Hoof Flashcards
Identify this structure:
Identify this structure:
Identify this structure:
nuvicular bone
Identify this structure:
digital cushion
Identify this structure:
articular cartilage
Identify this structure:
nuvicular bursa
Identify this structure:
abaxial coronary plexus
Identify this structure:
palmar/plantar axial plexus
Identify this structure:
collateral cartilage
Identify this structure:
digital cushion
Identify this structure:
perioplic corium
Identify this structure:
coronary corium
Identify this structure:
laminar corium
Identify this structure:
solar corium
Identify this structure:
perioplic sulcus
Identify this structure:
coronary sulcus
Identify this structure:
stratum medium
Identify this structure:
epidermal laminae of stratum internum
Identify this structure:
internal surface of the sole
Identify this structure:
frog stay
Identify this structure:
corium of the frog
Identify this structure:
epidermal layer
Identify this structure:
dermal layer
Identify this structure: