foot/ankle ortho tests Flashcards
squeeze test
deep pain indicated injury to syndesmosis (post ankle sprain)
anterior drawer test of ankle
anterior movement of the calcaneus compared with other side indicates anterior talofibular ligament laxity
morton’s test
sharp pain in the forefoot indicating metatarsalgia or neuroma
strunksky’s sign
pain in the transverse arch of the foot indicates metatarsalgia
Homan’s sign
deep pain in the posterior leg or calf indicates thrombophlebitis
metatarsal tap
pain indicates metatarsalgia
tinel’s foot sign
paresthesia radiating to the foot or tingling indicates irritation to the tibial nerve possibly in the tarsal tunnel or tarsal tunnel syndrome
inversion stress ankle (lateral stability test)
increased inversion compared with other side indicates anterior talofibular and/or calcaneofibular ligament tear
eversion stress ankle (medial stability test)
increased eversion compared with other side indicates a tear of the deltoid ligament
thompson’s test
foot does not plantar flex indicating achilles tendon rupture
achilles tap test
pain and loss of plantarflexion indicates rupture of the achilles tendon
Hoffa test (hoffa sign)
achilles tendon is less taught, palpates loose fragments, and the foot is in a dorsiflexed position of the affected side is a significant indication for a fractured calcaneus