third exam ID definitions Flashcards
in power for Germany from1933 (to1945)
w/o a world economic crisis no Hitler
he re-armed Germany, public works projects
he came up with radical and attractive solutions which the public supported
he was depicted solely within his uniforms
“scientific racism” = nationalism
in charge of the genocide that happened
an era
so when 1938 Czechoslovakia sold out the west
this was appeasing Germany
Winston Churchill was against this concept
Nazi antisemitism
anti-jew laws from 1933
Genocide of Jewish people by Nazis
Auschwitz was A LARGE death camp
all of these camps were on polish soil
SIX million jews perished
Weimar Republic
democratic state ( 1918-1933)
was unstable politically
- on right :conservative
- on left: communist
operation Barbarossa
Nazi invasion of USSR launched 21-22 June 1941
late 1941
germans were deep within USSR
(germans and soviet union were allies until this)
a town in Asia that faced the atomic bomb sent by the USA (in japan)
it was on august 15 1945 when japan surrendered after the bombings
the bomb that was dropped was on august 6th of 1945 in this town
replaced Stalin in 1956
embarks on policies of economic and political liberation
he was the cause of the Cuban Missile crisis in 1962
“eased” out of office by Leonid Brezhnev in 1963
MAD craziness is this.
the easing of hostility or strained relations, especially between countries:
Berlin Wall
1961 the west developed economically
thousands of Easterns traveled to west b/c of this every week
the “brain drain” of this ended with the building of the wall
this was a split of Germany (west/east)
Marshal plan
European recovery program
the united states provided financial aid to help rebuild after the second war
northern Atlantic treaty organization
provide collective security against the threat the the soviet union
military pact of western Europe to prevent soviet aggression 1949
mutually assured destruction,
this balance of terror
resulted from the arms race
military leader
threatens Israel (hero of decolonization world/Arab world)
not religious
Arab nationalist
used modern tech to spread his word (radio)
1956 huge triumph
Algerian War
Algeria was considered a French territory.
1954 guerilla war against France
France pulls out 1962
(forced out by violence)
pride in African culture+tradition
critical literacy theory movement
Kauane NKrumah
“conventioan peoples party”
first prime minister of Ghana
Helped lead Ghana to indepedence
privileged white supremice : other minority established in 1944 (keep white privilege away from African minority)
Boors: everything divided
economic self sufficiency
reject British rule and product
he unified both (muslim and hindu) INDIA
murdered by a Hindu fanatic 1948
a movement for (originally) the re-establishment and (now) the development and protection of a Jewish nation in what is now Israel. It was established as a political organization in 1897 under Theodor Herzl, and was later led by Chaim Weizmann
Mexican revolution
at the end of Diaz regime
new mexican constitution in 1917
“new mexican culture” had three factors
Lazaro Cardenas
mexican army leader and president form 1934-1940
elected late 1930s
made land reforms take place by confiscating large estates
nationalized oil industry - this caused friction with the USA
“party of Instiutional Revolution”
1920-to present
patronage network
monopolizing press and media
cooperate or neutralize rivals
Juan Peron
president of argintina from 1946 until the coup
founder of the Peronist movemnet
“caudillo” late 1940s
wife was Evita the saint
1955 coup against him
Fidel Castro
leader of cuba from 1959-2008
he was a cuban revolutionary
transformed his country into the first communist state in the western hemisphere
of middle-class family - left wing ideology
came to power in 1959
castro was popular first
he caused positive and negative outcomes
Mao Zedong
leader - BIG MAN
son of well-off peasants
in 1927 communists defeated by guomindang
1927 to early 1940s- communists “underground”
communist victory 1949
allowed the cultural revolution to take place
eventually stopped this movement due to the breakdown in society in 1968
he died in 1976
Sun Yat-Sen
China in 1917 advocated unification
Liberal nationalist- dies young
leads uprising 1911/1912 (china president)
end the qing dynasty
“three principles of the People”
- nationalism
- people’s livelihood
Chinese nationalist party
Chiang Kai-shek -leader of party
he defeats warlords; then turns against communist
at this time 1920s-1930s they had no strong central power in China
“great Leap forward”
Moa Zedong
economic program
in china
desire to industrialize china
lacks - capital- tech education
solution= calls for millions of small-scale factories
it was a disaster
“cultural revolution”
late 1960s
Maoist campaign against “old order”
against Intellectuals, history, ancient Chinese art
education stops for several years -> chaos
this caused a threat of total breakdown
Mao calls off the cultural revolution in 1968
Deng Xiaoping
China military commander, revolutionary leader (communist)
he was an economic liberalization
political status quo
pragmatism: get rich-but keep quite
Catholic Reformation
16th-early 17th centrury
“counter reformation” as protestants referred to it
had a council placed in Trent to heal breach of reformation
DID NOT HEAL but did reform the catholic church
also had the Society of Jesus or Jesuits aimed to use education to bring protestant to catholic church
Tokugawa Shogunate
established by Tokugawa Levasu after civil wars of the Sengoku period
military government (1603-1868)
qing dynasty
Emporor Kanxi (1654-1722)
Examenation system (scholar-gentry)
DECLINE? internal corruption (cheating the exams…) Bandits, breakdown in public order, population increased 400mill ca.1800
peter the great
(1672-1725) reigned from 1682-1725
freakishly tall, intelligent, impatient, NOT well educated
Goal: make Russia European
Made Russian an European Power, brought European culture and technology to Russia as well as suffering to his people, tax burden, hungry peasants ect.
