Thoracic/Shoulder Orthos Flashcards
Adam’s position
If scoliosis is present standing but reduces when patient flexes forward—functional
If scoliosis is present standing but does not reduce when patient flexes forward—structural
Chest expansion
Normal chest expansion in men is 2+ inches and in women is 1+ inches
A decrease in chest expansion indicates an ankylosing condition
Normally the contralateral musculature demonstrates tightness
Patients with ankylosing spondylitis will demonstrate ipsilateral tightening of paraspinal muscles
Schepelmann’s Sign
Pain created on concavity —suspect intercostal neuritis
Pain created on convexity —suspect intercostal myofascitis
Rib Compression
A-P: pain indicates fracture, contusion, or costochondral separation
Lateral: pain indicates fracture
Sternal Compression
Localized pain along the lateral border of the ribs indicates fracture
Inability to touch opposite shoulder or unable to lower arm to chest indicates anterior dislocation of humerus
Apley’s scratch test
Exacerbation of pain in the shoulder indicates degenerative tendinitis of the rotator cuff usually supraspinatus tendon
Subacromial push button
An increase in pain indicating a subacromial bursitis
Dawbarn’s sign
Decrease in tenderness or pain indicating subacromial bursitis
Apprehension test
Pain over anterior capsule + look of apprehension on patient’s face or laxity compared to the other side indicates anterior dislocation trauma of the humerus
Relocation test (if apprehension is +)
If patient experiences relief of symptoms that manifested during the apprehension test it indicates anterior instability
If no change in pain—another cause
Sulcus sign
Sulcus or dimpling appearing superior to humeral head/inferior to lateral acromion indicates multidirectional instability
Load & Shift (shoulder drawer test)
Increased movement and/or popping grinding or slapping indicates instability of glenohumeral joint and possible labrum damage
Arm drop test (Codman’s test)
Pain and hunching of shoulder indicating rotator cuff tear or rupture of the supraspinatus tendon
Empty can
Weakness or pain indicates a lesion of the supraspinatus muscle or tendon
Lift off test
Weakness and or pain indicates a lesion of the subscapularis muscle or tendon
Pain or tenderness over bicipital tendon and the transverse humeral ligament. Indicative of tenosynovitis of the humeral ligament, inflammation of the biceps tendon, or tendinitis. If popping occurs, suspect laxity of transverse humeral ligament or congenital shallow bicipital groove
Clicking or clunking with or without pain indicates labrum tear
Clicking without or without pain indicates labrum tear
O’Brien’s sign
If the patient experiences deep pain in the shoulder with internal rotation which is reduced or eliminated with external rotation it indicates a torn glenoid labrum
Pain in the anterior glenohumeral joint is indicative of rotator cuff tendinitis and possible impingement of supraspinatus
Neer’s test
Pain in the anterior glenohumeral joint is indicative of rotator cuff tendonitis
Impingement relief
Decrease in pain or alleviation indicates mechanical impingement under the acromion