure:
Identify this structure:
right ventral ascending colon
Identify this structure:
sternal flexure
Identify this structure:
left ventral ascending colon
Identify this structure:
pelvic flexure
Identify this structure:
left dorsal ascending colon
Identify this structure:
diaphragmatic flexure
Identify this structure:
right dorsal ascending colon
Identify this structure:
transverse colon
Identify this structure:
descending colon
Identify this structure:
retroperitineal fixation
Identify this structure:
left ventral ascending colon
Identify this structure:
pelvic flexure
Identify this structure:
left dorsal ascending colon
Identify this structure:
descending colon
Identify this structure:
Identify this structure:
right ventral colon
Identify this structure:
Identify this structure:
ileal opening
Identify this structure:
cecocolic opening
Identify this structure:
body of the cecum
Identify this structure:
apex of the cecum
Identify this structure:
base of the cecum
What structure would be right here?
retroperitineal fixation
Identify this structure:
antimesenteric free band
Identify this structure:
descending colon
Identify this structure:
mesocolic taenia
Identify this structure:
Identify this structure:
mesocolic taenia
Identify this structure:
left dorsal colon
Identify this structure:
lateral mesocolic taenia
Identify this structure:
Left ventral colon
Identify this structure:
medial mesocolic taenia
Identify this structure:
lateral free taenia
Identify this structure:
medial free taenia
Identify this structure:
medial caecal taenia
Identify this structure:
ventral caecal taenia
Identify this structure:
lateral caecal taenia
Identify this structure:
dorsal caecal taenia
Identify this structure:
caecocolic fold
Identify this structure:
ileocaecal fold
Identify this structure:
lateral free taenia
Identify this structure:
medial free taenia
Identify this structure:
medial mesocolic taenia
Identify this structure:
lateral mesocolic taenia
Identify this structure:
right dorsal colon
Identify this structure:
lateral free taenia
Identify this structure:
medial free taenia
Identify this structure:
descending duodenum
Identify this structure:
cecal base
Identify this structure:
cecal body
Identify this structure:
right ventral ascending colon
Identify this structure:
right dorsal ascending colon
Identify this structure:
Identify this structure:
Identify this structure:
Identify this structure:
Identify this structure:
left ventral ascending colon
Identify this structure:
left dorsal ascending colon
Identify this structure:
Identify this structure:
pelvic flexure
Identify this structure:
descending colon
Identify this structure:
cecal apex
Identify this structure:
right ventral ascending colon
Identify this structure:
left ventral ascending colon
Identify this structure:
Identify this structure:
descending colon
Identify this structure:
xyphoid cartilage
Identify 1:
urinary bladder
Identify 2:
vaginal rings
Identify 3:
pelvic flexure
Identify 4:
Identify 5:
left kidney
Identify 6:
mesenteric root
Identify 7:
Identify 8:
descending colon
Identify 9:
Identify this structure:
gastric diverticulum
Identify this structure:
nonglandular part
Identify this structure:
pyloric torus
Identify this structure:
Identify this structure:
Identify this structure:
centripetal turn of the ascending colon
Identify this structure:
centrifugal turn of the ascending colon
Identify this structure:
central flexure of the ascending colon
Identify this structure:
Identify this structure:
transverse colon
Identify this structure:
descending colon
Identify this structure:
descending duodenum
Identify this structure:
Identify this structure:
Identify this structure:
Identify this structure:
Identify this structure:
Identify this structure:
left liver lobe
Identify this structure:
round ligament
Identify this structure:
papillary process of the caudate lobe
Identify this structure:
caudate process of the caudate lobe
Identify this structure:
gall bladder
Identify this structure:
quadrate lobe
Identify this structure:
caudal vena cava
Identify this structure:
left lateral liver lobe
Identify this structure:
left medial liver lobe
Identify this structure:
quadrate lobe
Identify this structure:
caudate liver lobe
Identify this structure:
left lateral liver lobe
Identify this structure:
left medial liver lobe
Identify this structure:
right liver lobe
Identify this structure:
caudate liver lobe
Identify this structure:
round falciform ligament
Identify this structure:
coronary ligament
Identify this structure:
triangular ligament
Identify this structure:
lesser omentum ligament
Identify this structure:
Identify this structure:
body of the pancreas
Identify this structure:
left lobe of the pancreas
Identify this structure:
right lobe of the pancreas
Identify this structure:
anulus pancreatis
Identify this structure:
left lobe of the pancreas
Identify this structure:
right lobe of the pancreas
Identify this structure:
body of the pancreas
Identify this structure:
incisura pancreatis
Identify this structure:
anulus pancreatis
Identify this structure:
left lobe of the pancreas
Identify this structure:
right lobe of the pancreas
Identify this structure:
body of the pancreas
Identify this structure:
incisura pancreatis
Identify this structure:
body of the pancreas
Identify this structure:
left lobe of the pancreas
Identify this structure:
right lobe of the pancreas
Identify this structure:
splenic artery
Identify this structure:
left gastric artery
Identify this structure:
hepatic artery
Identify this structure:
left gastroepiploic artery
Identify this structure:
right gastroepiploic artery
Identify this structure:
cranial pancreoduodenal artery
Identify this structure:
gastroduodenal artery
Identify this structure:
right gastric artery
Identify this structure:
splenic artery
Identify this structure:
left gastric
Identify this structure:
hepatic artery
Identify this structure:
left gastroepiploic artery
Identify this structure:
right ruminal artery
Identify this structure:
left ruminal artery
Identify this structure:
left dorsal coronary artery
Identify this structure:
right dorsal coronary artery
Identify this structure:
left ventral coronary artery
Identify this structure:
right ventral coronary artery
What supplies the structures in light green?
colic branch
What supplies the structures in the dark green?
right colic artery
Identify this structure:
cranial mesenteric artery
What supplies the structures in light green?
colic branch
What supplies the structures in the dark green?
right colic artery
What supplies the structures in light green?
colic branch
What supplies the structures in the dark green?
right colic artery
Identify this structure:
caudal mesenteric artery
Identify this structure:
left colic artery
Identify this structure:
cranial rectal