spanish-american war
april-august 1898
Americans concern over Spanish treatment of Cuba
results in independence of Cuba
“power was lying on the street, we merely stooped to pick it up”
demands to end the war
during the 1917 revolution he was released and returned to Petrograd
he was considered an intellectual, writer, leader of party, Bolshoviks founder of this socialist party
before he died he finally realized that Stalin was a threat, 1924
Ottoman Empire
14th to 20th century “longest”
historical ties found in Istabul today
Mechnet II “faith” ( 1432-1481)
Suleyman “the magnificent” (1520-1566)
3 main battles- Battle of Kossavo
Taking constintople
siege of vienna
Ho Chi Minh
vietnamese communist leader
he declare the nations independence in 1945
first leader of the nationalist movement
(Viet Minh)
Viet Minh
Vietnamese political party
formed may 1941
they seeked the Vietnamese independence
formed by ho chi minh
Ayotollah Khomeini
he was an Iranian political and religious leader
he was for “Islamic Republic”
after the fall of shah he returned in 1979
his ideology was towards the rejection of modern secular state and he believed that the USA= ‘Great Satan’
“Domino Theory”
if the vietnam “goes red” other dominoes will fall
this was during the cold war
fundamentalist islamic government
seen in afghanistan
came to power after the soviet union occupied Afghanistan this group waged a war in 1979
Mikhail S grobachev
born in 1931
he became general seeecretay of CPSU (communist party of the soviet union) in 1985
spent whole lif in communist party
he faced many conservative obstacles
reforming one-party gov+economy
not towards multiparty gov or capitalism
this was Gorbachevs program
Soviet union- mid 1980s
Vaclar Havel
czeh statesman: ex-dissident
last prisident of czech from 1989-92
then president of czech republic until 03
this was the first non-governmental union in the eastern bloc
tried to avoid challenging the gov. directly
first sign of the ‘begining of the end’-> solidarity in Poland early 1980s ( opposition to communist regime)
warsaw pact
this was a military pact facing NATO
set up in 1955
communist states of Europe under Soviet influence
Palestine liberation organization
not religious
set up to demand a state Palestine for an arab nation
found in 1964
one remaining super power (USA)
china is on the rise
cultural: English language, creates new versions of old US artifacts, not only Americans; Korean boy bands plus Kareoke
economically: McDonalds, Pepsi, Essos
the process of interaction and integration among people, companies, and governments worldwide
the ‘logic’ of terror- Hitler is a good example
this principle was one that led to people being less likely to express anit-government ideals
September 11, 2001= state-sponsored terrorism
spring of 1986
a nuclear power plant melted down in the soviet union
Finland had picked up the radiation waves
it was found on the border of Beleruse
killed many people from both radiation initially & after a while
Gorbachev reaction was that nothing was wrong at first.
this meltdown caused mass hesteria around Europe
they stoped the meltdown by dumping dirt on the top of it
this made the appeal of nuclear powerplants decline seriously
this was a disaster in INDIA
chemical plant accident in 1984
killed millions from the spewed poisonous gass
Aral Sea
this was once a large body of water but one that shrunk into a few small ponds
because the rivers being diverted into different areas to feed into the cotton plants, Soviet Union went towards
located in Central Asia
this was a great example of how Soviet Union destroyed the environment
shrunk in 1960s
a common currency within the EU (European Union)
this was in 1999
Polland has not accepted this currency