Thoracic Limb Flashcards
Identify this structure:
supraspinatus fossa
Identify this structure:
infraspinatus fossa
Identify this structure:
tuberosity of the scapular spine
Identify this structure:
supraglenoid tubercle
Identify this structure:
Identify this structure:
cartilaginous part of the scapula
Identify this structure:
scapular spine
Identify this structure:
teres major tuberosity
Identify this structure:
intratrabecular tubercle
Identify this structure:
deltoid tuberosity
Identify this structure:
greater tubercle - cranial part
Identify this structure:
greater tubercle - caudal part
Identify this structure:
lesser tubercle - cranial part
Identify this structure:
lesser tubercle - caudal part
Identify this structure:
olecranon fossa
Identify this structure:
condyle of the trochlea
Identify this structure:
radial fossa
Identify this structure:
Identify this structure:
Identify this structure:
proximal interosseous space
Identify this structure:
distal interosseous space
Identify this structure:
olecranon and olecranon tuberosity
Identify this structure:
anconeal process
Identify this structure:
lateral styloid process
Identify this structure:
radial tuberosity
Identify this structure:
medial cornonoid process
Identify this structure:
lateral coronoid process
Identify this structure:
radial carpal bone
Identify this structure:
intermediate carpal bone
Identify this structure:
ulnar carpal bone
Identify this structure:
accessory carpal bone
Identify this structure:
first carpal bone
Identify this structure:
second carpal bone
Identify this structure:
third carpal bone
Identify this structure:
fourth carpal bone
Identify this structure:
ray two
Identify this structure:
ray three
Identify this structure:
ray four
Identify this structure:
ray five
Identify this structure:
accessory carpal bone
Identify this structure:
radial carpal bone
Identify this structure:
intermediate carpal bone
Identify this structure:
ulnar carpal bone
Identify this structure:
fused second and third carpal bone
Identify this structure:
fourth carpal bone
Identify this structure:
ray three
Identify this structure:
ray four
Identify this structure:
remnant of ray five
Identify this structure:
radial carpal bone
Identify this structure:
intermediate carpal bone
Identify this structure:
ulnar carpal bone
Identify this structure:
accessory carpal bone
Identify this structure:
second carpal bone
Identify this structure:
third carpal bone
Identify this structure:
fourth carpal bone
Identify this structure:
second metacarpal bone
Identify this structure:
third metacarpal bone
Identify this structure:
fourth metacarpal bone
Identify this structure:
scapular cartilage
Identify this structure:
infraspinatus muscle
Identify this structure:
subclavian muscle
Identify this structure:
supraspinatus muscle
Identify this structure:
deltoid muscle
Identify this structure:
subtendinous bursa
Identify this structure:
minor teres muscle
Identify this structure:
biceps brachii
Identify this structure:
long head of triceps
Identify this structure:
lateral head of triceps
Identify this structure:
Identify this structure:
subscapular muscle
Identify this structure:
latissimus dorsi
Identify this structure:
subclavian muscle
Identify this structure:
supraspinatus muscle
Identify this structure:
major teres muscle
Identify this structure:
deep pectoral muscle
Identify this structure:
coracobrachial muscle
Identify this structure:
medial head of triceps
Identify this structure:
long head of triceps
Identify this structure:
biceps muscle
Identify this structure:
brachial muscle
Identify this structure:
extensor carpi radialis
Identify this structure:
common digital extensor
Identify this structure:
lateral digital extensor
Identify this structure:
extensor carpi ulnaris
Identify this structure:
superficial digital flexor tendon
Identify this structure:
extensor carpi radialis
Identify this structure:
common digital extensor
Identify this structure:
lateral digital extensor
Identify this structure:
extensor carpi ulnaris
Identify this structure:
extensor carpi radialis
Identify this structure:
common digital extensor
Identify this structure:
lateral digital extensor
Identify this structure:
extensor carpi ulnaris
Identify this structure:
long head of triceps
Identify this structure:
lateral head of triceps
Identify this structure:
flexor carpi ulnaris
Identify this structure:
deep digital flexor
Identify this structure:
extensor carpi ulnaris
Identify this structure:
common digital extensor
Identify this structure:
extensor carpi radialis
Identify this structure:
Identify this structure:
superficial digital flexor tendon
Identify this structure:
extensor branch of the interosseus
Identify this structure:
long superficial branch of medial collateral ligament
Identify this structure:
proximal branch of medial collateral ligament
Identify this structure:
distal branch of medial collateral ligament
Identify this structure:
antebrachio carpal joint
Identify this structure:
middle carpal joint
Identify this structure:
carpometacarpal joint
Identify this structure:
accessory ulnar ligament
Identify this structure:
accessory carpoulnar ligament
Identify this structure:
lateral carpal collateral ligament
Identify this structure:
lateral collateral ligament
Identify this structure:
short medial collateral ligament
Identify this structure:
long medial collateral ligament
Identify this structure:
interosseus membrane of forearm
Identify this structure:
intertubercular bursa
Identify this structure:
transverse humeral ligament
Identify this structure:
suprascapular artery
Identify this structure:
axillary artery
Identify this structure:
thoracodorsal artery
Identify this structure:
caudal circumflex humeral artery
Identify this structure:
subscapular artery
Identify this structure:
deep brachial artery
Identify this structure:
cranial circumflex humeral artery
Identify this structure:
brachial artery
Identify this structure:
collateral radial artery
Identify this structure:
transverse cubital artery
Identify this structure:
collateral ulnar artery
Identify this structure:
common interosseous artery
Identify this structure:
median artery
Identify this structure:
radial artery
Identify this structure:
dorsal metacarpal artery II
Identify this structure:
dorsal metacarpal artery III
Identify this structure:
median artery
Identify this structure:
collateral ulnar artery
Identify this structure:
proximal radial artery
Identify this structure:
dorsal carpal branch of proximal radial
Identify this structure:
radial artery
Identify this structure:
palmar branch of median
Identify this structure:
proximal deep palmar arch
Identify this structure:
medial palmar metacarpal
Identify this structure:
lateral palmar metacarpal
Identify this structure:
medial palmar
Identify this structure:
lateral palmar
Identify this structure:
medial palmar digital III
Identify this structure:
lateral palmar digital III
Identify this structure:
cranial superficial antebrachial
Identify this structure:
cranial interosseous
Identify this structure:
dorsal carpal branch of the collateral ulnar
Identify this structure:
dorsal carpal branch of the radial
Identify this structure:
dorsal metacarpal III
Identify this structure:
proximal perforating branch
Identify this structure:
distal perforating branch
Identify this structure:
Identify this structure:
collateral ulnar
Identify this structure:
palmar branch of the cranial interosseous
Identify this structure:
median artery
Identify this structure:
Identify this structure:
superficial branch of collateral ulnar
Identify this structure:
superficial branch of radial
Identify this structure:
palmar metacarpal II
Identify this structure:
palmar metacarpal III
Identify this structure:
palmar metacarpal IV
Identify this structure:
palmar common digital II
Identify this structure:
palmar common digital III
Identify this structure:
palmar common digital IV
Identify this structure:
axial palmar proper digital
Identify this structure:
abaxial palmar proper digital
Identify this structure:
suprascapular nerve
Identify this structure:
median nerve
Identify this structure:
musculocutaneous nerve
Identify this structure:
axillary artery
Identify this structure:
proximal branch of the musculocutaneous nerve
Identify this structure:
cranial pectoral nerve
Identify this structure:
distal branch of the musculocutaneous nerve
Identify this structure:
thoracodorsal nerve
Identify this structure:
axillary nerve
Identify this structure:
ulnar nerve
Identify this structure:
dorsal branch of the ulnar
Identify this structure:
medial cutaneous antebrachial
Identify this structure:
Identify this structure:
Identify this structure:
dorsal branch of the ulnar
Identify this structure:
palmar branch of the ulnar
Identify this structure:
deep branch of the ulnar
Identify this structure:
medial palmar metacarpal
Identify this structure:
lateral palmar metacarpal
Identify this structure:
medial palmar
Identify this structure:
lateral palmar
Identify this structure:
communicating branch
Identify this structure:
medial palmar digital
Identify this structure:
lateral palmar digital
Identify this structure:
medial palmar
Identify this structure:
communicating branch
Identify this structure:
lateral palmar
Identify this structure:
dorsal branch of the ulnar
Identify this structure:
raidal superficial branch